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201KW000201n読人不知秋のゝに/道もまとひぬ/松虫の/こゑするかたに/やとやからまし@I have lost my way / amid the fields of autumn-- / could I find shelter / over there where the lonely / waiting pine cricket calls out /
202KW000202n読人不知あきのゝに/人まつ虫の/こゑすなり/われかとゆきて/いさとふらはん@in the autumn fields / I listen to the crying / of the pine cricket / as it calls across the plains-- / shall I see if it summons me /
203KW000203n読人不知もみちはの/散てつもれる/我宿に/たれを松虫/こゝらなくらむ@out in my garden / where the autumn leaves pile high-- / I wonder for whom / the lonely pining cricket / waits calling so piercingly /
204KW000204n読人不知ひくらしの/鳴つるなへに/日はくれぬと/思ふは山の/かけにそ有ける@I thought the sun set / as the twilight cricket shrilled / but I was quite wrong / for in reality it / was only the mountain's shade /
205KW000205n読人不知日くらしの/なく山里の/夕暮は/風よりほかに/とふ人もなし@in the evening in / the mountain village where the / twilight cricket cries / there comes not one visitor / save the chilly autumn wind /
206KW000206m元方待人に/あらぬ物から/はつ鴈の/けさなくこゑの/めつらしき哉@they are not the one / I await yet delightful / are the calls of the / first wild geese whose cries I hear / this early autumn morning /
207KW000207m友則秋風に/初鴈かねそ/きこゆなる/たか玉章を/かけてきつらん@I hear the cries of / the first wild geese of the year / carried on the autumn / wind whose messages are these / that the geese carry to me /
208KW000208n読人不知わか門に/いなおほせとりの/鳴なへに/けさ吹風に/かりはきにけり@the wild geese have come / back with the first autumn winds / their voices blend with / the chirping of the field birds / at my gate this fall morning /
209KW000209n読人不知いとはやも/なきぬるかりか/白露の/色とる木々も/紅葉あへなくに@how early are the / cries of the wild geese this fall-- / the multicolored / foliage tinted by white / dew cannot yet compete /
210KW000210n読人不知春霞/かすみていにし/かりかねは/今そ鳴なる/秋霧の上に@the voices of the / wild geese that were swallowed up / by the mists of spring / have returned to penetrate / the autumn haze and sound again /
211KW000211m@読人不知/人麿夜をさむみ/衣かり金/なくなへに/萩の下葉も/うつろひにけり@the night is chilly / and I borrow a robe for warmth / as the wild geese call / even the lower boughs of / the bush clover are autumn tinged /
212KW000212m菅根秋風に/こゑをほにあけて/くる船は/あまのとわたる/鴈にそ有ける@in the autumn wind / with the creaking of wooden / oars the ships near shore-- / it is the wild geese who cry / as they cross the night's heavens /
213KW000213m躬恒うきことを/思ひつらねて/鴈かねの/鳴こそわたれ/秋のよな〈よな〉@I continue to / lament my life's miseries / night after fall night / the wild geese cry out as they / fly across celestial plains /
214KW000214m忠岑山里は/秋こそことに/わひしけれ/しかのなくねに/めをさましつゝ@here in this mountain / village autumn brings special / misery all through / the night the sound of the / belling deer awakens me /
215KW000215n読人不知おく山に/紅葉ふみ分/鳴鹿の/こゑきく時そ/秋はかなしき@treading through the / autumn leaves in the deepest / mountains I hear the / belling of the lonely deer-- / then it is that autumn is sad /
216KW000216n読人不知秋はきに/うらひれをれは/足曵の/山したとよみ/鹿のなくらん@gazing disconsolate / at autumn-hued bush clover-- / the sad cry of the / lonely buck echoes at the / foot of the endless mountains /
217KW000217n読人不知秋萩を/しからみふせて/なく鹿の/めには見えすて/をとのさやけさ@the belling deer that / tramples autumn bush clover / is invisible / to my searching eyes but so / vivid to my attentive ears /
218KW000218m敏行秋萩の/花さきにけり/高砂の/おのへの鹿は/いまや鳴らん@autumn bush clover / has put forth its white blossoms-- / now will the buck high / on the peak of Takasago / Mountain cry out for his mate /
219KW000219m躬恒秋はきの/ふるえにさける/花みれは/もとの心は/わすれさりけり@when I see the blooms / of the autumn bush clover / on last year's boughs / I feel that it remembers-- / it is faithful to the past /
220KW000220n読人不知あき萩の/下葉色つく/今よりや/ひとりある人の/いねかてにする@the lower leaves of / the autumn bush clover are / changing their colors-- / now will they begin those long / lonely nights of sleeplessness /
221KW000221n読人不知鳴わたる/鴈の涙や/おちつらん/物思ふやとの/萩の上の露@are these tears shed by / the wild geese who rend the sky / with cries these dew drops / fallen on the bush clover / by my melancholy house /
222KW000222m@読人不知/平城天皇萩の露/玉にぬかんと/とれはけぬ/よしみむ人は/枝なからみよ@bush clover's dew drops / disappeared as I tried to / string them as jewels-- / those who would admire them-- / do so while they're on the branch /
223KW000223n読人不知おりてみは/おちそしぬへき/秋萩の/*枝もたわゝに/をける白露/*4枝もとをゝにイ@if I tried to pluck / the branches on which they rest / they would fall to earth-- / the boughs of bush clover bend / under this load of dew drops /
224KW000224n読人不知萩か花/ちるらんをのゝ/露しもに/ぬれてをゆかん/さよはふくとも@through the fields where the / white bush clover blossoms fall / dampened by / frost and dew I will travel / though the dark night may grow late /
225KW000225m朝康秋の野に/をく白露は/玉なれや/つらぬきかくる/くものいとすち@are they all jewels-- / those droplets of white dew beads / that have fallen on / the autumn fields to be strung / on the threads of spider webs /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $