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151KW000151n読人不知今さらに/山へかへるな/郭公/聲のかきりは/我宿になけ@oh sweet nightingale / do not return to your home / in faraway hills-- / as long as you can sing please / remain here in my garden /
152KW000152f三国町やよやまて/山時鳥/ことつてん/我世中に/すみわひぬとよ@oh wait now I cry / mountain nightingale I have / a message to send-- / tell them I weary of this / world of sorrow where we live /
153KW000153m友則さみたれに/物思ひをれは/時鳥/夜ふかく鳴て/いつち行らん@as I sit brooding / in the midsummer rains a / nightingale's cry / pierces the deepening night-- / where can he be going /
154KW000154m友則よやくらき/道やまとへる/郭公/我宿をしも/過かてになく@is the night too dark / or has he wandered astray / lonely nightingale / crying as he circles the / somber sky above my house /
155KW000155m千里やとりせし/花橘も/かれなくに/なと時鳥/聲たえぬらん@the mandarin orange / in which you spent the night still / blooms in unfaded / glory why then nightingale / do we no longer hear your song /
156KW000156m貫之夏の夜の/ふすかとすれは/郭公/鳴一こゑに/あくるしのゝめ@on a summer night / the first thought of sleep is pierced / by the brief song of / the nightingale summoning / the first light the break of day /
157KW000157m忠岑くるゝかと/みれはあけぬる/夏の夜を/あかすとやなく/山郭公@we watch the darkness / gather then suddenly dawn / breaks these summer nights / the nightingale's shrill cries / must come from disappointment /
158KW000158m秋岑夏山に/戀しき人や/いりにけん/こゑふりたてゝ/なく郭公@has the one you love / left for a summer retreat / in distant mountains / oh nightingale is that why / you raise your sorrowful cries /
159KW000159n読人不知こその夏/鳴ふるしてし/時鳥/それかあらぬか/聲のかはらぬ@is this the same one / the same mountain nightingale / who sang to us so / prodigally last summer-- / the lonely voice has not changed /
160KW000160m貫之五月雨の/空もとゝろに/時鳥/なにをうしとか/よたゝ鳴らん@through the broad skies dark / with midsummer rains your cries / echo all night long / oh nightingale what is this / secret sorrow you proclaim /
161KW000161m躬恒郭公/こゑもきこえす/山ひこは/ほかに鳴ねを/こたへやはせぬ@mountain nightingale / tonight your voice is silent / could we get the far / off Echo of the Mountains / to sound here close beside us /
162KW000162m貫之時鳥/人まつ山に/なくなれは/我うちつけに/戀まさりけり@mountain nightingale / your cries sound as I await / my love on Mount Pine / and suddenly my love has / grown heavy weighting my heart /
163KW000163m忠岑むかしへや/今も戀しき/時鳥/故郷にしも/鳴てきつらん@even now he yearns / for days long gone the lonely / mountain nightingale-- / once more he has come back to / his native village crying /
164KW000164m躬恒時鳥/われとはなしに/うの花の/うき世中に/なき渡るらん@mountain nightingale / you too have passed through this world / of misery short-lived / as wild sunflower blossoms / forgetting even who you are /
165KW000165m遍昭はちすはの/にこりにしまぬ/心もて/なにかは露を/玉とあさむく@the lotus leaves rise / unsullied from the muddy / waters why do these / unblemished blooms deceive us / with dewdrops glowing like pearls /
166KW000166m深養父夏のよは/また宵なから/あけぬるを/雲のいつこに/月やとるらん@on summer nights when / the dawn comes while it is still / evening in which / of those brightening clouds does / the night's moon take refuge /
167KW000167m躬恒ちりをたに/すへしとそ思/さきしより/いもとわかぬる/とこ夏の花@I never thought to / see them sullied by a speck / of dust this bed of / wild pinks has bloomed since my love / and I first lay together /
168KW000168m躬恒夏と秋と/ゆきかふ空の/かよひちは/かたへすゝしき/風や吹らん@tonight as summer / and autumn cross paths on their / journey through the sky / half the road is cooled by the / fresh rising breezes of fall /
169KW000169m敏行秋きぬと/めにはさやかに/見えねとも/風のをとにそ/おとろかれぬる@to my eyes it is / not clear that autumn has come / but the chill whisper / of the invisible wind / startles me to awareness /
170KW000170m貫之かは風の/すゝしくもあるか/うちよする/浪とゝもにや/秋は立らん@how cool the breeze / from the river I feel the / refreshing chill / of near-approaching autumn / roll in with each rising wave /
171KW000171n読人不知わかせこか/衣のすそを/吹返し/うらめつらしき/秋の初風@eagerly I glimpse / the splendid lining of my / love's hem blown back by / the first cool delicious breeze / to tell us autumn has come /
172KW000172n読人不知昨日こそ/さなへとりしか/いつのまに/いなはそよきて/秋風のふく@only yesterday / we filled the fields with young plants / unaware of time / and yet it has passed rice leaves / now rustle in the autumn wind /
173KW000173n読人不知秋風の/吹にし日より/久方の/あまのかはらに/たゝぬ日はなし@since autumn's first breath / there has not been a single / day that I have not / stood waiting for you on the / broad banks of heaven's river /
174KW000174n読人不知久かたの/あまのかはらの/わたし守/君わたりなは/かちかくしてよ@if my love should come / to me from across the broad / waters of heaven's / river oh ferryman please / hide your oars on his return /
175KW000175n読人不知天川/もみちをはしに/わたせはや/たなはたつめの/秋をしもまつ@the weaver maiden / longs for autumn's coming is / it because a bridge / of many-colored leaves will / span the river of heaven /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $