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126KW000126m素性思ふとち/春の山へに/うちむれて/そこともいはぬ/たひねしてしか@oh that I might go / to spring's mountains and gather / with my closest friends-- / then we might choose to remain / together the short swift night /
127KW000127m躬恒あつさゆみ/春たちしより/年月の/いるかことくも/おもほゆる哉@since the first day of / spring when the days began to / stretch as long as the / catalpa bow the hours / have passed me like swift arrows /
128KW000128m貫之鳴とむる/花しなけれは/鴬も/はては物うく/成ぬへら也@no longer a / petal clinging to the branch / for the thrush to coax / to stay surely that is why / he's given up his useless cries /
129KW000129m深養父花ちれる/水のまに〈まに〉/とめくれは/山には春も/なく成にけり@as I follow these / waters in which float petals / of fallen flowers / I discover at the source / that spring has left the mountains /
130KW000130m元方おしめとも/とゝまらなくに/春霞/かへる道にし/たちぬと思へは@there are no regrets / that can restrain spring when it / is finally time / for her to go rising mists / start her on her journey home /
131KW000131m興風聲たえす/なけや鴬/一とせに/二たひとたに/くへき春かは@oh mountain thrush cry / and weep do not spare your voice / for we all know that / the beauty of spring comes but / once a year rejoice in that /
132KW000132m躬恒とゝむへき/物とはなしに/はかなくも/散花ことに/たくふ心か@whimsically they / fall these flowers and my heart / there is nothing that / will keep them from drifting for / nature controls their motion /
133KW000133m業平ぬれつゝそ/しゐておりつる/年の内に/春はいくかも/あらしと思へは@although drenched and chilled / by the late spring rains I plucked / a flowering bough for / I know how few days of this / year's spring are left to enjoy /
134KW000134m躬恒けふのみと/春を思はぬ/時たにも/たつことやすき/花の陰かは@even on days when / I do not feel the weight of / the last day of spring / how difficult it is to leave / the shelter of the blossoms /
135KW000135m@読人不知/人麿我やとの/池の藤なみ/さきにけり/山郭公/いつかきなかん@at last they are in / bloom waves of wisteria / by my garden pond / when will he come to sing his / song that mountain nightingale /
136KW000136m利貞哀てふ/ことをあまたに/やらしとや/春にをくれて/ひとりさくらん@to keep our lavish / praises from any other / flower surely that / is why this single cherry / has bloomed now that spring is gone /
137KW000137n読人不知さつきまつ/山時鳥/うちはふき/いまもなかなん/こそのふるこゑ@oh sweet nightingale / of the mountains you who wait / for midsummer's month-- / flutter your wings raise your voice / sing us your unforgotten song /
138KW000138f伊勢五月こは/なきもふりなん/郭公/またしきほとの/聲をきかはや@by midsummer the / voice of the nightingale will / be well past its prime / oh that I might hear it sing / just once in early season /
139KW000139n読人不知さ月まつ/花たち花の/かをかけは/むかしの人の/袖のかそする@when I breathe the fragrance / of the mandarin orange / blossoms that await / the Fifth Month it brings back the / scented sleeves of one I loved /
140KW000140n読人不知いつのまに/さ月きぬらん/足曵の/山郭公/いまそ鳴なる@the early days of / summer must already have / passed me unawares-- / just now deep in the mountains / the nightingale sang his song /
141KW000141n読人不知けさきなき/いまた旅なる/時鳥/花たち花に/やとはからなむ@he came this morning / singing his traveling song-- / mountain nightingale-- / my mandarin orange could / be his temporary home /
142KW000142m友則音羽山/けさこえくれは/郭公/梢はるかに/いまそなくなる@this morning he crossed / Otowa Mountain and came / to visit once more / now he warbles distant notes-- / nightingale in the treetops /
143KW000143m素性時鳥/はつ聲きけは/あちきなく/ぬしさたまらぬ/戀せらるはた@oh sweet nightingale / your first songs of the season / unleashed unbidden / a love without an object a / love without the hope of joy /
144KW000144m素性いその神/ふるき宮この/郭公/こゑはかりこそ/昔なりけれ@the nightingale sings / in the ancient capitol / Isonokami / his tunes alone recall the / past glories of these ruins /
145KW000145n読人不知夏山に/なくほとゝきす/心あらは/物思ふ我に/こゑなきかせそ@trilling nightingale / filling the summer mountains / with your sweet notes if / vou have a heart take pity your / sad songs deepen my sorrow /
146KW000146n読人不知郭公/なく聲きけは/別にし/故郷さへそ/戀しかりける@warbling nightingale / each year as I hear your song / even that small town / where once I lived and loved grows / dear sadly I yearn again /
147KW000147n読人不知時鳥/なかなく里の/あまたあれは/猶うとまれぬ/思ふ物から@oh small nightingale / from village to village you / sing your way never / lighting long ever keeping / distant from one who loves you /
148KW000148n読人不知おもひいつる/ときはの山の/郭公/から紅の/ふり出てそなく@when I remember / him oh nightingale high / on Mount Tokiwa / sing forth our passions till your / throat too is dyed Chinese red /
149KW000149n読人不知こゑはして/涙は見えぬ/郭公/わか衣ての/ひつをからなん@your cries are piercing / yet no tears do you shed / lonely nightingale / please let me share with you / my flowing flood-drenched sleeves /
150KW000150n読人不知足曵の/山郭公/おりはへて/誰かまさると/ねをのみそなく@lonely nightingale / come from the rugged mountains / ceaselessly crying-- / now he and I compete in / raising our cries of yearning /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $