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101KW000101m興風さく花は/ちくさなからに/あたなれと/たれかは春を/恨はてたる@innumerable / the blooms yet each must fade and / fall quickly changing-- / still who can rightly think / ill thoughts of gentle spring /
102KW000102m興風春霞/色のちくさに/見えつるは/たなひく山の/花のかけかも@the spring mists displayed / a thousand colors was their / glory merely a / reflection of the blossoms / enveloping the mountains /
103KW000103m元方霞たつ/春の山へは/遠けれと/吹くる風は/花のかそする@the vernal mountains / where mists rise with the spring are / far away yet from them / come soft breezes laden with / the fragrance of the flowers /
104KW000104m躬恒花みれは/心さへにそ/*うつりける/色には出し/人もこそしれ/*3うつりぬるイ@seeing the flowers / wither and fall my heart too / changes its colors / but I shall not display them-- / others shall not know my weakness /
105KW000105n読人不知鴬の/なく野邊ことに/きてみれは/うつろふ花に/風そ吹ける@the lament of the / mountain thrush fills each meadow-- / and as I draw near / I discover the faded / blossoms tossed upon the wind /
106KW000106n読人不知吹風を/なきてうらみよ/鴬は/われやは花に/てたにふれたる@oh mountain thrush / address your reproaches to / the ravaging winds-- / for I would not dare even / brush these blossoms with my hand /
107KW000107f洽子ちる花の/なくにしとまる/物ならは/我鴬に/おとらましやは@if weeping for the / falling flowers could keep them / securely on the / branches my cries would rival / the song of the mountain thrush /
108KW000108m後蔭花のちる/ことやわひしき/春霞/立田の山の/鴬のこゑ@surely it is the / falling of the blossoms that / he mourns the mountain / thrush cries on Mount Tatsuta / where spring mists drift skyward /
109KW000109m素性こつたへは/をのかは風に/散花を/たれにおほせて/こゝらなくらん@fluttering now from / tree to tree the mountain thrush / scatters petals as / he passes who does he berate / crying so persistently /
110KW000110m躬恒しるしなき/ねをもなくかな/鴬の/ことしのみちる/花ならなくに@oh mountain thrush / such unavailing useless / cries you raise-- / it is not this year alone that / blossoms will wither and fall /
111KW000111n読人不知*こまなめて/いさみにゆかん/故郷は/雪とのみこそ/花はちるらめ/*1こまなへてイ@our many horses / loping together let us / ride to see our old / town flower petals there / must now be falling like snow /
112KW000112n読人不知散花を/なにかうらみん/世中に/我身もともに/あらん物かは@why should we grieve to / see the petals falling to / earth for won't we too / who share this ephemeral / existence someday follow /
113KW000113f小町花の色は/うつりにけりな/いたつらに/我身世にふる/なかめせしまに@the colors of the / blossoms have faded and passed / as heedlessly I / squandered my days in pensive / gazing and the long rains fell /
114KW000114m素性おしと思/心はいとに/よられなん/ちる花ことに/ぬきてとゝめん@would that I could twist / the threads of my sorrowful / heart into a strand / that I might catch each failing / bloom and tie it to the bough /
115KW000115m貫之あつさゆみ/春の山へを/こえくれは/道もさりあへす/花そ散ける@crossing the mountains / in spring when days grow long as / the catalpa bow / the drifts of petals deceive / me onto paths I should shun /
116KW000116m貫之春のゝに/若なつまんと/こし物を/ちりかふ花に/道はまとひぬ@to these spring meadows / l came to pluck the first herbs / of the year but then / in the tumbling cascade of / blossoms I lost the path home /
117KW000117m貫之やとりして/春の山へに/ねたる夜は/夢のうちにも/花そちりける@last night while I slept / here in the vernal mountains / I foun that in my / dreams as in my waking there / were fading falling petals /
118KW000118m貫之吹風と/谷の水とし/なかりせは/み山かくれの/花を見ましや@if the blowing winds / and effervescent streams were / gone then I'd never / see the hidden mountain blooms / come drifting before my eyes /
119KW000119m遍昭よそにみて/帰らん人に/藤の花/はひまつはれよ/枝はおるとも@another place they / visited then turned toward home-- / oh wisteria / vines intertwine and capture / them though fragile branches break /
120KW000120m躬恒我宿に/さける藤浪/たちかへり/すきかてにのみ/人のみるらん@beside my house are / billows of wisteria-- / rising waves flowing-- / one caught in the stream of blooms / turns back to eye their beauty /
121KW000121n読人不知いまもかも/さき匂ふらん/たち花の/こしまのさきの/山吹の花@even now the blooms / unfold and display their hue-- / wild yellow roses / on the cape of mandarin / blossom Tachibana Isle /
122KW000122n読人不知春雨に/匂へる色も/あかなくに/かさへなつかし/山ふきの花@never do we tire / of the glistening yellow / of the mountain rose-- / brightened by the spring showers / their fragrance ever pleases /
123KW000123n読人不知山吹は/あやなゝさきそ/花みんと/*うへけん君か/こよひこなくに/*4うへけん人のイ@oh mountain roses / there is no reason for you / to bloom tonight for / he who planted you will not / come to visit you or me /
124KW000124m貫之よしの川/岸の山吹/ふく風に/そこのかけさへ/うつろひにけり@the blowing winds which / toss the mountain roses to / the banks of River / Yoshino have scattered their / bright reflection in the depths /
125KW000125m@読人不知/清友かはつなく/ゐての山吹/ちりにけり/花のさかりに/あはまし物を@the petals of the / mountain roses of Ide / have fallen and the / frogs cry if only I had / come when they were at their peak /

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