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歌番号 000108
作者 藤原後蔭
作者標準 後蔭
性別 m
作者英文 Fujiwara no Nochikage
題仮名 にんなのちうしやうのみやすむところのいへに、うたあはせせむとてしけるときによみける
題英語 Composed for the poetry contest at the home of the Middle Captain Lady of the Bedchamber, in the Ninna era.
歌仮名 はなのちる/ことやわひしき/はるかすみ/たつたのやまの/うくひすのこゑ@
歌岩波 はなのちる/ことやわびしき/はるがすみ/たつたのやまの/うぐひすのこゑ@
歌品詞 はな-名@の-格助@、ちる-ラ四-体@/こと-名@や-係助-疑@、わびしき-形シク-体@/はるがすみ-名-春霞@/たつた-名@の-格助@、やま-名-山@の-格助@/うぐひす-名@の-格助@、こゑ-名@/@
歌ローマ hana no chiru / koto ya wabishiki / harugasumi / tatsuta no yama no / uguisu no koe /
歌英語 surely it is the / falling of the blossoms that / he mourns the mountain / thrush cries on Mount Tatsuta / where spring mists drift skyward /
解釈 Lady of the Bedchamber (miyasundokoro) was a title given ladies who had given birth to children of the sovereign. This woman had a relative who was a Middle Captain (chu~jo~) , but she has not been identified. The Tatsuta Mountains are in Ikoma District, Nara Prefecture. Tatsu also means "to rise" and functions as a kakekotoba.

Generated by Gromit-the-DB Time-stamp: "2007-06-17 09:47:57 yamagen"