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Page 44 [ 1076 - 1100 ]
1076KW001076n読人不知まきもくの/あなしの山の/やま人と/ひともみるかに/山かつらせよ@bedeck yourselves with / wreathes of mountain leaves until / all see you as one / who dwells on Mount Anaji / deep within Makimoku /
1077KW001077n読人不知み山には/霰ふるらし/と山なる/まさきのかつら/色付にけり@surely now the hail / is falling deep in the fair / mountains for on / nearby slopes the creeping vines / are tinged with autumn's colors /
1078KW001078n読人不知陸奥の/あたちのまゆみ/わかひかは/末さへよりこ/しのひ〈しのひ〉に@from Adachi in / far Michinoku comes this / spindle bow as its / tips draw together silently / come to me now and always /
1079KW001079n読人不知わかゝとの/いた井のしみつ/さとゝをみ/人しくまねは/みくさおひにけり@so distant from the / village are the pure waters / of my wooden-walled / well that none come to dip here / and water grasses flourish /
1080KW001080n読人不知さゝのくま/ひのくま川に/駒とめて/しはし水かへ/かけをたにみん@Sasanokuma - / by the Cypress-shade River / rein in your steed and / let him drink the waters that / I may gaze after you a while /
1081KW001081n読人不知あをやきを/かたいとによりて/鴬の/ぬふてふかさは/梅の花かさ@twisting slender green / willow tendrils into floss / the trilling mountain / thrush weaves a sun hat they say - / delicate plum blossom shade /
1082KW001082n読人不知まかねふく/きひの中山/おひにせる/ほそ谷川の/音のさやけさ@a sash girt about / Naka Mountain in Kibi / where they smelt iron - / how clear the splashing of that / narrow rill that circles it /
1083KW001083n読人不知美作や/くめのさら山/さら〈さら〉に/わかなはたてし/萬代まてに@in Mimasaka / Sara Mountain of Kume / towers but never / in ten thousand long years will / I ever let my name rise /
1084KW001084n読人不知みのゝ國/せきの藤川/たえすして/君につかへん/万代まてに@ceaseless is the flow / of the Fuji River at / the barrier of / Mino I will serve my lord / until ten thousand years pass /
1085KW001085n読人不知君か世は/かきりもあらし/なかはまの/真砂の数は/よみつくすとも@no number shall be / put to the limitless years / of my lord's life not / even if we count each grain / of sand on Nagahama /
1086KW001086n黒主あふみのや/鏡の山を/たてたれは/かねてそみゆる/君か千年は@because in O~mi / a brilliant Mirror / Mountain has been raised / we can see reflected there / the thousand years our lord will live /
1087KW001087n読人不知あふくまに/きりたちくもり/明ぬとも/君をはやらし/まてはすへなし@the mists spread over / the Abukuma but though / dawn has come I will / not send him away for to / have to wait is too painfull /
1088KW001088n読人不知みちのくは/いつくはあれと/塩かまの/浦こく船の/つなてかなしも@Northern Provinces / lovely wherever you go - / spellbinding are the / men towing the ships which will / sail across Shiogama /
1089KW001089n読人不知わかせこを/都にやりて/塩かまの/まかきの嶋の/まつそ戀しき@when my beloved / is in the far capital - / on Magaki Isle / in Shiogama I wait / pining 'neath the evergreens /
1090KW001090n読人不知おくろさき/みつのこしまの/人ならは/都のつとに/いさといはましを@if those three little / islands along Oguro / Cape were people I / would invite them back to the / capital as fond keepsakes /
1091KW001091n読人不知みさふらひ/みかさと申せ/宮きのゝ/木の下露は/雨にまされり@oh guardsman remind / your master to wear his hat - / here on Miyagi / Moor the dewdrops fall from the / trees more heavily than rain /
1092KW001092n読人不知もかみ川/のほれは下る/いな舟の/いなにはあらす/この月はかり@as the rice boats ply / the Mogami River they / pole upstream and back - / you too should come again it's / only this month I say "no" /
1093KW001093n読人不知君をゝきて/あたし心を/わかもたは/末の松山/浪もこえなん@if ever I should / change my mind and banish you / from my heart then would / great ocean waves rise and cross / Suenomatsu Mountain /
1094KW001094n読人不知こよろきの/いそたちならし/いそなつむ/めさしぬらすな/おきにをれ浪@do not splash these young / girls who run upon rocky / Koyorogi Beach / gathering the sea bracken / ah waves break in the offing /
1095KW001095n読人不知つくはねの/このもかのもに/かけはあれと/君かみかけに/ます影はなし@on Tsukubane / cooling shade is found beneath / each and every tree / yet nowhere is there shelter / like the rcfuge of my lord /
1096KW001096n読人不知つくはねの/嶺の紅葉は/落つもり/しるもしらぬも/なへてかなしも@drifting and fallin / like the bright autumn leaves on / Tsukubane peak / how pitiful all these men / both those I know and strangers /
1097KW001097n読人不知かひかねを/さやにも見しか/けゝれなく/よこほりふせる/さやの中山@how I wish I could / clearly see the mountains of / Kai heartlessly / it stretches before my eyes / Sayanonaka Mountain /
1098KW001098n読人不知甲斐かねを/ねこし山こし/吹風を/人にもかもや/ことつてやらん@the blowing wind which / crosses the peaks and ridges / of Kai Mountain / if it were but mortal it / could become my messenger /
1099KW001099n読人不知おふの浦に/かたえさしおほひ/なるなしの/なりもならすも/ねてかたらはん@the ripening pears / on the side branches shelter / us along Ofu / Bay let us recline and talk / of our love's maturation /
1100KW001100m敏行ちはや振/かもの社の/ひめこ松/よろつ世ふとも/色はかはらし@cherished pines before / the shrine of the awesome gods / at Kamo surely / their color will never change / though ten thousand years may pass /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $