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Page 43 [ 1051 - 1075 ]
1051KW001051f伊勢難波なる/なからの橋も/つくる也/今は我身を/なにゝたとへん@they say the bridge of / Nagara in Naniwa / will be repaired and / then to what shall compare / this time-worn body of mine /
1052KW001052n読人不知まめなれと/なにそとはけく/かるかやの/乱れてあれと/あしけくもなし@I may be faithful / but what good does it do me - / though entanglements / be as snarled as piles of cut / reeds what is the consequence /
1053KW001053m興風何かその/なのたつことの/惜からん/しりてまとふは/我ひとりかは@why should I regret / these rumors that carry my / name far and wide am / I alone in wandedng / confused through mazes I foresaw /
1054KW001054f久曽よそなから/我身にいとの/よるといへは/たゝいつはりに/すくはかり也@we are not kindred - / those who claim my cousin and / I are close as thread / and needle are spinning lies - / twisting the truth like fine yarns /
1055KW001055f讃岐ねきことを/さのみ聞けん/やしろこそ/はてはなけきの/杜と成らめ@this holy precinct / where it seems prayers have been / lavishly answered / will surely become at last / an arbor of repentance /
1056KW001056f大輔なけきこる/山としたかく/成ぬれは/つらつゑのみそ/まつゝかれける@my loud sighs rise as / high as the mountain where / woodcutters fell trees / as I sit melancholy - / holding my head in my hands /
1057KW001057n読人不知なけきをは/こりのみつみて/足曵の/山のかひなく/成ぬへら也@supplication trees / he fells heaping one upon / another till they / mount and fill the ravine as / his hopeless sighs multiply /
1058KW001058n読人不知人こふる/ことをゝもにと/になひもて/あふこなきこそ/わひしかりけれ@his yearning love he / bears like a heavy burden / on his shoulders like / a porter without a poel - / no meeting eases his lot /
1059KW001059n読人不知よゐのまに/いてゝ入ぬる/みか月の/われて物思ふ/ころにもある哉@when the three-day moon / climbs into the dark expanse / of night sky my heart / too becomes diminished and / shadowed with melancholy /
1060KW001060n読人不知そへにとて/とすれはかゝり/かくすれは/あないひしらす/あふさきるさに@when I say I'll do / this it turns out that when I / say I'll do that the / result is this what can I / say it's all misunderstanding /
1061KW001061n読人不知世中の/うきたひことに/身をなけは/深き谷こそ/あさく成なめ@if in this sad world / each time someone met with grief / he cast himself from / the highest cliff even deep / valleys would become shallow /
1062KW001062m元方世中は/いかにくるしと/思らん/こゝらの人に/うらみらるれは@so many angry / people bitterly blaming / it how painful it / must be for this sad world of / ours to see such resentment /
1063KW001063n読人不知なにをして/身の徒に/老ぬらん/年の思はん/ことそやさしき@what was I doing / growing old so heedlessly - / no accomplishments - / I am embarrassed by what / my past years must think of me /
1064KW001064m興風みはすてつ/心をたにも/はふらさし/つゐにはいかゝ/なるとしるへく@I'll abandon my / body but I'll not discard / this watchful heart / for in the end I must know / just what will become of me /
1065KW001065m千里しら雪の/ともにわか身は/ふりぬれと/心はきえぬ/物にそ有ける@as steadily as / the white snows of winter fall / my age has grown but / my youthful heart endures while / evanescent drifts vanish /
1066KW001066n読人不知梅の花/さきての後の/身なれはや/すきものとのみ/人のいふらむ@unpalatable / as the sour fruit that forms once / the plum blossoms have / fallen is this false gossip / about my wanderlust /
1067KW001067m躬恒わひしらに/ましらなゝきそ/足引の/山のかひある/けふにやはあらぬ@ah monkeys do not / cry so forlornly deep in / the valleys of the / rugged mountains is there not / some reason to live today /
1068KW001068n読人不知世をいとひ/このもとことに/立よりて/うつふしそめの/あさのきぬ也@this is the hempen / robe dyed with hollow galls of / one who rejected / the world and lies down to rest / at the foot of each tree he sees /
1069KW001069n読人不知新しき/年の始に/かくしこそ/千年をかねて/たのしきをつめ@at the beginning / of this auspicious new year / we anticipate / the joys of a thousand years / by piling stacks of firewood /
1070KW001070n読人不知しもといふ/かつらき山に/降雪の/まなく時なく/おもほゆる哉@love is as constant / as the dense never-ending / snows that fall upon / Kazuraki Mountain where / I bundle kindling with vines /
1071KW001071n読人不知あふみより/あさたちくれは/うねのゝに/たつそ鳴なる/明ぬこのよは@I rose and set out / from O~mi before daybreak - / as cranes cried over / the meadows of Une the / long dark night quietly dawned /
1072KW001072n読人不知水くきの/をかのやかたに/いもとあれと/ねてのあさけの/*雪のふりはも/*5霜のふりはもイ@ah the bitter frosts / settling at daybreak as / she and I sleep in / this temporary hut at / Oka of the tender stalks /
1073KW001073n読人不知しはつ山/打出てみれは/かさゆひの/*嶋こきかくる/たなゝし小舟/*4嶋こきかへるイ@coming from behind / Shihatsu Mountain I see / rowing off to hide / beyond Kasayui Isle / a dory without side rails /
1074KW001074n読人不知神かきの/みむろの山の/さかきはゝ/神のみまへに/しけりあひにけり@fragrant sakaki / growing luxuriantly / encircles the shrinc / the sanctuary of the / gods on this holy mountain /
1075KW001075n読人不知霜やたひ/をけとかれせぬ/さかきはの/たちさかゆへき/神のきねかも@like the hardy leaves / of the fragrant sakaki / which do not wither / under eightfold frosts maids who / serve the gods remain youthful /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $