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Page 42 [ 1026 - 1050 ]
1026KW001026n読人不知みゝなしの/山の口なし/えてしかな/思ひの色の/したそめにせん@if only I could / secure blooms of the silent / gardenias that grow / upon Earless Mountain to / dye my robe with love's scarlet /
1027KW001027n読人不知足曵の/山田のそほつ/をのれさへ/*我おほしといふ/うれはしきこと/*4我おほしてふイ@ah so even you / you clumsy scarecrow of the / rugged mountain fields - / want me to become your wife - / what a lamentable lot /
1028KW001028f紀乳母ふしのねの/ならぬ思に/もえはもえ/神たにけたぬ/むなし煙を@ah burn brightly then / bitter fires of hopeless love / hot as Fuji's flames - / not even the gods would quench / these unavailing smoke clouds /
1029KW001029m有朋あひみまく/ほしはかすなく/有なから/人に月なみ/まとひこそすれ@innumerable / as the stars are my longings / to meet my love but / I am lost unable to / see her in the moonless night /
1030KW001030f小町人にあはん/月のなきには/思をきて/むねはしりひに/心やけをり@no moon lights the night / nor can I meet my lover / my blazing passion / wakens me my pounding heart / shoots flame then turns to cinders /
1031KW001031m興風春霞/たなひくのへの/若なにも/成みてしかな/人もつむやと@if for a time I / could become a fresh young shoot / upon the meadows / where the spring mists softly trail / would someone bend to pluck me /
1032KW001032n読人不知思へとも/猶うとまれぬ/春霞/かゝらぬ山の/あらしと思へは@truly I love but / we never grow intimate - / unfaithful mists of / spring are there any mountain / peaks where you do not linger /
1033KW001033m貞文春のゝの/しけき草はの/妻戀に/とひたつ雉の/ほろゝとそ鳴@from the sheIter of / spring meadows' luxuriant / green grass the pheasant / yearning for his mate flutters / up with sobbing throbbing wings /
1034KW001034m淑人秋のゝに/妻なき鹿の/年をへて/なそわか戀の/かひよとそなく@for years in autumn / fields the mateless stag has belled / his mournful complaint / crying that his misery / is the fault of love alone /
1035KW001035m躬恒蝉のはの/ひとへにうすき/夏衣/なれはよりなん/物にやはあらぬ@as unlined summer / robes fragile as cicadas' / filmy wings soften / and ripple so your heart will / yield relent when you know me /
1036KW001036m忠岑かくれぬの/したよりおふる/ねぬなはの/*ねぬなはたゝし/くるないとひそ/*4ねぬなはたてしイ@I'll come so there will / be no rumors that I sleep / alone lonely as / the water weeds deep in the / hidden marsh receive me well /
1037KW001037n読人不知ことならは/思はすとやは/いひはてぬ/なそ世中の/たまたすきなる@if things have come to / this why not simply say that / you no longer love / that our union has broken / like bright jeweled suspenders /
1038KW001038n読人不知思てふ/人の心の/くまことに/たちかくれつゝ/みるよしもかな@ah for a way to / hide myself and peer into / each secret recess / within the mysterious / hesrt of one who claims he loves /
1039KW001039n読人不知思へとも/思はすとのみ/いふなれは/いなやおもはし/おもふかひなし@although I love him / he only says he does not / love me ah no I / must not go on loving for / my love is unavailing /
1040KW001040n読人不知我をのみ/思ふといはゝ/あるへきを/いてや心は/おほぬさにして@if he would but say / that he loves me only then / I could be at peace / ah but like the votive strips / his heart is touched by many /
1041KW001041n読人不知われを思/人をおもはぬ/報にや/わか思ふ人の/我をおもはぬ@I did not love the / one who set his heart for me - / is it fate's revenge / is it retribution the / one I love does not love me /
1042KW001042m深養父思ひけん/人をそ友に/思はまし/まさしやむくひ/なかりけりやは@that one who might / have loved me if only I / could have loved him too - / for in truth has there not been / retribution for my sin /
1043KW001043n読人不知出てゆかん/人をとゝめん/よしなきに/隣のかたに/はなもひぬかな@I cannot detain / him here my love who would / depart and not one / of my neighbors will deter / him with a timely sneeze /
1044KW001044n読人不知紅に/そめし心も/たのまれす/人をあくには/うつるてふなり@I shall not rely / even on that heart dyed with / love deep as scarlet / for a lye can bleach and fade / hearts as quickly as colors /
1045KW001045n読人不知いとはるゝ/我身は春の/駒なれや/のかひかてらに/はなちすてつる@rejected am I / abandoned have I become / an unwanted foal / to be set loose to forage / in the gra5ses of spring fields /
1046KW001046n読人不知鴬の/こそのやとりの/ふるすとや/我には人の/つれなかるらん@am I too to be / abandoned cast off as the / wood thrush's year-old nest / how indifferently he treats / me how cold he has become /
1047KW001047n読人不知さかしらに/夏は人まね/さゝのはの/さやく霜夜を/わかひとりぬる@slender bamboo leaves / which wisely slept apart like / us in summer's heat / now whisper together these / frosty nights I sleep alone /
1048KW001048m中興逢事の/今ははつかに/成ぬれは/夜ふかからては/月なかりけり@rarely can we meet - / no opportunity do / we find the moon of / the twentieth does not shine / for this night is still too young /
1049KW001049n時平もろこしの/よしのゝ山に/こもるとも/をくれんと思/我ならなくに@although you retreat / deep within the Yoshino / Mountains distant as / far Cathay I am not one / who will be left behind here /
1050KW001050m中興雲はれぬ/あさまの山の/あさましや/人の心を/見てこそやまめ@capricious as / smoke clouds that constantly spread / above Asama / Mountain are you look into / my heart then drift if you must /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $