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976KW000976m躬恒水の面に/おふるさ月の/浮草の/うきことあれや/ねをたえてこぬ@is his resentment / thick as rootless grasses on / the surface of the / Fifth Month pond he has cut our / ties no more do I hear his voice /
977KW000977m躬恒身をすてゝ/ゆきやしにけん/思ふより/ほかなる物は/心なりけり@forsaking my body / it seems my heart has wandered / away on its own-- / I cannot rule it with thoughts-- / it is a stranger to them /
978KW000978m躬恒君か思ひ/雪とつもらは/たのまれす/春より後は/あらしと思へは@if your thoughts of me / "gather thick as snow" I should / not rely on them / for once spring has come I know / the drifts will vanish from sight /
979KW000979m大頼君をのみ/おもひこしちの/白山は/いつかは雪の/きゆる時ある@as I walked along / the road to Koshi I thought / only of you when / do the snows ever disappear / on glistening Shira Mountain /
980KW000980m貫之おもひやる/こしの白山/しらねとも/一夜も夢に/こえぬよそなき@my thoughts turn to you / and though I do not yet know / Shira Mountain in / Koshi each and every / night I cross it in my dreams /
981KW000981n読人不知いさこゝに/我世はへなん/すかはらや/ふしみのさとの/あれまくもおし@well then it is here / that I shall spend my life in / Sugawara though / it will bring me grief to see / Fushimi village crumble /
982KW000982n読人不知我庵は/みわの山もと/戀しくは/とふらひきませ/杉たてるかと@my hut stands at the / foot of Miwa Mountain so / if you long to see / me once more come and visit / at the gate where cedars stand /
983KW000983m喜撰わか庵は/都のたつみ/しかそすむ/よをうち山と/人はいふなり@this is how I live / in my retreat southeast of / the capital though / men call Uji Mountain a / reminder of worldly sorrow /
984KW000984n読人不知あれにけり/哀いくよの/宿なれや/すみけん人の/をとつれもせぬ@desolate it is-- / how many generations / have lived in this house-- / now it seems not even those / who dwelt here come to visit /
985KW000985m遍昭侘人の/住へき宿と/見るなへに/なけきくはゝる/琴のねそする@to my eyes it seemed / the secret refuge of a / world weary soul and the / plaintive notes of the koto / deepened my heartfelt sorrow /
986KW000986f二条人ふるす/さとをいとひて/こしかとも/ならの都も/うきな成けり@weary of the town / where people had turned from me / I came to Nara / but the "old capital" too / told me of my misery /
987KW000987n読人不知世中は/いつれかさして/わかならん/ゆきとまるをそ/宿とさたむる@ill this world of ours / what place should I single out / as my home that spot / where I find rest at journey's / end will become my haven /
988KW000988n読人不知逢坂の/嵐のかせは/さむけれと/行ゑしらねは/侘つゝそぬる@in O~saka / the howling tempests rage and / winds lash cold but still / I know no place to go so / I'll sleep here in misery /
989KW000989n読人不知風のうへに/ありかさためぬ/塵のみは/行ゑもしらす/成ぬへら也@I have become a / speck of the dust carried in / helpless flurries by / the dancing winds I who know / no destination no home /
990KW000990f伊勢あすか川/ふちにもあらぬ/我宿も/せにかはり行/物にそ有ける@not a deep pool of / the Asuka River yet / my house has turned to / tumbling coins flowing like the / bubbling shallows of the stream /
991KW000991m友則故郷は/見しこともあらす/おのゝえの/くちし所そ/戀しかりける@home at last and yet / it is not what it once was / to me now that I / long for that place of exile / where the ax handle crumbled /
992KW000992f陸奥あかさりし/袖のなかにや/いりに劔/我たましゐの/なき心ちする@was I so sorry / to separate our sleeves that / I left my spirit / wrapped in yours now I feel / I have no life within me /
993KW000993m忠房なよ竹の/よなかきうへに/はつ霜の/おきゐて物を/思比かな@on elongated / stalks of slender bamboo the / first snows settled all / the long night as heavy as / the thoughts on my wakeful mind /
994KW000994f@読人不知風ふけは/おきつ白浪/たつた山/夜半にや君か/ひとりこゆらん@as the howling winds / keep white waves rising in the / offing in the deep / of night is my lord crossing / Tatsuta Mountain alone /
995KW000995n読人不知たかみそき/ゆふつけとりか/唐衣/たつたの山に/おりはへてなく@whose cock adorned with / purification ribbons / crows incessantly / on bright Tatsuta Mountain / colorful as Chinese robes /
996KW000996n読人不知わすられん/時忍へとそ/はまちとり/行ゑもしらぬ/跡をとゝむる@as a remembrance / for the time when I have been / forgotten I leave / these runes varied as plovers' / random prints along the shore /
997KW000997m有季神な月/時雨降をける/ならのはの/なにおふ宮の/ふることそこれ@these are the ancient / songs of the capital which / bears the name of the / Nara tree on whose leaves the / cold rains of the Tenth Month fall /
998KW000998m千里あしたつの/ひとりをくれて/鳴聲は/雲の上まて/きこえつかなん@a single reed crane / left behind by his fellows / raises his sad voice / hoping his cries will carry / beyond the celestial clouds /
999KW000999m勝臣人しれす/おもふ心は/春霞/たちいてゝ君か/めにもみえなん@may the secret wish / hidden within my heart where / no one can know rise / now and drift like the spring mists / before the eyes of my lord /
1000KW001000f伊勢山川の/をとにのみきく/もゝしきを/身をはやなから/見るよしもかな@distant rumors reach / me like the murmurs of an / unseen mountain stream / how I wish I could see the / palace fences as before /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $