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歌番号 000994
作者 よみ人しらす
作者標準 読人不知
性別 f@
作者英文 Someone told this story about this poem- Long ago in Yamato Province, the daughter of a certain man had lived with someone as his wife. Because her parents had died and her family was becoming poorer, the man took to visiting someone in Ko~chi Province and became estranged from his first wife. However, she showed no resentment and allowed her husband to go as he wished whenever he said he was going to Ko~chi, so he began to suspect she had a lover. One moonlit night, pretending to set off for Ko~chi, he hid in the shrubbery in the garden and watched. Late into the night she sat, playing the koto and sighing, and at last she composed this poem and went to bed. Hearing this, the man never again went visiting elsewhere.
題仮名 たいしらす
題英語 Topic unknown.
歌仮名 かせふけは/おきつしらなみ/たつたやま/よはにやきみか/ひとりこゆらむ@
歌岩波 かぜふけば/おきつしらなみ/たつたやま/よはにやきみが/ひとりこゆらむ@
歌品詞 かぜ-名-風@、ふけ-カ四-已@ば-接助@/おきつしらなみ-名@/たつたやま-名-立田山@/よは-名@に-格助@や-係助-疑-係@、きみ-代@が-格助@/ひとり-名@、こゆ-ヤ下二-終@らむ-現推-体-結@/@
歌ローマ kaze fukeba / okitsu shiranami / tatsuta yama / yowa ni ya kimi ga / hitori koyu ran /
歌英語 as the howling winds / keep white waves rising in the / offing in the deep / of night is my lord crossing / Tatsuta Mountain alone /
解釈 Lines 1 and 2 (white waves of the offing, when the wind blows) are a jo linked to the kakekotoba "tatsu" (rise)/"tatsuta." Tatsuta Mountam is in the Ikoma range in Nara Prefecture. Yamato Province is now Nara Prefecture; Ko~chi is part of O~saka City. This poem appears in The Tales of Ise, 23, with similar circumstances of composition.

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