76 | KW000076 | | 素性 | 花ちらす/風のやとりは/たれかしる/我にをしへよ/行て恨みん@ | is there anyone / who knows where these rough winds will / lodge tonight please tell / me that I may go reproach / them with my unhappiness / |
77 | KW000077 | | 承均 | いさ桜/我もちりなん/ひとさかり/ありなは人に/うきめみえ南@ | oh cherry blossoms / may I too fall and be gone / for though the young can / prosper pitiful is the / sight of the man grown too old / |
78 | KW000078 | | 貫之 | ひとめ見し/君もやくると/桜花/けふは待みて/ちらはちらなん@ | oh cherry blossoms / will he come again he who / cast but a single / glance if you must fall won't you / wait one day for his return / |
79 | KW000079 | | 貫之 | 春霞/なにかくすらん/桜花/ちるまをたにも/みるへき物を@ | oh floating spring mists / why must you conceal from me / those cherry blossoms / I Iong to see them even / as they shed their soft petals / |
80 | KW000080 | | 因香 | たれこめて/春の行ゑも/しらぬまに/まちし桜も/うつろひにけり@ | spring passed as I lay / ill heavy curtains tightly pulled / outside the blossoms / so eagerly awaited / faded fell unknown to me / |
81 | KW000081 | | 高世 | 枝よりも/あたに散にし/花なれは/おちても水の/あはとこそなれ@ | from the branches they / have drifted aimlessly without / resistance these frail / petals falling fioating like / foam on the stream they vanish / |
82 | KW000082 | | 貫之 | ことならは/さかすやはあらぬ/桜花/みる我さへに/しつ心なし@ | if it must be thus / why don't they refuse to bloom-- / these cherry flowers-- / for even I who watch from / afar have no peace in spring / |
83 | KW000083 | | 貫之 | 桜花/とくちりぬとも/おもほえす/人の心そ/風もふきあへぬ@ | I cannot believe / that nothing fails as swiftly / as the cherry blooms-- / for man's heart does not even / await the winds to turn away / |
84 | KW000084 | | 友則 | 久かたの/光のとけき/春のひに/しつ心なく/花のちるらん@ | the air is still and / sun-warmed on this day of spring-- / why then do cherry / blossoms cascade to the earth / with such restless changeful hearts / |
85 | KW000085 | | 好風 | 春風は/花のあたりを/よきてふけ/心つからや/うつろふとみん@ | oh spring breeze please do / not draw near these petals as / you waft for I would / like to know whether it is / their own wish that they should fall / |
86 | KW000086 | | 躬恒 | 雪とのみ/ふるたにあるを/桜花/いかにちれとか/風の吹らん@ | although I wish the / cherry blossoms would not scatter / not even gently / as the flakes of snow with what / turbulence the winds toss them / |
87 | KW000087 | | 貫之 | 山たかみ/みつゝわかこし/桜花/風は心に/まかすへらなり@ | high on mountain peaks / I gazed and longed to linger / admiring cherry / blossoms how the ceaseless winds / must be caressing them now / |
88 | KW000088 | | 黒主 | 春雨の/ふるは涙か/さくら花/ちるをおしまぬ/人しなけれは@ | the spring showers that / fall must surely be teardrops-- / even among men / there is none but feels regret / when cherry petals scatter / |
89 | KW000089 | | 貫之 | 桜花/ちりぬる風の/なこりには/水なき空に/浪そ立ける@ | the lovely petals / stripped from all the branches still / undulate in the / sky waterless waves cross the / heavens keepsakes of the wind / |
90 | KW000090 | | 平城天皇 | ふるさとゝ/成にしならの/都にも/色はかはらす/花はさきけり@ | Nara the ancient / capital now deserted / by the throngs of old / only the blossoms visit / their loveliness unchanged / |
91 | KW000091 | | 遍昭 | 花の色は/霞にこめて/みせすとも/かをたにぬすめ/春の山かせ@ | beautiful blossoms / enshrouded by the jealous / mists so warm and dense / oh springtime breezes of the / heights steal for us their fragrance / |
92 | KW000092 | | 素性 | 花の木も/今はほりうへし/春たては/うつろふ色に/人ならひけり@ | never again will / I plant a blossoming tree / in my garden for / in spring petals fade and fall / and teach men their faithlessness / |
93 | KW000093 | | 読人不知 | 春の色の/いたりいたらぬ/里はあらし/さけるさかさる/花のみゆらん@ | spring does not decide / whether to appear in a / village here or there-- / yet we see flowers on one / tree but not another / |
94 | KW000094 | | 貫之 | みわ山を/しかもかくすか/春霞/人にしられぬ/花やさくらん@ | oh mists of spring must / you hide even famous Mount / Miwa for surely / in that holy place must bloom / flowers unknown to mankind / |
95 | KW000095 | | 素性 | いさけふは/春の山邊に/ましりなん/くれなはなけの/花のかけかは@ | come then just today / let us wander deep into / hills of spring should the / sun set might we not shelter / beneath the fragile blossoms / |
96 | KW000096 | | 素性 | いつまてか/野へに心の/あくかれん/花しちらすは/千世もへぬへし@ | how long might my heart / enraptured linger here in / the meadows of spring-- / if the blossoms never fell / I would stay a thousand years / |
97 | KW000097 | | 読人不知 | 春ことに/花のさかりは/ありなめと/あひみん事は/命成けり@ | each spring the blossoms / reach their brilliance once again / but seeing them so / we are reminded that to / watch them fall is our lot / |
98 | KW000098 | | 読人不知 | 花のこと/よのつねならは/すくしてし/昔は又も/かへりきなまし@ | if the world of man / were as unchanging as these / blooms renewed each year / then the time which I have lived / would return to me once more / |
99 | KW000099 | | 読人不知 | 吹風に/あつらへつくる/物ならは/この一もとは/よきよといはまし@ | if these swift-blowing / breezes were to submit to / my will how quickly / would I order them to stay / their force and spare this one tree / |
100 | KW000100 | | 読人不知 | まつ人も/こぬ物ゆへに/鴬の/*なきつる花を/折てける哉/*4なきつる枝をイ@ | awaiting my love / he who never came I plucked / the spray of blossoms / over which the mountain thrush / had wept tears and sadly sung / |