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歌番号 000095
作者 そせい
作者標準 素性
性別 m
作者英文 Sosei
題仮名 うりんゐんのみこのもとに、はなみにきたやまのほとりにまかれりけるときによめる
題英語 Sent to the Urin'in Crown Prince on the occasion of a trip to Kitayama to see the blossoms.
歌仮名 いさけふは/はるのやまへに/ましりなむ/くれなはなけの/はなのかけかは@
歌岩波 いざけふは/はるのやまべに/まじりなむ/くれなばなげの/はなのかげかは@
歌品詞 いざ-名@、けふ-名-今日@は-係助@/はる-名-春@の-格助@、やまべ-名@に-格助@/まじり-ラ四-用@な-完-未@む-意-終@/くれ-ラ下二-未@な-完-未@ば-接助@、なげ-名@の-格助@/はな-名@の-格助@、かげ-名@かは-係助-反@/@
歌ローマ iza kyo~ wa / haru no yamabe ni / majiri nan / kurenaba nage no / hana no kage ka wa /
歌英語 come then just today / let us wander deep into / hills of spring should the / sun set might we not shelter / beneath the fragile blossoms /
解釈 Plince Tsuneyasu, son of Ninmyo~ tenno~, was known as the Urin'in Crown Prince. Kitayama the "northern mountains " refers to the northern part of the capital. This poem has been interpreted as a request for shelter at the Urin'in, a palace in the capital(see note to poem 75).

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