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Page 39 [ 951 - 975 ]
951KW000951n読人不知世にふれは/うさこそまされ/みよしのゝ/いはの陰道/ふみならしてん@as I grow older / afflictions alone increase-- / I will walk onward / treading the narrow pathways / through the crags of Yoshino /
952KW000952n読人不知いかならん/岩ほの中に/すまはかは/世のうき事の/きこえこさらん@in what sort of cave / amidst the crags and boulders / must I dwell so that / no whisper of the sorrows / of this world can reach my ears /
953KW000953n読人不知足曵の/山のまに〈まに〉/かくれなん/うき世中は/あるかひもなし@somewhere within those / rugged lonely mountains I / will seek seclusion-- / for existence within this / sad world is of no avail /
954KW000954n読人不知世中の/うけくにあきぬ/奥山の/このはにふれる/雪やけなまし@overburdened with / the misery of this world / I long to go where / snow falls on the tree leaves deep / in the mountains vanishing /
955KW000955m吉名よのうきめ/見えぬ山路へ/いらんには/思ふ人こそ/ほたし成けれ@trying to set forth / for mountain paths where the world's / miseries do not / exist thoughts of my love are / the fetters that hold me fast /
956KW000956m躬恒よを捨て/山にいる人/山にても/なをうき時は/いつちゆくらん@you who renounce the / world wandering deep into / the mountains where can / you go when miseries still / assail you in your refuge /
957KW000957m躬恒今更に/何おひいつらん/竹のこの/うきふししけき/世とはしらすや@why this renewed life / for what reason do you grow-- / infant bamboos now / flourish thick as life's sorrows-- / do you not perceive this world /
958KW000958n読人不知よにふれは/言の葉しけき/呉竹の/うきふしことに/鴬そなく@as we pass through this / world our laments are many / as the leaves of the / black bamboo where wood thrush cry-- / one upon each swaying stalk /
959KW000959f@読人不知/高津内親王木にもあらす/草にもあらぬ/竹のよの/はしに我身は/成ぬへら也@neither a tree nor / yet a grass is the bamboo / and like it have I / become a being somewhere / between joint and node half-formed /
960KW000960n読人不知わか身から/うき世中と/歎つゝ/人のためさへ/かなしかるらむ@it is because of / me that this world we live in / is called the world of / sorrow why do others too / feel burdened with such sadness /
961KW000961m思きや/鄙のわかれに/おとろへて/あまのなはたき/いさりせんとは@did ever I think / one day I might be sent far / from our capital / where worn with grief I'd pull hand / over hand on fishing nets /
962KW000962m行平わくらはに/とふ人あらは/須まの浦に/もしほたれつゝ/わふとこたへよ@if from time to time / anyone should ask after / me answer them this / on Suma Bay with tear-drenched / sleeves I gather seaweed salt /
963KW000963m春風あまひこの/をとつれしとそ/今は思/われか人かと/身をたとる世に@for now I shall not / visit not even the far / away echo will / you hear for this world does not / distinguish me from others /
964KW000964m貞文憂世には/かとさせりとも/みえなくに/なとか我身の/いてかてにする@the gateway leading / from this world of misery / is not shut and barred-- / why then do I find it so / difficult to take my leave /
965KW000965m貞文ありはてぬ/命まつまの/ほとはかり/うきことしけく/思はすもかな@I await the end / of my life it cannot be / far off so for this / brief moment alone I pray / that sorrows might not flourish /
966KW000966m潔興つくはねの/このもとことに/たちそよる/春のみ山の/陰を戀つゝ@l seek shade beneath / each leafy springtime bough on / Mount Tsukubane / just as I long for shelter / within my Prince's favor /
967KW000967m深養父ひかりなき/谷には春も/よそなれは/さきてとくちる/物思もなし@spring too is unknown / in this valley which the sun / never brightens here / I am not troubled by thoughts of / blossoms' glory and swift fall /
968KW000968f伊勢久方の/中におひたる/さとなれは/ひかりをのみそ/たのむへらなる@because I dwell in / the village of Katsura / tree of the broad skies / I shall bask only in that / glorious light from above /
969KW000969m業平今そしる/くるしき物と/人またん/里をはかれす/とふへかりけり@now I know what it / is to wait how painful it / must have been for her-- / l should never have left our / home I should have stayed with her /
970KW000970m業平忘れては/夢かとそ思/おもひきや/雪ふみ分て/君をみんとは@I had forgotten-- / was it all a dream I wonder-- / did I ever think / that one day I would trudge through / drifts of snow to see my lord /
971KW000971m業平年をへて/すみこしさとを/いてゝいなは/いとゝ深草/野とや成なん@oh Fukakusa / if I go now leaving this / village I've known so / long will the deep grass become / a dense and tangled field /
972KW000972n読人不知野とならは/うつらとなきて/年はへん/かりにたにやは/君はこさらん@if all becomes dense / fields I will pass my years / crying like the quail-- / for surely you will come if / only for a few days' hunt /
973KW000973f@読人不知我を君/なにはのうらに/有しかは/うきめをみつの/あまと成にき@at Naniwa Bay / you scorned me my lord and in / sorrow I drifted / to Mitsu Temple where the / fisherfolk gather seaweed /
974KW000974m@読人不知なにはかた/うらむへきまも/おもほえす/いつこをみつの/あまとかはなる@I cannot think where / you saw this scorn that vexed you / and sent you off to / Naniwa Bay to become a / seeker at Mitsu Temple /
975KW000975n読人不知今更に/とふへき人も/おもほえす/やへむくらして/門させりてへ@I cannot think that / now after so long any would / come to visit me-- / tell them the tangled grass has / grown too thick and bars my gate /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $