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Page 38 [ 926 - 950 ]
926KW000926f伊勢たちぬはぬ/衣きし人も/なき物を/なに山姫の/布さらすらん@there is no one here / to wear the "garment which is / neither cut nor sewn"-- / why then does the mountain sprite / rinse and bleach the pure white cloth /
927KW000927m長盛ぬしなくて/さらせる布を/七夕に/わか心とや/けふはかさまし@oh that I might take / that ownerless cloth bleaching / in the stream and give / it as an offering to / the Maid of Tanabata /
928KW000928m忠岑おちたきつ/瀧のみなかみ/年つもり/老にけらしな/くろきすちなし@ah upper reaches / of these tumbling seething falls / the years have piled up / and you've grown elderly-- / not one strand of black remains /
929KW000929m躬恒風ふけと/所もさらぬ/白雲は/よをへておつる/水にそ有ける@the wind blows them yet / these white clouds never scatter / never leave this place / through the ages they fall for / they are but tumbling waters /
930KW000930f三条町思ひせく/心の中の/たきなれや/おつとはみれと/音のきこえぬ@do these falls exist / only within my heart where / miseries are / dammed up although I see / the waters I hear no sound /
931KW000931m貫之咲初し/時よりのちは/うちはへて/世は春なれや/色のつねなる@sincc first these flowers / blossomed unchanging color / has delighted us-- / can it be that springtime has / lingered in the world so long /
932KW000932m是則かりてほす/山田のいねの/こきたれて/なきこそわたれ/秋のうけれは@new cut rice hung to / dry in mountain fields a line / of geese fly across / the sky crying for autumn / is the season of sadness /
933KW000933n読人不知世中は/何かつねなる/あすかゝは/昨日の渕そ/けふは瀬になる@in this world of ours / what is there that does not change / Tomorrow Piver-- / the deep pools of yesterday / have become today's shallows /
934KW000934n読人不知いくよしも/あらし我みを/なそもかく/蜑のかるもに/思みたるゝ@I do not know how / much longer this life will last-- / why then do my thoughts / drift aimlessly tangled as / seaweed the fisherfolk reap /
935KW000935n読人不知鴈のくる/嶺の朝霧/はれすのみ/思つきせぬ/世中のうさ@over the peaks where / the wild geese now come flying / morning mists hang low / cloudy as my troubled thoughts / of the sorrow of this world /
936KW000936mしかりとて/そむかれなくに/ことしあれは/まつなけかれぬ/あなう世中@although my life is / sad I cannot turn my back / on it whenever / times of misery come I / grieve ah this unhappy world /
937KW000937m貞樹都人/いかにとゝはゝ/山たかみ/はれぬ雲ゐに/わふとこたへよ@in the capital / if any should ask after / me tell them that here / where mountains loom above me / and clouds never clcar I grieve /
938KW000938f小町侘ぬれは/身を浮草の/根をたえて/さそふ水あらは/いなんとそ思@I have sunk to the / bottom and like the rootless / shifting water weeds / should the currents summon me / l too would drift away /
939KW000939f小町あはれてふ/事こそうたて/世中を/思はなれぬ/ほたし成けれ@each murmur of joy / and sorrow agitates my / heart and binds me more / tightly shackles me to this / sad life I had hoped to leave /
940KW000940n読人不知あはれてふ/言の葉ことに/をく露は/昔をこふる/涙成けり@murmurs of joy / and sorrow on each sheaf of / words on cech small leaf / settles a drop of dew tears / of regret for times now past /
941KW000941n読人不知世中の/うきもつらきも/つけなくに/まつしる物は/涙なりけり@although I never / tell them of the misery / and poin of this world / they are always the first to / know these tears that overflow /
942KW000942n読人不知よの中は/夢かうつゝか/うつゝとも/夢ともしらす/ありてなけれは@is this world of ours / a dream or reality-- / whether it be dream / or real I cannot say for / it exists yet is not there /
943KW000943n読人不知世中に/いつら我身の/ありてなし/哀とやいはん/あなうとやいはん@where am I I who / exist in this world and yet / do not I know not / if I am fascinated / or distressed by this deceit /
944KW000944n読人不知山里は/物のさひしき/事こそあれ/世のうきよりは/すみよかりけり@truly one knows the / loneliness of life here in / this mountain village / yet how much better to live / here than midst the world's sorrows /
945KW000945m惟喬親王白雲の/たえすたなひく/嶺にたに/すめはすみぬる/よにこそ有けれ@where the white clouds trail / endlessly across the peaks / high above only / by dwelling here can I live / in this world of misery /
946KW000946m今道しりにけん/きえてもいとへ/世中は/浪のさはきに/風そしくめる@you must already / know this but hear me now and / feel horror for this / world where tumultuous winds / and riotous waves are constant /
947KW000947m素性いつくにか/よをはいとはん/心こそ/野にも山にも/まとふへらなれ@where shall I go to / renounce this sorrowful world / whether in mountains / or in fields my heart surely / will be distracted and stray /
948KW000948n読人不知世中は/昔よりやは/うかりけん/我身ひとつの/ためになれるか@has this wretched world / been filled with desolation / since days of old or / was it for my sake alone / that it became so woeful /
949KW000949n読人不知よの中を/いとふ山邊の/草木とや/あなうの花の/色に出にけん@is it because the / deutzia thrives on mountain / slopes where I hide from / the world that its blossoms tell / of the misery we must know /
950KW000950n読人不知みよし野の/山のあなたに/宿もかな/世のうき時の/かくれかにせん@if only I had / a home on the far side of / fair Mount Yoshino / I would make it my refuge / in times of worldly sorrow /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $