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歌番号 000932
作者 坂上これのり
作者標準 是則
性別 m
作者英文 Sakanoue no Korenori
題仮名 ひやうふのゑによみあはせてかきける
題英語 Composed to add to a screen painting.
歌仮名 かりてほす/やまたのいねの/こきたれて/なきこそわたれ/あきのうけれは@
歌岩波 かりてほす/やまだのいねの/こきたれてなきこそわたれ/あきのうければ@
歌品詞 かり-ラ四-用@て-接助@、ほす-サ四-体@/やまだ-名@の-格助@、いね-名@の-格助@/こきたれ-ラ下二-用@て-接助@、なき-カ四-用@こそ-係助-係@、わたれ-ラ四-已-結@/あき-名@の-格助@、うけれ-形ク-已@ば-接助-確定@/@
歌ローマ karite hosu / yamada no ine no / kokitarete / naki koso watare / aki no ukereba /
歌英語 new cut rice hung to / dry in mountain fields a line / of geese fly across / the sky crying for autumn / is the season of sadness /
解釈 "Karite" (cutting) contains the word "kari" (geese). Lines 1 and 2 (like thr rice of the mountain fields, reaped and dnied) are a jo linked to the kakekotoba "kokitarete" (reaping and hanging)/"tarete" (dripping). "Naki" refers both to human crying and the honking of the geese.

Generated by Gromit-the-DB Time-stamp: "2007-06-17 09:47:57 yamagen"