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歌番号 000926
作者 伊勢
作者標準 伊勢
性別 f
作者英文 Ise
題仮名 りうもんにまうてて、たきのもとにてよめる
題英語 Composed on a pilgrimage to Ryu~mon near the falls.
歌仮名 たちぬはぬ/きぬきしひとも/なきものを/なにやまひめの/ぬのさらすらむ@
歌岩波 たちぬはぬ/きぬきしひとも/なきものを/なにやまひめの/ぬのさらすらむ@
歌品詞 たちぬは-ハ四-未@ぬ-消-体@/きぬ-名@、き-カ上一-用@し-過-体@、ひと-名@も-係助@/なき-形ク-体@ものを-接助@/なに-代@、やまひめ-名@の-格助@/ぬの-名@、さらす-サ四-終@らむ-現推-終@/@
歌ローマ tachinuwanu / kinu kishi hito mo / naki mono o / nani yama hime no / nuno sarasu ran /
歌英語 there is no one here / to wear the "garment which is / neither cut nor sewn"-- / why then does the mountain sprite / rinse and bleach the pure white cloth /
解釈 Ryu~mon Temple was in Ryu~mon Village, Yoshino District, Nara prefecture, near the Ryu~mon Falls. Ascetic sorcerers were believed to wear robes of cloth that could not be cut or sewn. The foam on the water is compared to cloth that the mountain goddess has spread on the grass to bleach.

Generated by Gromit-the-DB Time-stamp: "2007-06-17 09:47:57 yamagen"