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Page 37 [ 901 - 925 ]
901KW000901m業平世中に/さらぬ別の/なくもかな/ちよもとなけく/人のこのため@l wish there were no / inevitable partings / in this world for the / sake of children who pray for / their parents' eternal life /
902KW000902m棟梁白雪の/やへふりしける/かへる山/かへる〈かへる〉も/おひにけるかな@Kaeru Mountain / where the white snow mounds up in / heavy eightfold drifts-- / the years of my life too pile / up and burden my shoulders /
903KW000903m敏行おいぬとて/なとか我身を/せめきけん/老すはけふに/あはまし物か@why should I berate / my aging body complain / of growing older-- / if we did not age would I / ever have known this blessed day /
904KW000904n読人不知ちはやふる/うちの橋もり/なれをしそ/あはれとは思/年のへぬれは@oh once vigorous / guardian of Uji Bridge / which l've so often / crossed how pitiful to see / you bent with the passing years /
905KW000905n読人不知我みても/ひさしく成ぬ/住の江の/岸のひめ松/いくよへぬらん@it has been ages / since I first came to see you-- / oh small twisted pines / on Suminoe's sandy / shore how many years are yours /
906KW000906n読人不知住吉の/岸のひめ松/人ならは/いく世かへしと/ゝはまし物を@were they only men / I would ask the youthful pines / that line the shores of / Sumiyoshi how many / generations they have seen /
907KW000907m@読人不知/人麿梓弓/いそへのこ松/たか代にか/よろつよかねて/たねをまきけん@smooth as a bow of / catalpa the beach where / small pines grow in whose / day were the seeds planted with / hopes for a thousand-year life /
908KW000908n読人不知かくしつゝ/世をやつくさん/高砂の/尾上にたてる/松ならなくに@hiding myself from / view shall I end my days here / at Takasago / in Onoe though I am / not a pine upon the shore /
909KW000909m興風たれをかも/しる人にせん/高砂の/松も昔の/友ならなくに@who then shall become / my dear companions even / the many pines that / stand at Takasago are / not those friends of long ago /
910KW000910n読人不知わたつ海の/おきつ塩あひに/うかふ淡の/消ぬ物から/よる方もなし@the bubbles that drift / where the currents of the broad / ocean converge float / quietly and linger there / though they too know no shelter /
911KW000911n読人不知わたつ海の/かさしにさせる/白妙の/浪もてゆへる/あはち嶋山@Awwji Island / rising like a mountain from / the midst of the sea / crowned with fine hair ornaments-- / waves with crests as white as hemp /
912KW000912n読人不知わたの原/よせくる浪の/しは〈しは〉も/みまくのほしき/玉つ嶋かも@as often as those / rolling waves cross the broad / sea to strike the shore-- / so often would I see this / mountain Tamatsushima /
913KW000913n読人不知なにはかた/塩みちくらし/あま衣/たみのゝ嶋に/たつ鳴わたる@it seems the tide is / now flooding in Naniwa / Bay crying the cranes / fly toward Tamino Isle / seeking fields of straw rain-cloaks /
914KW000914m忠房君をおもひ/おきつのはまに/鳴たつの/尋ねくれはそ/ありとたにきく@I think longingly / of you where cranes cry upon / the Okitsu shore-- / their visit to me has told / me that you are still alive /
915KW000915m貫之おきつ浪/たかしの濱の/はま松の/なにこそ君を/まち渡りつれ@tall as the waves that / surge in the offing beyond / the Takashi Shore / are the beach pines their name tells / how I yearned for you my old friend /
916KW000916m貫之難波かた/おふる玉もを/かりそめの/あまとそ我は/成ぬへら也@for a while it seems / a fisherman I must be / reaping the harvest / of jeweled seaweed that grows / deep beneath Naniwa Bay /
917KW000917m忠岑住吉と/あまはつくとも/なかゐすな/人忘草/おふといふなり@though fisherfolk say / Sumiyoshi is a good / place to live do not / remain long for grasses of / forgetfulness thrive there too /
918KW000918m貫之雨により/たみのゝしまを/けふゆけは/なにはかくれぬ/物にそ有ける@caught in the rain I / went today to Tamino / Island but I / found no shelter in its name-- / straw raincoat of the rice fields /
919KW000919m貫之あしたつの/たてる川邊を/吹風に/よせて帰らぬ/浪かとそ見る@to my eyes it seems / the waves driven by the wind / to the river banks / approach but do not return-- / cranes standing among the reeds /
920KW000920f伊勢水のうへに/うかへる船の/君ならは/こゝそとまりと/いはまし物を@were you only a / boat drifting on the waters / of my pond then I / could order you to rest here / weighing anchor for the night /
921KW000921m真静都まて/ひゝきかよへる/からことは/浪のをすけて/風そひきける@echoing as far / as the capital whispers / of Chinese Lute Bay / travel as though the wind played / upon taut strings of the waves /
922KW000922m行平こきちらす/瀧の白玉/ひろひをきて/よのうき時の/涙にそかる@scattered white jewels / broadcast by the waterfall / I will gather them / up to use as borrowed tears / in times of lonely sorrow /
923KW000923m業平ぬきみたる/人こそあるらし/白玉の/まなくもちるか/袖のせはきに@surely someone is / plucking these white jewels from / their string for they fall / without a moment's pause to / overflow my narrow sleeves /
924KW000924m承均たかために/ひきてさらせる/布なれや/世をへてみれと/とる人もなき@for whose sake is this / fabric stretched to bleach upon / the river waters-- / though I watch as years pass by / no one comes to gather it /
925KW000925m神退きよたきの/瀬々の白糸/くりためて/山わけ衣/をりてきましを@would that I could spin / the white threads of the rushing / torrents of Kiyo / Falls and weave a rustic robe / to wear to my mountain retreat /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $