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歌番号 000925
作者 神たい法し
作者標準 神退
性別 m
作者英文 Shintai
題仮名 たいしらす
題英語 Topic unknown.
歌仮名 きよたきの/せせのしらいと/くりためて/やまわけころも/をりてきましを@
歌岩波 きよたきの/せぜのしらいと/くりためて/やまわけごろも/おりてきましを@
歌品詞 きよたき-名@の-格助@/せぜ-名@の-格助@、しらいと-名@/くりため-マ下二-用@て-接助@/やまわけごろも-名@/おり-ラ四-用@て-接助@、き-上一-未@まし-仮想-体@を-格助@/@
歌ローマ kiyotaki no / seze no shiraito / kuritamete / yamawakegoromo / orite kimashi o /
歌英語 would that I could spin / the white threads of the rushing / torrents of Kiyo / Falls and weave a rustic robe / to wear to my mountain retreat /
解釈 There is a Kiyotaki River that runs through Saga, west of Kyo~to. However, Ozawa suggests this is a common noun, "pure falls," referring to the Yoshino Falls. The robe would be one worn on a Buddhist retreat in the Yoshino Mountains.

Generated by Gromit-the-DB Time-stamp: "2007-06-17 09:47:57 yamagen"