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876KW000876m友則蝉のはの/よるの衣は/うすけれと/うつりかこくも/匂ひぬるかな@as delicate as / the filmy cicada wings / is my robe tonight / yet the air about me is / thickly perfumed with your scent /
877KW000877n読人不知をそく出る/月にもあるかな/足曵の/山のあなたも/おしむへら也@how late is the long / awaited moon to emerge from / behind the rugged / mountain crests how the other / side must long to hold it back /
878KW000878n読人不知我心/なくさめかねつ/さらしなや/をはすて山に/てる月をみて@above the mountain-- / Old Forsaken Woman of / Sarashina the / melancholy moon shines how / inconsolable my heart /
879KW000879m業平大かたは/月をもめてし/これそこの/つもれは人の/おいとなるもの@in the end I find / my pleasure in the bright moon / is tinged with sadness-- / for every wax and wane / numbers the months of our lives /
880KW000880m貫之かつみれと/うとくも有哉/月影の/いたらぬ里も/あらしと思へは@I have gazed upon / the moon but we can never / live in harmony / for I know there is no village / where the moonlight does not shine /
881KW000881m貫之二なき/物と思ひしを/水底に/山のはならて/いつる月影@I had thought it was / unique beyond compare yet / another has appeared / not from the mountain rim but / rising from the water's depths /
882KW000882n読人不知天川/雲のみおにて/はやけれは/ひかりとゝめす/月そなかるゝ@in heaven's river / the tumbling rapids of clouds / flow so swiftly the / moonlight courses endlessly / as the moon rides the current /
883KW000883n読人不知あかすして/月のかくるゝ/山もとは/あなたおもてそ/戀しかりける@before we had gazed / our fill the moon was hidden / within the mountains-- / left behind in the foothills / we envy those living there /
884KW000884m業平あかなくに/またきも月の/かくるゝか/山のはにけて/いれすもあらなん@though still I long to / contemplate its beauty the / moon goes early to / hide oh that the mountain's crest / might flee barring its retreat /
885KW000885f敬信大空を/てり行月し/清けれは/雲かくせとも/光けなくに@so brilliant the moon / that traverses the broad skies / casting its soft light-- / the clouds that try to hide it / cannot make it disappear /
886KW000886n読人不知いその神/ふるからをのゝ/もとかしは/もとの心は/忘られなくに@in the meadows of / Furu in lsonokami / withered oak leaves still / cling to the trees so my first / love remains unforgotten /
887KW000887n読人不知いにしへの/野中の清水/ぬるけれと/もとの心を/しる人そくむ@though the waters of / the old spring in the meadow-- / once so pure and cold-- / have become tepid one who / remembers still dips to drink /
888KW000888n読人不知古の/しつのをたまき/いやしきも/よきもさかりは/ありし物也@as the bobbin flies / when they weave the blue striped cloth / so too do we all / both the humble and the proud / have a summit in our lives /
889KW000889n読人不知今こそあれ/我も昔は/おとこ山/さか行時も/ありこしものを@to this I have fallen / though once long ago I too / knew a time of ease-- / a time when life resembled / ascent of Mount Otoko /
890KW000890n読人不知世中に/ふりぬる物は/津の國の/なからの橋と/我となりけり@in this world two things / grow old of this I'm certain-- / one is the bridge of / Nagara in Tsu Province / and the second it is I /
891KW000891n読人不知さゝの葉に/ふりつむ雪の/うれをゝもみ/本くたちゆく/わかさかりはも@bent are the blades of / the bamboo grass heavily / the snow weighs upon / each leaf my life too flourished / but now starts the downward slope /
892KW000892n読人不知おほあらきの/もりのした草/おひぬれは/こまもすさめす/かる人もなし@when the blades of grass / deep in O~araki Grove / toughen and grow old / no steeds will graze upon them / no men will come to harvest /
893KW000893m@読人不知かそふれは/とまらぬ物を/としといひて/ことしはいたく/おいそしにける@as I count the years / years called nimble-footed years / which never linger / ah this year especially / how sadly I feel my age /
894KW000894m@読人不知をしてるや/なにはのみつに/焼塩の/からくも我は/老にける哉@as salty as the / seaweed burned in Naniwa / in beautiful Tsu / are the bitter tears I shed / so many years have I lived /
895KW000895m@読人不知おいらくの/こむとしりせは/門さして/なしと答て/あはさらましを@if only I had / known that age was drawing near / I would have barred my / gate told him I was not at home-- / that we might never have met /
896KW000896n読人不知さかさまに/年もゆかなん/とりもあへす/過るよはひや/ともにかへると@if only time could / travel in reverse would those / days of my life that / escaped my grasp return to me / with the backward passing years /
897KW000897n読人不知とりとむる/物にしあらねは/年月を/哀あなうと/すくしつるかな@because there was no / way to seize and hold the swift / moving months and years of / life in delight or sorrow / I have passed them carelessly /
898KW000898n読人不知とゝめあへす/むへもとしとは/いはれけり/しかもつれなく/すくる齢か@we cannot make it / linger swift-passing time is / well named but sadly / the years of my life too flow / by me indifferently /
899KW000899m@読人不知/黒主鏡山/いさたちよりて/みてゆかん/年へぬる身は/おいやしぬると@well now I'll go to / Mirror Mountain gaze upon / it and then travel / on for I wonder if I've / aged in all these years I've lived /
900KW000900f伊豆内親王おひぬれは/さらぬ別も/ありといへは/いよ〈いよ〉見まく/ほしき君哉@so old am I that / inevitable time of / parting draws near and / my desire to see you my / dear grows ever more intense /

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