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歌番号 000884
作者 なりひらの朝臣
作者標準 業平
性別 m
作者英文 Ariwara no Narihira
題仮名 これたかのみこのかりしけるともにまかりて、やとりにかへりて、よひとよさけをのみものかたりをしけるに、とをかあまりひとひのつきもかくれなむとしけるをりに、みこゑひてうちへいりなむとしけれはよみはへりける
題英語 Once Narihira accompanied Prince Koretaka on a hunting trip. They returned to their lodgings and reminisced and drank sake all night long. Because the Prince felt drunk and prepared to retire inside just as the moon of the eleventh night was about to set, Narihira composed this poem.
歌仮名 あかなくに/またきもつきの/かくるるか/やまのはにけて/いれすもあらなむ@
歌岩波 あかなくに/まだきもつきの/かくるるか/やまのはにげて/いれずも/あらなむ@
歌品詞 あか-カ四-未@なく-形ク-用*@に-接助@/まだき-副@も-係助@、つき-名@の-格助@/かくるる-ラ下二-体@か-終助-詠@/やま-名-山@の-格助@、は-名@、にげ-ガ下二-用@て-接助@/いれ-ラ下二-未@ず-消-用@も-係助@/あら-ラ変-未@なむ-終助-希@/@
歌ローマ akanaku ni / madaki mo tsuki no / kakururu ka / yama no ha nigete / irezu mo aranan /
歌英語 though still I long to / contemplate its beauty the / moon goes early to / hide oh that the mountain's crest / might flee barring its retreat /
解釈 Prince Koretaka is the author of II, 74, and XVIII, 945, and he appears also in the headnote to IX, 418. The moon would have set about three in the morning on the eleventh.

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