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歌番号 000894
作者標準 読人不知
性別 m@
作者英文 Anonymous
題仮名 たいしらす
題英語 Topic unknown.
歌仮名 おしてるや/なにはのみつに/やくしほの/からくもわれは/おいにけるかな@
歌岩波 おしてるや/なにはの/みづにやくしほの/からくもわれは/おいにけるかな@
歌品詞 おしてる-ラ四-体@や-係助@/なには-名@の-格助@/みづ-名-水@に-格助@、やく-カ四-体@、しほ-名@の-格助@/からく-形ク-用@も-係助@、われ-代@は-係助@/おい-ヤ上二-用@に-完-用@ける-過-体@かな-終助-詠@/@
歌ローマ oshiteru ya / naniwa no mitsu ni / yaku shio no / karaku mo ware wa / oinikeru kana /
歌英語 as salty as the / seaweed burned in Naniwa / in beautiful Tsu / are the bitter tears I shed / so many years have I lived /
解釈 "Oshiteru ya," the meaning of which is unclear, is a makurakotoba for Naniwa. For Tsu and Naniwa, see 604. The first three lines (of the salt burnt in lovely Tsu in Naniwa) are a jo linked to "karaku" (saltily; painfully). The alternative lines are "on the beach at lovely Tsu in O~tomo." O~tomo refers to the Naniwa area.

Generated by Gromit-the-DB Time-stamp: "2007-06-17 09:47:57 yamagen"