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Page 35 [ 851 - 875 ]
851KW000851m貫之色もかも/昔のこさに/匂へとも/うへけん人の/かけそ戀しき@only the blossoms / retain their vivid hues / and perfume how I / yearn for the sight of the one / who planted them long ago /
852KW000852m貫之君まさて/煙たえにし/塩かまの/浦さひしくも/見えわたる哉@now my lord is gone / how lonely is this world where / far across the Bay / of Shiogama the gray / smoke disappears from our sight /
853KW000853m有輔君かうへし/一むら薄/虫のねの/しけき野へとも/成にける哉@that single clump of / waving plume grass planted by / my lord long ago / is now an overgrown field / where insects pipe lonely calls /
854KW000854m友則ことならは/ことのはさへも/きえなゝん/みれは涙の/たきまさりけり@if it must be so / may even the leaves of his / words vanish with him / for when I see these verses / tears well up and overflow /
855KW000855n読人不知なき人の/やとにかよはゝ/郭公/かけてねにのみ/なくとつけなむ@if you travel to / his garden in that world where / he now dwells tell him / hototogisu how the / sorrowful cries echo here /
856KW000856n読人不知誰見よと/花さけるらん/白雲の/たつのとはやく/成にし物を@for whom have they bloomed / who will see flowers here where / carefully tended / gardens have so soon become / fields only white clouds visit /
857KW000857f閑院五御子かす〈かす〉に/我を忘れぬ/物ならは/山の霞を/あはれとはみよ@if you recall me / fondly if you remember / me when I am gone / then gaze upon the mountain / haze in gentle reverie /
858KW000858f読人不知聲をたに/きかて別るゝ/玉よりも/なきとこにねん/君そ悲しき@I must go without / hearing your voice again more / wretched even than / my sad spirit you will sleep / alone where we two once slept /
859KW000859m千里紅葉はを/風にまかせて/みるよりも/はかなき物は/命成けり@are even more precarious / more fragile than / the colored autumn leaves / we see yielding to / the wind our lives in this world /
860KW000860m惟幹露をなと/あたなる物と/思ひけん/我身も草に/をかぬはかりを@why did I think the / dew fragile insubstantial / for the only way / we differ is that I do / not lie upon morning grass /
861KW000861m業平つゐに行/道とはかねて/きゝしかと/昨日けふとは/思はさりしを@although I've heard / there is a road we all must / travel never did / I think I might set out on / it yesterday or today /
862KW000862m滋春かりそめの/ゆきかひちとそ/思ひこし/今はかきりの/かとて成けり@I came thinking this / would be a simple journey / along the road to / Kai and back but now I / have crossed the final threshold /
863KW000863n読人不知我うへに/露そをくなる/天川/とわたる船の/かひのしつくか@as I slept it seems / dew settled over me could / it be spray scattered / by the oars of the boat now / crossing the river of heaven /
864KW000864n読人不知思ふとち/まとゐせる夜は/唐錦/たゝまくおしき/物にそ有ける@my beloved friends / tearing myself away from / your company this / evening is painful as / rending fine Chinese brocade /
865KW000865n読人不知うれしきを/なにゝつゝまん/唐衣/たもとゆたかに/たてといはましを@what can I enfold / this blessed happiness in-- / if only I had / asked that the sleeves in my robe / from Cathay be broadly cut /
866KW000866m@読人不知限なき/君かためにと/おる花は/時しもわかぬ/物にそ有ける@flowers I cut to / celebrate the limitless / years of your life my / lord they too are unmindful / of the progress of the years /
867KW000867n読人不知むらさきの/ひともとゆへに/むさしのゝ/草はみなから/哀とそ見る@a single stalk of / royal purple upon the / Moor of Musashi / makes me love all the other / wild grasses all the more /
868KW000868m業平紫の/色こき時は/めもはるに/のなる草木そ/わかれさりける@when the color of / royal purple is deepest / it casts its glow as / far as I can see over / all the plants in the meadows /
869KW000869m能有色なしと/人や見るらん/昔より/ふかき心に/そめてし物を@ah my lord do you / think me as colorless as / this cloth even though / I have imbued it with the / love that long has dyed my heart /
870KW000870m今道日の光り/やふしわかねは/いその神/ふりにしさとに/花も咲けり@the brilliant rays of / the sun light up the darkest / thicket even in / ancient Isonokami / Village the flowers have bloomed /
871KW000871m業平おほはらや/小塩の山も/けふこそは/神世のことも/思いつらめ@Oshio Mountain / in O~hara today / especially must / call to mind the events of / the age of the awesome gods /
872KW000872m遍昭あまつ風/雲のかよひち/吹とちよ/乙女の姿/しはしとゝめん@oh heavenly winds / close the gates across the path / they traverse through the / clouds keep the fair maidens here / for just a short time longer /
873KW000873mぬしやたれ/とへと白玉/いはなくに/さらはなへてや/哀と思はん@although I beg to / know the owner of this white / hair jewel it gives / no reply shall I think each / of you its charming mistress /
874KW000874m敏行たまたれの/こかめやいつら/こよろきの/磯の浪分/おきにいてにけり@where has that gem-decked / flask gone into the offing / parting the waves off / Koyorogi beach like a / tortoise returning to sea /
875KW000875m兼芸かたちこそ/み山隠れの/朽木なれ/心は花に/なさは成なん@my appearance may / be bleak as the rotting trees / hidden deep in the / mountains but within my heart / flowers can bloom if you will it /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $