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歌番号 000874
作者 としゆきの朝臣
作者標準 敏行
性別 m
作者英文 Fujiwara no Toshiyuki
題仮名 くわんひやうのおほむときに、うへのさふらひにはへりけるをのことも、かめをもたせてきさいのみやのおほむかたに、おほみきのおろしときこえにたてまつりたりけるを、くらうとともわらひてかめをおまへにもていてて、ともかくもいはすなりにけれは、つかひのかへりきてさなむありつるといひけれは、くらうとのなかにおくりける
題英語 In the Kanpyo~ era some of the men in the Courtiers' Hall had a sake jar taken to the Consort's palace to be presented to her wuth a request for some of the Mikado's leftover sake. The chamberlains and other in her service laughed and carried the jar before the Consort, but there was no reply. When the messenger returned and said that was the case, Toshiyuki sent this poem to the chamberlains.
歌仮名 たまたれの/こかめやいつら/こよろきの/いそのなみわけ/おきにいてにけり@
歌岩波 たまだれの/こがめやいづら/こよろぎの/いそのなみわけ/おきにいでにけり@
歌品詞 たまだれ-名@の-格助@/こがめ-名@や-係助-疑@、いづら-名@/こよろぎ-名@の-格助@/いそ-名@の-格助@、なみ-名@、わけ-カ下二-用@/おき-名@に-格助@、いで-ダ下二-用@に-完-用@けり-詠-終@/@
歌ローマ tamadare no / kogame ya izura / koyorogi no / iso no nami wake / oki ni idenikeri /
歌英語 where has that gem-decked / flask gone into the offing / parting the waves off / Koyorogi beach like a / tortoise returning to sea /
解釈 Commentators agree that this even took place during the reign of Uda tenno~, although the Kanpyo~ era (887-898) also encompasses part of the reign of Daigo. For the Courtiers' Hall, see 161. Toshiyuki was one of the courtiers, generally gentlemen of the Fourth Rank and above. The Consort was Fujiwara Onshi. The chamberlains (kuro~do) in question are ladies in her service. "Tamadare no" (with jewels hanging) is a makurakotoba usually linked to "o (string). Another meaning of "o" is "small," and thE charactEr "small" may have the reading ko; hence, the linking of "tamadare no" to "ko" in this poem. "Kogame" means both "jar" and "tortoise." The second and third lines are linked by the repetition of the initial syllables, "ko." Koyorogi is the stretch of shore from Kozu to O~iso in modern Kanagawa Prefecture. "Oki" means both "offing" and "placing (the sake jar)."

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