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Page 34 [ 826 - 850 ]
826KW000826m是則逢事を/なからの橋の/なからへて/こひわたるまに/年そへにける@our meetings thwarted / so long have I yearned that the / days have stretched out / like the Nagara Bridge and / an entire year has gone by /
827KW000827m友則うきなから/けぬるあわとも/成なゝん/なかれてとたに/頼れぬ身は@like foam vanishing / as it floats upon water / I would pass away / for my life is as aimless / as the fragile drifting froth /
828KW000828n読人不知なかれては/妹背の山の/なかにおつる/よしのゝ川の/よしや世中@like the Yoshino / River cascading between / Husband and Wife peaks / obstacles forever part / lovers in this world of ours /
829KW000829mなく涙/雨とふらなん/わたり川/水まさりなは/かへりくるかに@may these tears fall like / rain to flood that river we / all must cross over / for should it overflow my / love would come to life again /
830KW000830m素性ちの涙/おちてそたきつ/白川は/君か世まての/名にこそ有けれ@blood red tears of grief / fall rush in torrents to dye / the White River it / deserved that name only while / you were in this world of ours /
831KW000831m勝延空蝉は/からを見つゝも/なくさめつ/ふか草の山/煙たにたて@even the lifeless form / empty as the cicada's / shell comforted me / oh Mount Fukakusa keep / the smoke spiraling skyward /
832KW000832m岑雄深草の/野邊の櫻し/心あらは/ことしはかりは/すみそめにさけ@oh cherry trees of / Fukakusa Field if you / truly have a heart / this year at least you'll be dressed / in blossoms dyed inky black /
833KW000833m友則ねてもみゆ/*ねても見てけり/大かたは/空蝉のよそ/夢には有ける/*2ねても見えけりイ@sleeping I see him-- / awake and still I see that / vision before me / ah truly do they say this / locust shell world is a dream /
834KW000834m貫之夢とこそ/いふへかりけれ/世中に/うつゝある物と/思ひけるかな@surely this must be / a dream or an illusion-- / though once I thought the / things in this world of ours to / exist in reality /
835KW000835m忠岑ぬるか内に/見るをのみやは/夢といはん/はかなき世をも/現とはみす@shall we give the name / dream only to those visions / seen in slumber this / fragile world in which we live / seems equally unreal /
836KW000836m忠岑せをせけは/渕と成ても/よとみけり/別をとむる/しからみそなき@if one stems the flow / of the rapids the waters form / deep pools still and / unchanging yet there is no / weir that would hold you with me /
837KW000837f閑院さきたゝぬ/くひのやちたひ/かなしきは/流るゝ水の/かへりこぬ也@eight thousand painful / regrets well up why couldn't / I go first like the / waters rushing by my love / can never return to me /
838KW000838m貫之あすしらぬ/我身と思へと/くれぬまの/けふは人こそ/悲しかりけれ@although I know my / tomorrows are uncertain-- / while still I enjoy / my todays how I grieve for / one whose twilight has darkened /
839KW000839m忠岑時しもあれ/秋やは人の/わかるへき/あるをみるたに/戀しき物を@other seasons do / exist should one leave life in / autumn when even / the sight of friends still with us / bring a pathetic yearning /
840KW000840m躬恒神無月/時雨にぬるゝ/もみちはゝ/たゝわひ人の/袂成けり@glistening crimson / leaves soaked by the freezing rains / of the godless month / hang heavy as the sleeves of / the sorrow-laden mourners /
841KW000841m忠岑ふち衣/はつるゝいとは/わひ人の/涙の玉の/をとそ成ける@the frayed threads of / the purple robes of sorrow worn / by the mourners have / become the strings that carry / shimmering teardrop jewels /
842KW000842m貫之朝露の/おくての山田/かりそめに/うき世中を/思ひぬる哉@come to reap late rice / in mountain fields where morning / dew gleams my harvest / is the knowledge of this sad / world's emphemerality /
843KW000843m忠岑墨染の/君かたもとは/雲なれや/たえす涙の/雨とのみふる@have those trailing ink / dyed sleeves become dark storm clouds / my lord teardrops fall / as steadily as rain from / the overcast skies above /
844KW000844n読人不知足曵の/山へにいまは/すみ染の/衣の袖の/ひる時もなし@living alone now / deep in the rugged mountains / never is there a / time when the inky black sleeves / of my robes are dry of tears /
845KW000845m水の面に/しつく花の色/さやかにも/君かみかけの/おもほゆる哉@radiantly their / color glows deep beneath the / surface of the pond / bright as the visage of my / lord reflected in my mind /
846KW000846m康秀草ふかき/霞のたにゝ/影かくし/てる日の暮し/けふにやはあらぬ@the grass is deep-- / a haze dims the valley where / the last reflection / of the sun's rays once vanished-- / is today not that sad day /
847KW000847m遍昭みな人は/花の衣に/成ぬ也/こけのたもとよ/かはきたにせよ@everyone now is / garbed again in robes with hues / of springtime blossoms-- / oh moss-colored sleeves of mine / won't you at least become dry /
848KW000848m能有打つけに/さひしくもあるか/紅葉はも/ぬしなき宿は/色なかりけり@how suddenly this / desolation has settled / over all even / the autumn leaves around his / empty hut are colorless /
849KW000849m貫之郭公/けさ鳴こゑに/おとろけは/君にわかれし/時にそ有ける@hototogisu-- / startled again this morning / by his mournful song / I knew this was the day we / had had to bid you goodbye /
850KW000850m茂行花よりも/人こそあたに/成にけれ/いつれをさきに/こひんとかみし@mankind is even / more ephemeral than the / fragile blossoms did / I ever think there was any / doubt which I would mourn soonest /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $