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歌番号 000848
作者 近院の右のおほいまうち君
作者標準 能有
性別 m
作者英文 Minamoto no Yoshiari
題仮名 かはらのおほいまうちきみのみまかりてのあき、かのいへのほとりをまかりけるに、もみちのいろまたふかくもならさりけるをみて、かのいへによみていれたりける
題英語 Composed and sent to the home of the Kawara Minister the autumn after his death , when the author, wanderin in the vicinity of the Minister's mansion, saw that the autumn leaves had not yet colored deeply.
歌仮名 うちつけに/さひしくもあるか/もみちはも/ぬしなきやとは/いろなかりけり@
歌岩波 うちつけに/さびしくもあるか/もみぢばも/ぬしなきやどは/いろなかりけり@
歌品詞 うちつけに-形動ナリ-用@/さびしく-形シク-用@も-係助-添@、ある-ラ変-終@か-終助-詠@/もみぢば-名@も-係助@/ぬし-名@、なき-形ク-体@、やど-名@は-係助@/いろ-名@、なかり-形ク-用@けり-詠-終@/@
歌ローマ uchitsuke ni / sabishiku mo aru ka / momijiba mo / nushi naki yado wa / iro nakarikeri /
歌英語 how suddenly this / desolation has settled / over all even / the autumn leaves around his / empty hut are colorless /
解釈 Minamoto no To~ru (d.895). Minister of the Left, was known as the Kawara (Riverbcd) Minister because his mansion was located near the Kamo River.

Generated by Gromit-the-DB Time-stamp: "2007-06-17 09:47:57 yamagen"