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歌番号 000847
作者 僧正遍昭
作者標準 遍昭
性別 m
作者英文 Henjo~
題仮名 ふかくさのみかとのおほむときに、くらうとのとうにてよるひるなれつかうまつりけるを、りやうあんになりにけれはさらによにもましらすして、ひえのやまにのほりてかしらおろしてけり、そのまたのとし、みなひとおんふくぬきて、あるはかうふりたまはりなとよろこひけるをききてよめる
題英語 When the Fukakusa Mikado died, the Head Chamberlain, who had been accustomed to servin him night and day, felt he could no longer remain in society, and he climbed Maunt Hiei and shaved his head. The next year, when he heard that everyone had removed their mourning robes and that some were rejoicing over promotions, he composed this poem.
歌仮名 みなひとは/はなのころもに/なりぬなり/こけのたもとよ/かはきたにせよ@
歌岩波 みなひとは/はなのころもに/なりぬなり/こけのたもとよ/かわきだにせよ@
歌品詞 みなひと-名@は-係助@/はな-名@の-格助@、ころも-名@に-格助@/なり-ラ四-用@ぬ-完-終@なり-伝-終@/こけ-名@の-格助@、たもと-名@よ-間助-詠@/かわき-カ四-用@だに-副助@、せよ-サ変-命@/@
歌ローマ mina hito wa / hana no koromo ni / narinu nari / koke no tamoto yo / kawaki dani seyo /
歌英語 everyone now is / garbed again in robes with hues / of springtime blossoms-- / oh moss-colored sleeves of mine / won't you at least become dry /
解釈 For the Fukakusa Mikado, see 846. Mount Hiei is the site of the Enryakuji, head temple of the Tendai Sect.

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