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Page 32 [ 776 - 800 ]
776KW000776n読人不知うへていにし/秋田刈まて/見えこねは/けさ初鴈の/ねにそ鳴ぬる@he planted and left / and when I think he'll not come / back till autumn fields / are reaped my cries join those of / the first geese returning at dawn /
777KW000777n読人不知こぬ人を/待夕暮の/秋風は/いかにふけはか/わひしかるらん@how mournfully the / autumn wind must blow to bring / me such yearning for / one who will not come though I / still wait for him at twilight /
778KW000778n読人不知久しくも/成にけるかな/住の江の/松はくるしき/物にそ有ける@ages have passed since / last we two met painful is / this thing called waiting / yet I am faithful as the / aged Suminoe pines /
779KW000779m兼覧王住のえの/松ほと久に/成ぬれは/あしたつのねに/なかぬ日はなし@gnarled roots of aged / pines of Suminoe so / long have I waited-- / now no day passes but I / cry loud as the cranes on shore /
780KW000780f伊勢みわの山/いかに待みん/年ふとも/尋ぬる人も/あらしと思へは@how it awaits you-- / how it longs for your coming-- / Miwa Mountain for / it knows there will be no / visitors though long years pass /
781KW000781m常康親王吹まよふ/野風をさむみ/秋はきの/うつりもゆくか/人の心の@darting here and there / the cold winds race through the fields-- / has my lover's heart / changed altered like the color / of the autumn hagi's bloom /
782KW000782f小町今はとて/わか身時雨に/ふりぬれは/言のはさへに/うつろひにけり@it's over I know / for I've grown old and tiresome / as the chill autumn / rains even his words of love / fade and wither like the leaves /
783KW000783m貞樹人を思/心このはに/あらはこそ/風のまに〈まに〉/ちりもみたれめ@my yearning heart if / it were those fluttering leaves / then only then would / it fall or drift far away / yielding to the autumn wind /
784KW000784f有常女あま雲の/よそにも人の/成行か/さすかにめには/みゆる物から@as distant as those / drifting clouds in the heavens / has my love become / and yet each day I see him / here before my searching eyes /
785KW000785m業平ゆきかへり/空にのみして/ふることは/我ゐる山の/風はやみ也@back and forth I glide / restlessly traveling the / skies only because / the wind howls so fiercely on / the mountain where I would rest /
786KW000786m景式王唐衣/なれは身にこそ/まつはれめ/かけてのみやは/戀んと思ひし@a Chinese robe long / worn gently embraces one / but never did I / think she would cling to me so / after one dress rehearsal /
787KW000787m友則秋風は/身を分てしも/ふかなくに/人の心の/空になるらん@the cold autumn winds / encircle us but do not / blow within why then / has her heart emptied of love / flown off to distant vacant skies /
788KW000788m宗于つれもなく/成行人の/言のはそ/秋よりさきの/もみちなりける@so cold so heartless / has she grown the leaves of her / words have begun to / change their color they wither / even before autumn comes /
789KW000789f兵衛しての山/麓をみてそ/帰りにし/つらき人より/まつこえしとて@only the foothills / of that Mountain of Death did / I see before I / returned I shall not cross and / leave that heartless one behind /
790KW000790f小町姉時すきて/かれゆくをのゝ/あさちには/今は思ひそ/たえすもえける@the low rushes of / the withering meadows of / Ono have passed their / prime and burn ceaselessly as / memories inflame my heart /
791KW000791f伊勢冬かれの/野へと我身を/思ひせは/もえても春を/またましものを@my heart is like / lonely winter-scorched fields that / lie before me yet / even in burnt fields buds swell-- / may I look forward to spring /
792KW000792m友則水の淡の/消てうき身と/いひなから/流て猶も/たのまるゝ哉@a fragile being-- / life not yet vanished like foam / upon the water-- / while my days and tears flow on / there is someone I would trust /
793KW000793n読人不知みなせ川/ありて行水/なくはこそ/つゐにわか身を/たえぬと思はめ@"Waterless River" / yet water flows there if none / ever ran I might / feel my one-tracked hopes blocked / like the channel of the stream /
794KW000794m躬恒よしのかは/よしや人こそ/つらからめ/はやくいひてし/ことは忘れし@although you've become / cold as the waters of the / Yoshino River / I shall never forget the pledge / I made when first we met /
795KW000795n読人不知世中の/人の心は/花そめの/うつろひやすき/色にそ有ける@this it is which fades / away as easily as / thc dye of the moon / flower the heart of man in / the midst of this world of love /
796KW000796n読人不知心こそ/うたてにくけれ/そめさらは/うつろふことも/おしからましや@how hateful a thing / my heart has become had it / never been suffused / with love for him would I now / regret his fading desire /
797KW000797f小町いろみえて/うつろふ物は/世中の/人の心の/花にそありける@that which fades within / without changing its color / is the hidden bloom / of the heart of man in / this world of disillusion /
798KW000798n読人不知我のみや/よをうくひすと/鳴侘ん/人の心の/花とちりなは@shall I alone cry / like the mountain thrush grieving / over the sorrows of / this world if the blossoms of / the heart of my love scatter /
799KW000799m素性思ふとも/かれなん人を/いかゝせん/あかす散ぬる/花とこそみめ@no matter how I / love he will leave what can / I do I will treat / him as a flower that falls / before one tires of looking /
800KW000800n読人不知今はとて/君かかれなは/わか宿の/花をはひとり/みてや忍はん@if you go away / telling me our days of love / are past will I gaze / alone at the flowers in / my garden and remember /

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