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Page 31 [ 751 - 775 ]
751KW000751m元方久堅の/天つ空にも/すまなくに/人はよそにそ/思へらなる@l do not make my / home in the broad heavenly / skies and yet he seems / to think my heart so distant-- / my love unobtainabe /
752KW000752n読人不知見ても又/またもみまくの/ほしけれは/なるゝを人は/いとふへら也@having met again / and again I would see her-- / how my desire grows-- / this it seems is the reason / she hates familiarity /
753KW000753m友則雲もなく/なきたるあさの/我なれや/いとはれてのみ/よをはへぬらん@am I a placid / cloudless morning do I show / no promise of storm / must I live in a world where / clouds of love never gather /
754KW000754n読人不知花かたみ/めならふ人の/あまたあれは/忘られぬらん/数ならぬ身は@in rows numerous / as the slits of a wicker / basket are all the / women you love I am not / worthy of being counted /
755KW000755n読人不知うきめのみ/おひてなかるゝ/うらなれは/かりにのみこそ/あまはよるらめ@as seafolk come to / reap the seaweed when it floats / thickly in the bay / he only comes to visit / when tears of misery flow /
756KW000756f伊勢逢にあひて/物思ふころの/我袖に/やとる月さへ/ぬるゝかほなる@the moon must suit her / humor to mine as I sit / in misery her / rain-streaked face is reflected / in my own billowing sleeves /
757KW000757n読人不知秋ならて/をく白露は/ねさめする/わか手枕の/しつく成けり@not even autumn / and yet the white dew settles-- / awakening I find / the crystal drops before me / on the pillow where I napped /
758KW000758n読人不知すまのあまの/塩焼衣/おさをあらみ/まとをにあれや/君かきまさぬ@widely spaced woven / with a broad shuttle are the / threads of the robes worn / by the Suma fisherfolk / and the visits of my love /
759KW000759n読人不知山城の/淀のわかこも/かりにたに/こぬ人たのむ/我そはかなき@heedlessly as he / cuts the young reeds of Yodo / in Yamashiro / the one I love neglects me-- / how fleeting my life will be /
760KW000760n読人不知あひみねは/戀こそまされ/みなせ川/なにゝふかめて/思そめ劔@when we cannot meet / my love but grows the stronger-- / what good to yearn / with deepening love for one / shallow as Minase's stream /
761KW000761n読人不知暁の/鴫のはねかき/もゝはかき/君かこぬよは/我そかすかく@one hundred times or / more I hear the fluttering / of the snipes' wings / as I count the lonely hours / till dawn when you have not come /
762KW000762n読人不知玉かつら/今はたゆとや/吹風の/音にも人の/聞えさるらん@cutting us apart / now like the trailing ivy-- / can he mean to part / sending me not even a / whisper on the blowing wind /
763KW000763n読人不知わか袖に/またき時雨の/ふりぬるは/君か心に/秋やきぬらん@upon me falls a chill / untimely rain drenching my / flowing slecves is it / that autumn has come early / to his heart freezing our love /
764KW000764n読人不知山の井の/あさき心も/*思はぬに/かけはかりのみ/人のみゆらん/*3思はぬをイ@though the mountain spring / is shallow-hearted I am / not why does my love / never visit only his / reflection appears to me /
765KW000765n読人不知忘草/たねとらましを/逢事の/いとかくかたき/物としりせは@I wish I had sown / grasses of forgetfulness / when we first met if / only I had known how hard / it would be to see each other /
766KW000766n読人不知こふれとも/逢夜のなきは/忘草/夢ちにさへや/おひしけるらん@even though I yearn / for him there are no nights of / meeting is it that / even on the path of dreams / grasses of forgetting bloom /
767KW000767n読人不知夢にたに/あふ事かたく/成ゆくは/我やいをねぬ/人や忘るゝ@even in my dreams / it's become difficult to / meet the one I love-- / is it that I cannot sleep / or has he fbrgotten me /
768KW000768m兼芸唐も/夢にみしかは/近かりき/思はぬ中そ/はるけかりける@even far Cathay / seemed close by in my dreams I / know now how remote / are two who no longer love-- / not even in dreams to meet /
769KW000769mひとりのみ/詠ふるやの/つまなれは/人を忍ふの/草そおひける@all alone I pass / the days gazing at the long / rains falling on the / eaves of my house where grasses / of longing for my love grow /
770KW000770m遍昭わか宿は/道もなきまて/あれにけり/つれなき人を/待とせしまに@around my home / weeds have grown so thick that / the path has disappeared / during the days I've waited / for my cold-hearted lover /
771KW000771m遍昭今こむと/いひて別し/朝より/思ひくらしの/ねをのみそなく@by and by I'll come / he said and since that morning / my cries of sorrow / have blended with the mournful / droning of the cicadas /
772KW000772n読人不知こめやとは/思物から/ひくらしの/なく夕暮は/たちまたれつゝ@won't he come hopeless / question yet with each passing / night I find myself / going out to await him / when cicadas drone at dusk /
773KW000773n読人不知いましはと/わひにし物を/さゝかにの/衣にかゝり/われをたのむる@now it is over-- / despondent I recall our / love but then as an / omen of your return a / lucky spider climbs my robe /
774KW000774n読人不知今はこしと/思ふ物から/忘つゝ/またるゝ事の/またもやまぬか@now he will come no / more this I know and yet each / night I forget once / more unthinkingly I long / for him waiting never ends /
775KW000775n読人不知月夜には/こぬ人またる/かき曇り/雨もふりなん/侘つゝもねん@on such a moonlit / night I cannot help but wait / for one who will not / come oh that it would cloud and / rain then forlorn I might sleep /

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