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726KW000726n読人不知ちゝの色に/うつろふらめと/しらなくに/心し秋の/紅葉ならねは@it seems to go through / thousands of changes and yet how / can I know it for / the human heart is not like / the leaves colored by autumn /
727KW000727f小町あまのすむ/里のしるへに/あらなくに/うらみんとのみ/人の云らん@I am not the guide / to the villages where / seafolk dwell why then / does my love chastise me for / not showing him to the shore /
728KW000728m雄宗くもりひの/影としなれる/我なれは/めにこそみえね/みをははなれす@I have faded like / the shadows on a cloudy / day wasted away-- / although I may hide from his / eyes I will not leave his side /
729KW000729m貫之色もなき/心を人に/そめしより/うつろはんとは/おもほえなくに@since that day when my / innocent heart was first dyed / with love for you I / never doubted the hue was / fast never thought it might fade /
730KW000730n読人不知めつらしき/人をみんとや/しかもせぬ/我したひもの/とけわたるらん@shall it be that I / will meet that one who rarely / comes constantly my / undersash loosens as I / hope to feel him in my arms /
731KW000731n読人不知かけろふの/それかあらぬか/春雨の/ふるひとなれは/袖そぬれぬる@wispy gossamer / are you there or are you not / the spring rains fall and / my sleeves are drenched by thoughts of / one I loved so long ago /
732KW000732n読人不知堀江こく/たなゝし小船/こきかへり/おなし人にや/戀わたりなん@as the tiny skiffs / ceaselessly ply the canals / rowing back and forth / may my yearnings continue / to flow toward the one I love /
733KW000733f伊勢わたつみと/あれにしとこを/今更に/はらはゝ袖や/あわとうきなん@bedding roughly tossed / and touseled as white caps on / the broad sea if now / I try to brush it smooth will / my sleeve float like fragile foam /
734KW000734m貫之いにしへに/猶立帰る/心かな/戀しきことに/物わすれせて@my heart leaves me and / returns to long ago days / when love was young and / strong never shall I forget / the bonds of love that held me /
735KW000735m黒主思出て/戀しき時は/はつかりの/鳴てわたると/人しるらめや@when memories of / love burn I retrace my steps / weeping as the first / geese traverse the skics with / lonesome cries but does she know /
736KW000736f因香たのめこし/言の葉今は/返してん/我身ふるれは/をき所なし@for so long I have / had faith in these sheaves of words-- / now I must return / them for the winter of my / life has come and leaves must fall /
737KW000737m能有今はとて/返す言のは/ひろひをきて/をのか物から/形見とやみん@sheaves of words returned / to me telling my heart that / days of love are passed-- / I will always treasure these / keepsakes of my own making /
738KW000738f因香玉ほこの/道はつねにも/まとはなん/人をとふとも/我かと思はん@may all the roads you / travel with your jeweled staff / lead to confusion-- / may all your steps come to me / no matter their direction /
739KW000739n読人不知まてといはゝ/ねてもゆかなん/しゐて行/こまのあしおれ/まへのたなはし@"wait" I say to him / "sleep here and then return" but / if he still departs / oh plank bridge before my house / trip his horse and break its leg /
740KW000740f閑院相坂の/夕つけとりに/あらはこそ/君かゆきゝを/なく〈なく〉も見め@oh if I could be / the beribboned cock of the / O~saka Road how / plaintively I would cry out / as I watched you come and go /
741KW000741f伊勢故郷に/あらぬ物から/我ために/人の心の/あれてみゆらん@his heart is surely / not a village where I once / dwelt why then does it / seem to be deserted why / have the walls of love crumbled /
742KW000742f山かつの/かきほにはへる/あをつゝら/人はくれとも/ことつてもなし@over the hedges / of the mountain cottages / the green ivy twists / and twines my love too comes near-- / but there's no message for me /
743KW000743m人真大空は/戀しき人の/形見かは/物思ふことに/詠めらるらん@is the broad blue sky / a keepsake left behind by the / one I love each time / a wave of longing rises / my empty eyes look upward /
744KW000744n読人不知あふ迄の/形見も我は/なにせんに/みても心の/なくさまなくに@ah what shall I do / with this keepsake left me "till / we meet again" though / I gaze upon it there is / no comfort for my sad heart. /
745KW000745m興風逢まての/形見とてこそ/とゝめけめ/涙にうかふ/もくつ成けり@this souvenir left / behind "till we meet again" / it seems this trailing / skirt has become a rope of / seaweed in a sea of tears /
746KW000746n読人不知形見こそ/今はあたなれ/これなくは/忘るゝ時も/あらましものを@ah and now at last / even this memento has / become my foe if / it did not exist there might / come a time I could forget /
747KW000747m業平月やあらぬ/春や昔の/春ならぬ/我身ひとつは/もとのみにして@is this not that moon / is this spring not that spring we / shared so long ago / it seems that I alone am / unaltered from what was then /
748KW000748m仲平花すゝき/我こそしたに/思ひしか/ほにいてゝ人に/むすはれにけり@I yearned within I / who should have shown my love with / the splendor of the / ripening plume grass tassels-- / and now you are bound to him /
749KW000749m兼輔よそにのみ/きかまし物を/ゝとは川/わたるとなしに/みなれそめけん@had I merely dreamt / and never crossed those sounding / waves of Otowa / River I would never have / known the chill waters of love /
750KW000750m躬恒わかことく/我を思はん/人もかな/さてもやうきと/世を心みん@if only there were / someone who would love me as / I know I could love / then would we test whether the / world of love is misery /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $