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歌番号 000747
作者 在原業平朝臣
作者標準 業平
性別 m
作者英文 Ariwara no Narihira
題仮名 こてうのきさいのみやのにしのたいにすみけるひとに、ほいにはあらてものいひわたりけるを、むつきのとをかあまりになむほかへかくれにける、ありところはききけれと、えものもいはて、またのとしのはる、うめのはなさかりにつきのおもしろかりけるよ、こそをこひてかのにしのたいにいきて、つきのかたふくまてあはらなるいたしきにふせりてよめる
題英語 Narihira had been secretly visiting a woman who lived in the western wing of the house of the Fifth Ward Consort, but shortly after the tenth of the First Month, she moved away. Although he asked where she was, he could not send her a message. The next spring when the plum blossoms were at their peak, on a night when the moon was at its loveliest, he went to that western wing with poignant memories of the year before. He threw himself to the bare floor of the open room, and, as he lay there until the moon sank low in the sky, composed this poem.
歌仮名 つきやあらぬ/はるやむかしの/はるならぬ/わかみひとつは/もとのみにして@
歌岩波 つきやあらぬ/はるやむかしの/はるならぬ/わがみひとつは/もとのみにして@
歌品詞 つき-名@や-係助-反-係@、あら-ラ変-未@ぬ-消-体-結@/はる-名-春@や-係助-反-係@、むかし-名@の-格助@/はる-名-春@なら-断-未@ぬ-消-体-結@/わ-代@が-格助@み-名@、ひとつ-名@は-係助@/もと-名@の-格助@、み-名@に-断-用@して-接助@/@
歌ローマ tsuki ya aranu / haru ya mukashi no / haru naranu / waga mi hitotsu wa / moto no mi ni shite /
歌英語 is this not that moon / is this spring not that spring we / shared so long ago / it seems that I alone am / unaltered from what was then /
解釈 The Fifth Ward Consort was Fujiwara Junshi (d.871), wife of Ninmyo~ tenno~, whose home was in the Fifth Ward. This poem appears in The Tales of lse, 4.

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