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Page 29 [ 701 - 725 ]
701KW000701n読人不知天の原/ふみとゝろかし/なる神も/思ふ中をは/さくる物かは@the god of thunder / stamps his feet until the plains / of heaven echo-- / but can even he divide / true lovers as close as we /
702KW000702m@読人不知/あめのみかと梓弓/ひきのゝつゝら/末つゐに/わか思ふ人に/ことのしけけん@thick as the tendrils / of the green vines that cover / Hikino broad as / the catalpa bow rumors / of the one I love will spread /
703KW000703f@読人不知/あふみのうねめ夏引の/てひきの糸を/くり返し/ことしけく共/たえんと思な@though gossip may spread / thick as fibers of summer / hemp plucked by slender / fingers and wound upon the / reel do not break off our love /
704KW000704n読人不知里人の/ことは夏のゝ/しけくとも/かれ行君に/あはさらめやは@thongh the neighbors in / our village spread rumors thick / as fields of summer / grass though your love for me may / wither could I live without you /
705KW000705m業平かす〈かす〉に/思ひ思はす/とひかたみ/身をしる雨は/ふりそまされる@wondering again / whether you love me or not-- / it's so hard to ask-- / but the rain which knows my fate / pours down in swifter torrents /
706KW000706f読人不知おほぬさの/ひくてあまたに/成ぬれは/思へとえこそ/たのまさりけれ@because your life is / filled with many beckoning / hands as numerous / as touch the trailing votive / strips I love but cannot trust /
707KW000707m業平おほぬさと/なにこそたてれ/なかれても/終によるせは/有てふものを@I am reputed / to be like the votive strips / that drift and flow cast / upon the stream yet at last / they say each finds a haven /
708KW000708n読人不知すまのあまの/塩やく煙/風をいたみ/思はぬかたに/たなひきにけり@smoke from the salt fires / of the Suma fisherfolk / buffeted by fierce / winds sways and drifts away in / unexpected directions /
709KW000709n読人不知玉かつら/はふきあまたに/成ぬれは/たえぬ心の/うれしけもなし@as numerous as / trees over which the jeweled / vines creep and crawl are / your entanglements can l / rejoice in your steadfastness /
710KW000710n読人不知たか里に/よかれをしてか/時鳥/たゝこゝにしも/ねたるこゑする@to which villages / have your nightime visits ceased / hototogisu / your song tells me you will sleep / nowhere but here beside me /
711KW000711n読人不知いて人は/事のみそよき/月草の/うつし心は/色ことにして@my love is skillful / only in words of love like / the dye made from / moon grass the color of his / heart lies lightly fading soon /
712KW000712n読人不知偽の/なき世なりせは/いかはかり/人の言のは/嬉しからまし@if this world of ours / were a world without falsehood / how greatly I would / rejoice to hear burgeoning / words of new love unfolding /
713KW000713n読人不知いつはりと/思ふ物から/今更に/たかまことをか/我はたのまん@I know now your words / of love are false yet after all / is there anyone / whose promises I could trust / anyone who would be true /
714KW000714m素性秋風に/山の木の葉の/うつろへは/人の心も/いかゝとそおもふ@in the autumn winds / the leaves of the mountain trees / fade and change color-- / how can I not imagine / my love's heart is changing too /
715KW000715m友則蝉のこゑ/きけはかなしな/夏衣/うすくや人の/ならんと思へは@such misery the / piping of the cicadas / brings to me for I / wonder if his love will wear / thin as castoff summer robes /
716KW000716n読人不知空蝉の/よの人ことの/しけゝれは/忘ぬものゝ/かれぬへらなり@gossip flourishes / among the people of this / hollow cicada / shell world and so it seems we / must part while still love is fresh /
717KW000717n読人不知あかてこそ/思はん中は/はなれなめ/そをたに後の/忘かたみに@while still he loves you / best then to part before he / wearies and leaves you-- / in this way you'll linger / a memory he can't forget /
718KW000718n読人不知忘れなんと/思ふ心の/つくからに/有しよりけに/まつそかなしき@it is just when I / think I will forget him put / him from me at last / that my burning love blazes / stronger than ever before /
719KW000719n読人不知忘なん/我をうらむな/郭公/人の秋には/あはんともせす@I'll try to forget / you but do not be angry / hototogisu / does not await the autumn / chill or the heedless heart /
720KW000720m@読人不知たえす行/あすかの川の/よとみなは/心あるとや/人の思はん@should the endlessly / flowing Asuka River / hesitate grow still / onlookers would think it had / a love concealed in its heart /
721KW000721n読人不知淀川の/よとむと人は/見るらめと/なかれてふかき/心ある物を@people may think the / Yodo River currents stand / still in quiet pools / yet deep beneath the surface / constant waters swiftly flow /
722KW000722m素性そこひなき/渕やはさはく/山川の/浅き瀬にこそ/あた波はたて@are the waters of / bottomless pools ever so / agitated it / is the swift shoals of mountain / streams where the restless waves rise /
723KW000723n読人不知紅の/はつ花そめの/色ふかく/思ひし心/われ忘れめや@deep as the crimson / dye made from spring's first saffron / blooms could I ever / forget a love that dyed my / innocent heart so gaily /
724KW000724m陸奥の/忍ふもちすり/誰ゆへに/乱れむと思/我ならなくに@like the cloth printed / with ferns in far Shinobu / of the deep north if / not for you for whom would I / dye my heart with tangled love /
725KW000725n読人不知思ふより/いかにせよとか/秋風に/なひくあさちの/色ことになる@how I long for her / what more can she ask she who / changes her colors / and bends this way and that like / the reeds in the autumn wind /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $