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676KW000676f伊勢しるといへは/枕たにせて/ねし物を/ちりならぬ名の/空にたつらん@it is said that the / pillow knows so without one / we slept still it seems / my reputation drifts through / the skies like dust on the wind /
677KW000677n読人不知陸奥の/あさかのぬまの/花かつみ/かつみる人に/こひやわたらん@oh flowering reeds / in the Asaka Marsh of / far Michinoku-- / will my love for one whom I've / scarcely seen last forever /
678KW000678n読人不知あひみすは/恋しき事も/なからまし/音にそ人を/きくへかりける@if we two never / met and loved would I now feel / such pangs of longing / better I should know my love / only by idle gossip /
679KW000679m貫之いその神/ふるのなかみち/中々に/みすは戀しと/思はましやは@ah the middle road / that leads to Furu in far / Isonokami / had I not loved rashly once / would I now pine so sadly /
680KW000680m忠行君といへは/みまれみすまれ/ふしのねの/めつらしけなく/崩るわか恋@whether alone or / together you my love keep / my passion burning / ceaselessly like smoldering / flames deep within Mount Fuji /
681KW000681f伊勢夢にたに/みゆとは見えし/朝な〈朝な〉/我面影に/はつる身なれは@not even in dreams / may I now show myself to / my love with each day's / dawning I wince at the grim / reflection in my mirror /
682KW000682n読人不知石ま行/水の白波/立かへり/かくこそはみめ/あかすも有かな@tirelessly I shall / rise and come again to meet / my love like the white / capped waves that eternally / surge through the rocky crevice /
683KW000683n読人不知いせのあまの/朝な夕なに/かつくてふ/みるめに人を/あくよしもかな@as fisherfolk of / Ise dive for seaweed from / morning until night-- / oh that I might see you till / my longing could be sated /
684KW000684m友則春霞/たなひく山の/桜花/みれともあかぬ/君にも有かな@I never weary / of the fragile cherry blooms / on the mountain where / spring mists trail though I often / gaze upon you I'll not tire /
685KW000685m深養父心をそ/わりなき物と/思ひぬる/みるものからや/戀しかるへき@dear heart I know you / are an irrational thing-- / does longing grow with / meetings can love deepen if / lovers often congregate /
686KW000686m躬恒かれはてん/後をはしらて/夏草の/ふかくも人の/おもほゆるかな@deep as grasses of / summer grows my love for him / still innocent of / the future when green leaves will / wither and summer depart /
687KW000687n読人不知あすか川/渕はせになる/世成とも/思そめてん/人は忘れし@Asuka River / the deep quiet pools may change / to rushing shallows / in this world but I shall not / forget the love that's dyed my heart /
688KW000688n読人不知思てふ/言の葉のみや/秋をへて/色もかはらぬ/物にはあるらん@can it be only / the leaves of my oaths of love / that do not change to / new colors once autumn comes / other tendrils are transformed /
689KW000689n読人不知小莚に/衣かたしき/今宵もや/我をまつらん/うちのはしひめ@tonight once again / does she spread but one side of / her robe upon the / mat bridge maiden of Uji / do your arms still await me /
690KW000690n読人不知君やこん/我やゆかむの/いさよひに/槙のいたとも/さゝすねにけり@uncertain whether / you would come to me or I / should go to you I / fell asleep with my black pine / door open to the moonlight /
691KW000691m素性今こむと/いひしはかりに/長月の/有明の月を/待出つる哉@by and by I'll come / he said and so I waited / patiently but I / saw only the moon of the / longest month in the dawn sky /
692KW000692n読人不知月夜よし/よゝしと人に/告やらは/こてふににたり/またすしもあらす@so splendid this moon / this night if I sent him a / message would he think / it a summons how could / I not await him tonight /
693KW000693n読人不知君こすは/ねやへもいらし/こ紫/我もとゆひに/霜はをくとも@my love if you do / not come I'll not enter / my chamber alone / though frost falls and silvers the / purple band that holds my hair /
694KW000694n読人不知宮きのゝ/もとあらのこ萩/露をゝもみ/風を待こと/君をこそまて@the sparsely scattered / leaves of bush clover weighted / with the heavy dew / yearn for winds on Miyagi / Moor as I long for my love /
695KW000695n読人不知あな戀し/今もみてしか/山かつの/垣ほにさける/やまとなてしこ@oh sweet yearning if / only I could meet her once / more that delicate / Japanese carnation that bloomed / on the mountain peasant's fence /
696KW000696n読人不知津の国の/なには思はす/山しろの/とはにあひみん/ことをのみこそ@oh Naniwa in / Tsu Province I know not what / to think for here in / Towa in Yamashiro / I dream always of meeting /
697KW000697m貫之敷嶋の/やまとにはあらぬ/唐衣/ころもへすして/逢よしもかな@if only the days / until we find a chance to / meet could be as few / as the Chinese robes here in / the lovely isles of Japan /
698KW000698m深養父戀しとは/たかなつけゝん/事ならん/しぬとそたゝに/いふへかりける@love's "longing" that word-- / who could it have been gave this / feeling that false name / better that they should call it / precisely what it is "death" /
699KW000699n読人不知みよしのゝ/おほかは野への/藤なみの/なみに思はゝ/わかこひめやは@like the waving sprays / of wisteria boughs near / the swift river at / fair Yoshino my love flows / to you in no common way /
700KW000700n読人不知かくこひん/物とは我も/思にき/心のうらそ/まさしかりける@that I would suffer / the burning pangs of love I / knew from the very / start my heart's clairvoyance / has now been proven flawless /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $