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626KW000626m元方逢事の/なきさにしよる/浪なれは/恨てのみそ/立帰りける@unable to meet / I turn back like the waves that / roll in to caress / the sandy shore and return / with but a glimpse of the bay /
627KW000627n読人不知かねてより/風にさきたつ/浪なれや/逢事なきに/またきたつらん@did these waves arise / before the breezes even / began to blow still / we have not met yet on calm / seas ripples already swirl /
628KW000628m忠岑陸奥に/ありといふなる/名とり川/なきなとりては/くるしかりけり@River of Rumors / they say that you flow through far / Michinoku how / painful to know that we must / suffer from these false whispers /
629KW000629m有輔あやなくて/またきなき名の/立田河/わたらてやまん/物ならなくに@already rumors / swirl though as yet there is no / truth to them can I / now refrain from venturing / forth to ford Tatsuta's course /
630KW000630m元方人はいさ/我はなき名の/惜けれは/昔も今も/しらすとをいはん@I cannot speak for / her but for myself I shall / say I know nothing / of her now nor have I known-- / for I abhor false rumors /
631KW000631n読人不知こりすまに/又もなき名は/立ぬへし/人にくからぬ/よにしすまへは@still I have not learned / my lesson now rumors will / surely fly again / for 1 live in a world of / love where she is most welcome /
632KW000632m業平人しれぬ/我通ひちの/関守は/よひ〈よひ〉ことに/うちもねなゝん@would that he might fall / asleep this guard posted night / after night beside / the path I must travel in / secrecy far from men's eyes /
633KW000633m貫之しのふれと/戀しき時は/足引の/山より月の/出てこそくれ@with difficulty / I endure my longing till / I must go out to / her as the moon leaves its home / behind the rugged mountains /
634KW000634n読人不知戀々て/稀にこよひそ/逢坂の/夕つけ鳥は/なかすもあら南@I have yearned so long / and at last tonight we meet-- / may the beribboned / cock at O~saka never / announce the break of day /
635KW000635f小町秋のよも/なのみ成けり/あふといへは/ことそともなく/明ぬるものを@the autumn night was / long in name only at last / we met but the blush / of dawn parted us before / the words of love were spoken /
636KW000636m躬恒なかしとも/思そはてぬ/昔より/あふ人からの/秋のよなれは@I am unable / to know how long they really / are for men often / have said autumn nights' lengths are / decided by one's true love /
637KW000637n読人不知しのゝめの/ほから〈ほから〉と/明ゆけは/をのか衣々/なるそかなしき@beneath the faint light / of the early morning sky / when night becomes dawn / how sadly we part the robes / that covered us in the dark /
638KW000638m国経明ぬとて/今はの心/つくからに/なといひしらぬ/思ひそふらん@daybreak is here / say and my heart is weighted / with the burden of / parting why is it coupled / with thoughts I cannot express /
639KW000639m敏行あけぬとて/帰る道には/こきたれて/雨も涙も/ふりそほちつゝ@"daybreak is here" we / say and I must walk the road / away from you all / about me torrents fall both / teardrops and raindrops drench me /
640KW000640fしのゝめの/別をおしみ/我そまつ/鳥よりさきに/啼はしめつる@in sorrow at our / parting with the faint flush of / dawn it was I who / first cried out before the cock / could announce the break of day /
641KW000641n読人不知郭公/夢かうつゝか/朝露の/おきてわかれし/暁の聲@oh nightingale was / I awake or in dreams when / first I heard dawn's song / that dew-drenched morning as I / awoke and parted from her /
642KW000642n読人不知玉くしけ/あけは君かな/たちぬへき/夜ふかくこしを/人みけんかも@were I to leave when / night turned bright as your jeweled / comb box surely they / would talk did anyone see / me fade into night's dimness /
643KW000643m千里けさはしも/おきけん方も/しらさりつ/思出るそ/消て悲しき@this morning I rose / with such a heavy heart just / the memory can / make me melt away like the / frost in the bright noontime sun /
644KW000644m業平ねぬるよの/夢をはかなみ/まとろめは/いやはかなにも/成まさる哉@how fleeting the dream / of the night we two slept side / by side trying to / recapture it I dozed but / it only faded faster /
645KW000645f読人不知君やこし/我や行けん/おもほえす/夢か現か/ねてか覚てか@did you come to me / or did I go to you I / cannot now recall / was it dream reality / was I sleeping or awake /
646KW000646m業平かきくらす/心の闇に/まとひにき/夢現とは/世人さためよ@I am lost in the / total darkness of my heart-- / people of this world / you decide for me if love / was dream or reality /
647KW000647n読人不知むは玉の/やみのうつゝは/さたかなる/夢にいくらも/まさらさりけり@the reality / of our meeting in the jet / black night was no more / vivid than the daily dreams / in which I call you to me /
648KW000648n読人不知さよ更て/天のとわたる/月影に/あかすも君を/あひみつる哉@deep in the night as / the moon sailed across the broad / harbor of the sky / we met for but a moment / leaving desire unsatisfied /
649KW000649n読人不知君か名も/わかなもたてし/なにはなる/みつともいふな/あひき共いはし@Naniwa in Tsu / will never hear your name or / mine on the tongues of / others do not tell that we've / met and I shall never speak /
650KW000650n読人不知なとり川/せゝのむもれ木/顕れは/いかにせんとか/あひみそめけん@when I began to / love you what did I intend / to do if hidden / logs floated to the surface / in Rumor River's shallows /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $