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歌番号 000643
作者 大江千里
作者標準 千里
性別 m
作者英文 O~e no Chisato
題仮名 たいしらす
題英語 Topic unknown.
歌仮名 けさはしも/おきけむかたも/しらさりつ/おもひいつるそ/きえてかなしき@
歌岩波 けさはしも/おきけむかたも/しらざりつ/おもひいづるぞ/きえてかなしき@
歌品詞 けさ-名@は-係助@し-副助@も-係助@/おき-カ上二-用@けむ-過推-体@、かた-名@も-係助@/しら-ラ四-未@ざり-消-用@つ-完-終@/おもひいづる-ラ下二-体@ぞ-係助-係@/きえ-ヤ下二-用@て-接助@、かなしき-形シク-体-結@/@
歌ローマ kesa wa shimo / okiken kata mo / shirazaritsu / omoiizuru zo / kiete kanashiki /
歌英語 this morning I rose / with such a heavy heart just / the memory can / make me melt away like the / frost in the bright noontime sun /
解釈 "Shimo" is a kakekotoba; it is an exclamatory word and also means "frost." The kakekotoba "oki" means "settling" and "awakening," and functions as an engo for "shimo" (frost) and "kiete" (vanishing). "Omoi" (longings) contains the word "hi" (sun) and functions as a kakekotoba; the phrase "omo(h)izuru" means both "recollect" and "the sun comes out." Ozawa Masao attributes the use of such unusual kakekotoba to Chisato's background as a scholar of Chinese.

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