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601KW000601m忠岑風ふけは/嶺にわかるゝ/白雲の/たえてつれなき/君か心か@when the breezes blow / the white clouds take leave of / mountain peaks without / regret leaving not a trace / cold-hearted as my lover /
602KW000602m忠岑月影に/わか身をかふる/物ならは/つれなき人も/哀とやみん@if only I could / trade my earthly form for that / of the shining moon / surely my indifferent / love would know me too as dear /
603KW000603m深養父戀しなは/たかなはたゝし/世中の/常なき物と/いひはなすとも@if I should die of / unfulfilled love others will / whisper only her / name although she may talk of / this world's impermanence /
604KW000604m貫之津の国の/難波のあしの/めもはるに/しけきわか戀/人しるらめや@my love swells like / buds on the reeds that grow far / into the distance / on Naniwa shore in Tsu / but can my beloved know /
605KW000605m貫之てもふれて/月日へにける/しらま弓/おきふしよるは/いこそねられね@days pass into months / and still I have not touched my / true white bow at night / drawn taut I tremble rising / resting unable to sleep /
606KW000606m貫之人しれぬ/思ひのみこそ/侘しけれ/我歎をは/我のみそしる@my own beloved / cannot realize the pangs / of love I suffer / only I can ever know / the searing torment I bear /
607KW000607m友則ことに出て/いはぬはかりそ/みなせ川/下にかよひて/戀しきものを@silent am I words / of love never pass my lips / though deep within me / a subterranean stream / of yearning secretly flows /
608KW000608m躬恒君をのみ/思ひねにねし/夢なれは/わか心から/みつる成けり@yearning for my love / I drifted into restless / dream-filled sleep surely / it was my own aching heart / summoned her image to me /
609KW000609m忠岑命にも/まさりて惜く/ある物は/見はてぬ夢の/覚るなりけり@more lamentable / even than the loss of one's / own precious life is / the bereavement one feels on / waking from half-finished dreams /
610KW000610m列樹梓弓/*ひけはもとすゑ/我かたに/よるこそまされ/恋のこゝろは/*2ひけとひかねとイ@our hearts drawn taut as / the tips of my catalpa / bow and still we can't / approach one another how / I yearn for my love at night /
611KW000611m躬恒わか戀は/行ゑもしらす/はてもなし/あふを限と/思ふはかりそ@my heart knows not its / destination it has no / other goal than a / brief encounter a single / moment alone with my love /
612KW000612m躬恒我のみそ/悲しかりける/ひこほしも/あはてすくせる/年しなけれは@I alone am sad-- / such suffering burdens none / but me for even / the Herd Boy never lives a / year without meeting his love /
613KW000613m深養父今ははや/戀しなましを/あひみんと/たのめし事そ/命成ける@long ago I would / have died of love yearning for / you but your words of / promise your vows of meeting / have become my source of life /
614KW000614m躬恒たのめつゝ/あはて年ふる/いつはりに/こりぬ心を/人はしらなん@though I put my trust / in love the years go by / without our meeting / could she possibly know / I have not yet ceased to hope /
615KW000615m友則いのちやは/なにそは露の/あた物を/あふにしかへは/惜からなくに@what is life that I / should treasure it it is less / than ephemeral / dew how little would I miss / it could love but take its place /
616KW000616m業平おきもせす/ねもせてよるを/あかしては/春の物とて/詠めくらしつ@I am one with spring / neither sleeping nor waking / till night turns to dawn / each day passes in pensive / gazing endless as the long rains /
617KW000617m敏行つれ〈つれ〉の/詠めにまさる/涙川/袖のみぬれて/あふよしもなし@in idle reverie / I weep tears that overflow like / the long rains of spring / my sleeves are drenched with the stream / that flows when we cannot meet /
618KW000618m業平あさみこそ/袖はひつらめ/涙川/身さへなかると/きかはたのまん@even in shallows / sleeves may be drenched if I should / hear that you have been / swept away by a river / of tears then I might believe /
619KW000619n読人不知よるへなみ/身をこそとをく/隔つれ/心は君か/影と成にき@destined to remain / so far apart never to / be able to hold / my love my heart has become / a shadow clinging to her /
620KW000620n読人不知徒に/行ては来ぬる/物故に/みまくほしさに/いさなはれつゝ@in vain I return / to my home disappointed / yet ever hopeful / of our meeting always my / desire entices me back /
621KW000621m@読人不知/人麿あはぬ夜の/ふる白雪と/つもりなは/我さへ友に/けぬへき物を@if the lonely nights / when we cannot meet pile up / like the thick drifts of / white snow that falls I too will / melt away and disappear /
622KW000622m業平秋の野に/さゝ分しあさの/袖よりも/あはてこしよそ/ひちまさりける@wetter than sleeves that / have pushed through fields of bamboo / grass on an autumn / morn are mine when I return / on a night we did not meet /
623KW000623f小町見るめなき/我身をうらと/しらねはや/かれなてあまの/あしたゆくくる@does he not know that / this bay holds no seaweed still / comes the fisherman / in search of me though his legs / grow weary on his vain quest /
624KW000624m宗于あはすして/今宵明なは/春の日の/なかくや人を/つらしと思はん@if tonight again / dawn comes without our meeting / I will remember / your cruelty always as / long as an endless spring day /
625KW000625m忠岑有明の/つれなくみえし/別より/暁はかり/うき物はなし@since that parting when / I saw the cold indifferent / countenance of the / fading moon I have known / nothing so cruel as dawn /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $