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526KW000526n読人不知戀しねと/するわさならし/むは玉の/よるはすからに/夢にみえつゝ@it seems my love wants / me to die of this longing-- / all the jet-black night / he comes to me in dreams to / keep hopeless passion burning /
527KW000527n読人不知涙川/枕なかるゝ/うきねには/夢もさたかに/みえすそ有ける@even in sleep the / swift currents of this river / of tears buffet my / pillow keeping me from rest-- / not even my dreams are spared /
528KW000528n読人不知戀すれは/我身はかけと/成にけり/さりとて人に/そはぬ物ゆへ@loving so deeply / my body has wasted to / a mere shadow yet / even this insubstantial / likeness cannot cling to him /
529KW000529n読人不知かゝり火に/あらぬ我身の/なそもかく/涙の川に/うきてもゆらん@my body is not / a blazing fisherman's flare-- / why then does it burn / with passion even as I / float on this river of tears /
530KW000530n読人不知かゝりひの/影となるみの/わひしきは/流て下に/もゆる成けり@my body suffers / a burning fire deep within / like the reflections / of the fishing flares that float / beneath the river's surface /
531KW000531n読人不知早きせに/みるめおひせは/我袖の/涙のかはに/うへまし物を@if in the swiftly / flowing rapids seaweed could / grow I'd sow some in / the river of tears that floods / my sleeves then I might see you /
532KW000532n読人不知おきへにも/よらぬ玉もの/浪のうへに/乱てのみや/戀わたりなん@tossing on the waves / black seaweed gems have neither / offing nor shore for / destination shall I too / drift in love's entanglements /
533KW000533n読人不知あしかもの/さはく入江の/白浪の/しらすや人を/かくこひんとは@no more than do / white waves dancing across the / inlet where reed ducks / cry out noisily no more / does my love know my yearning /
534KW000534n読人不知人しれぬ/思ひを常に/するかなる/ふしの山こそ/わかみ成けれ@like fiery Mount / Fuji in Suruga my / yearning burns within-- / an eternally smoldering / passion my love can never know /
535KW000535n読人不知とふとりの/聲もきこえぬ/おく山の/ふかき心を/人はしらなん@would that my love could / know my yearning deep as / these lonely mountains / where not even the songs of / soaring wild birds can be heard /
536KW000536n読人不知逢坂の/ゆふつけ鳥も/我ことく/人や戀しき/ねのみ鳴らん@does the beribboned / cock of Meeting Hill share my / unfulfilled longings-- / is it for love alone that / we raise our solemn voices /
537KW000537n読人不知あふさかの/関になかるゝ/いはし水/いはて心に/おもひこそすれ@the fresh spring waters / surge freely through the rocky / crevices of the / Barrier at Meeting Hill but / my words of love remain checked /
538KW000538n読人不知うき草の/うへは茂れる/ふちなれや/深き心を/しる人のなき@floating grasses must / thickly cover the surface / of my heart's depths for / there appears to be no one / who fathoms its mysteries /
539KW000539n読人不知打侘て/よはゝん聲に/山ひこの/こたへぬ山は/あらしとそ思ふ@in my suffering / I cry aloud surely there / can be no mountain / echo that remains unmoved-- / my calls must summon a reply /
540KW000540n読人不知心かへ/する物にもか/かたこひは/苦しき物と/人にしらせん@if only there were / a way that we might exchange / hearts then I could make / you realize how painful / a one-sided love can be /
541KW000541n読人不知よそにして/こふれはくるし/いれひもの/おなし心に/いさむすひてん@how diffrcult it / is to yearn for one who is / so far away I / shall fashion a love knot to / twine our two hearts into one /
542KW000542n読人不知春たては/消る氷の/残りなく/君か心は/我にとけなん@like ice that thaws and / disappears into flowing / waters when spring comes / may my love's heart soften and / melt toward me without reserve /
543KW000543n読人不知あけたては/せみのおりはへ/なきくらし/よるは螢の/もえこそわたれ@when dawn breaks I cry / out piercing the summer days / like the cicadas / while the nights consume me with / flames brighter than the fireflies' /
544KW000544n読人不知夏虫の/みを徒に/なす事も/ひとつ思ひに/よりて成けり@like summer insects / which fly too near the flame and / burn for nought I too / shall give my life for this blazing / but unrequited passion /
545KW000545n読人不知夕されは/いとゝひかたき/我袖に/秋の露さへ/をきそはりつゝ@when evening comes / my sleeves hang limp and heavy / too moist to dry now / added to my stream of tears / comes the dew of autumn nights /
546KW000546n読人不知いつとても/戀しからすは/あらねとも/秋の夕は/あやしかりけり@there is no time when / I do not suffer the pangs / of love for you but / miraculously yearning / grows on autumn evenings /
547KW000547n読人不知秋の田の/ほにこそ人を/戀さらめ/なとか心に/忘しもせん@my love does not grow / openly like the ears of / ripe grain in autumn / fields but how can I forget / that it springs up within my heart /
548KW000548n読人不知秋の田の/ほのうへをてらす/稲妻の/光のまにも/我や忘るゝ@could I forget him / even for the brief instant / lightning flashes / above the ripening ears / of grain in autumn fields /
549KW000549n読人不知人めもる/我かはあやな/花薄/なとかほに出て/戀すしもあらん@is there a reason / to conceal my love from the / eyes of all why should / I not reveal my passion / like the flowering plume grass /
550KW000550n読人不知あは雪の/たまれはかてに/くたけつゝ/我物思ひの/しけき比哉@as the burden of / soft snow snaps winter-laden / branches with its weight / so my heart crumbles beneath / the profusion of love's woes /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $