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476KW000476m業平みすもあらす/見もせぬ人の/戀しくは/あやなくけふや/詠めくらさん@not hidden and yet / not disclosed was one for whom my / heart leapt in new-found / love must I now spend the day / in unavailing yearnings /
477KW000477f読人不知しるしらぬ/何かあやなく/分ていはん/思ひのみこそ/しるへ成けれ@why worry thus so / uselessly over whether / you know her or not-- / love alone can introduce / you to one for whom you long /
478KW000478m忠岑春日野の/雪まを分て/おひいてくる/草のはつかに/*見えし君はも/*5見えし君かもイ@I merely glimpsed your / beauty barely visible-- / like the blades of grass / sprouting through the deep blanket / of snow on Kasuga Fields /
479KW000479m貫之山桜/霞のまより/ほのかにも/見てし人こそ/戀しかりけれ@a fleeting glimpse / as of mountain cherries seen / through the thick veil of / spring mists I sacrcely saw / the one who captured my heart /
480KW000480m元方たよりにも/あらぬ思ひの/あやしきは/心を人に/つくる成けり@longing is not a / messenger and yet how strange / it is that my love / has carried my heart away / and delivered it to her /
481KW000481m躬恒初鴈の/はつかに聲を/きゝしより/中天にのみ/物を思ふかな@since first I heard her / voice refreshing as the first faint / call of wild geese in / autumn I have wandered on / the heavens' enchanted paths /
482KW000482m貫之逢事は/雲ゐはるかに/なる神の/音にきゝつゝ/戀わたるかな@chance of our meeting / is as distant as the dark / clouded skies where / the thunder god rumbles like / tidings that enliven love /
483KW000483n読人不知かたいとを/こなたかなたに/よりかけて/あはすは何を/玉のをにせん@if unlike these strands / braided tightly together / to carry jewels / we can never meet what thread / will hold my spirit to life /
484KW000484n読人不知夕暮は/雲のはたてに/物そ思/あまつ空なる/人をこふとて@at twilight I gaze / at the streamers of cloud stretched / across the broad and / distant skies so far above / me is the one I cherish /
485KW000485n読人不知かりこもの/思亂れて/我こふと/いもしるらめや/人しつけすは@can she know of my / love she who scatters my thoughts / like reeds cut and strewn / about if there is no one / to tell her how can she ever know /
486KW000486n読人不知つれもなき/人をやねたく/白露の/おくとはなけき/ぬとは忍はん@that man unfeeling / as the transparent dew on / the morning grass why / am I so plagued awake I / grieve asleep I yearn for him /
487KW000487n読人不知千早振/かもの社の/ゆふたすき/ひとひも君を/かけぬ日はなし@as priests bind their sleeves / with mulberry strands to pray / to the mighty gods / at Kamo Shrine my heart is / bound by thoughts of you each day /
488KW000488n読人不知我戀は/むなしき空に/みちぬらし/思ひやれとも/行方もなし@it seems my sighs of / love have misted over all / the empty heavens-- / though I try to clear my thoughts / there is no room to rout them /
489KW000489n読人不知するかなる/たこの浦浪/たゝぬ日は/あれとも君を/こひぬ日はなし@days may pass when not / a single wave rises on / the Bay of Tago at / Suruga yet no day goes / by without my longing for you /
490KW000490n読人不知夕つくよ/さすや岡への/松の葉の/いつとも分ぬ/戀もするかな@the moon at twilight / gleams softly on the needles / of the pines waiting / on the slopes as unchanging / is the love deep in my heart /
491KW000491n読人不知足引の/山した水の/こかくれて/たきつ心を/せきそかねつる@like the rushing / waters of the stream beneath / the trees at the foot / of the rugged mountains my / heart leaps nothing can hold it /
492KW000492n読人不知吉野川/いはきりとをし/行水の/音にはたてし/戀はしぬとも@the bubbling waters / of the Yoshino River / cut deep through the rocks-- / in silence I will love you / although I may die yearning /
493KW000493n読人不知瀧つせの/中にもよとは/ありてふを/なと我戀の/ふちせともなき@even in the midst / of swelling rapids there are / eddies they say why / in my love do neither deep / pools nor calm shallows exist /
494KW000494n読人不知山たかみ/した行水の/したにのみ/流てこひん/戀はしぬとも@so high the mountains-- / like the hidden streams flowing / far below in the / secret depths I'll yearn for you / though I may die of this love /
495KW000495n読人不知思出る/ときはの山の/岩つゝし/いはねはこそあれ/戀しき物を@memories return / when on evergreen mountains / wild azaleas bloom / unspoken love burns stronger / in the silence I must keep /
496KW000496n読人不知人しれす/思へはくるし/紅の/末つむ花の/色にいてなん@how painful it is / to cherish one who does not / know my love surely / my ardor must appear / vivid as crimson saffron /
497KW000497n読人不知秋のゝの/お花にましり/咲花の/色にやこひん/あふよしをなみ@should I reveal my / love like these bright blooms which / mingle with the tasseled / grasses of the autumn fields-- / for alas we cannot meet /
498KW000498n読人不知わかそのゝ/*梅のほつえに/鴬の/ねに鳴ぬへき/戀もする哉/*2梅のはつえにイ@there in the topmost / branches of the plum in my / garden plaintively / the mountain thrush cries I too / must cry aloud in longing /
499KW000499n読人不知足曵の/山郭公/わかことや/君にこひつゝ/いねかてにする@mountain thrush flitting / tonight from the rugged hills-- / do you too find it / difficult to sleep because / of your longing for your love /
500KW000500n読人不知夏なれは/宿にふすふる/かやり火の/いつ迄わかみ/下もえにせん@like the mosquito / smudge which burns within my house / when summer comes I / too slowly char deep within-- / for how long must I smolder /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $