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歌番号 000476
作者 在原なりひらの朝臣
作者標準 業平
性別 m
作者英文 Ariwara no Narihira
題仮名 うこんのうまはのひをりのひ、むかひにたてたりけるくるまのしたすたれより、をんなのかほのほのかにみえけれは、よむてつかはしける
題英語 On the day of an archery meet at the riding grounds of the Right Imperial Guards, Narihira glimpsed a woman's face through the hangings of the carriage opposite his. He sent her this poem.
歌仮名 みすもあらす/みもせぬひとの/こひしくは/あやなくけふや/なかめくらさむ@
歌岩波 みずもあらず/みもせぬひとの/こひしくは/あやなくけふや/ながめくらさむ@
歌品詞 み-マ上一-用@ず-消-用@も-係助@、あら-ラ変-未@ず-消-終@/み-マ上一-用@も-係助@、せ-サ変-未@ぬ-消-体@、ひと-名@の-格助@/こひしく-形シク-体@は-係助@/あやなく-形ク-用@、けふ-名-今日@や-係助-疑-係@/ながめ-マ下二-用@、くらさ-サ四-未@む-推-体-結@/@
歌ローマ mizu mo arazu / mi mo senu hito no / koishiku wa / ayanaku kyo~ ya / nagame kurasan /
歌英語 not hidden and yet / not disclosed was one for whom my / heart leapt in new-found / love must I now spend the day / in unavailing yearnings /
解釈 An annual equestrian archery contest was held on the Imperial Palace grounds on the sixth of the Fifth Month. Carriages of the nobility were enclosed with hanging blinds and brocades through which tantalizing glimpses of the occupants might be captured. This poem appears in The Tales of Ise, 99, and Yamato monogatari, 166. The Ise text is almost identical to this headnote.

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