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歌番号 000478
作者 みふのたゝみね
作者標準 忠岑
性別 m
作者英文 Mibu no Tadamine
題仮名 かすかののまつりにまかれりけるときに、ものみにいてたりけるをんなのもとに、いへをたつねてつかはせりける
題英語 Tadamine, having asked where she lived, sent this to the home of a worman he had seen out viewing the Kasuga Festival.
歌仮名 かすかのの/ゆきまをわけて/おひいてくる/くさのはつかに/*みえしきみはも/*5みえしきみかもイ@
歌岩波 かすがのの/ゆきまをわけて/おひいでくる/くさのはつかに/みえしきみはも@
歌品詞 かすがの-名@の-格助@/ゆきま-名@を-格助@、わけ-カ下二-用@て-接助@/おひいでくる-カ変(複)-体@/くさ-名@の-格助@、はつかに-形動ナリ-用@/みえ-ヤ下二-用@し-過-体@、きみ-代@は-係助-強@も-終助-詠@/@
歌ローマ kasuga no no / yuki ma o wakete / oiide kuru / kusa no hatsuka ni / mieshi kimi wa mo /
歌英語 I merely glimpsed your / beauty barely visible-- / like the blades of grass / sprouting through the deep blanket / of snow on Kasuga Fields /
解釈 Festivals were held at Kasuga Shrine in the Second and Eleventh Months. This would be the spring event. Kasuga Meadow was famous for spring greens; see poems I, 17, 18, and 22. The first three-and-one-half lines serve as a jo linked to "hatsuka" by means of the kakekotoba "ha," which is the first syliable of hatsuka(scarcely) and also means "leaf."

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