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Page 19 [ 451 - 475 ]
451KW000451m滋春命とて/露をたのむに/かたけれは/物わひしらに/鳴のへの虫@difficult it is to / depend upon sips of dew / to sustain one's life-- / so anxiously they pipe long / lonely hours insects of the fields /
452KW000452m景式王さよふけて/なかはたけゆく/久かたの/月吹かへせ/秋の山風@already the moon / has half climbed the celestial / dome as night grows old-- / oh autumn wind from the peaks / blow it backward on its course /
453KW000453m真静煙たち/もゆとも見えぬ/草のはを/たれかわらひと/なつけそめけん@no flames blaze nor does / smoke ever rise from the leaves / of this plant why then / did anyone ever name / this damp black bracken "straw fire" /
454KW000454f紀乳母いさゝめに/時まつまにそ/ひはへぬる/心はせをは/人にみえつゝ@so many days passed / by while I awaited this / brief encounter that / now together he must see / how joyfully my heart leaps /
455KW000455f兵衛あちきなし/なけきなつめそ/うきことに/あひくるみをは/捨ぬ物から@how foolish is this / life I have met with trials / at every turn / still I did not abandon / hope give me no more sorrow /
456KW000456m清行波のをとの/けさからことに/きこゆるは/春のしらへや/あらたまるらん@the very rush of / the waves resounds with the song / of spring this morning-- / my Chinese koto has changed / to a vernal melody /
457KW000457m兼覧王かちにあたる/浪のしつくを/春なれは/いかゝさきちる/花とみさらん@splashing droplets like / cascading sprays of bloom oars / dip into the sea-- / how could I miss this vision / of spring here at Ikaga /
458KW000458m経覧かのかたに/いつからさきに/わたりけん/なみちは跡も/のこらさりけり@when did it travel / across our bow far on the / horizon leaving / not even a trace to see / anywhere on the water paths /
459KW000459f伊勢浪の花/おきからさきて/ちりくめり/水の春とは/風や成らん@from far away on / the horizon wave blossoms / roll toward the shore-- / is it the breeze transforming / itself into ocean's spring /
460KW000460m貫之うはたまの/わかくろかみや/かはるらん/かゝみのかけに/ふれる白雪@has my coal-black hair / too changed before my very / eyes recently white / drifts of snow settle on that / reflection in my mirror /
461KW000461m貫之足引の/山へにをれは/白雲の/いかにせよとか/はるゝ時なき@at the foot of the / craggy mountain I make my / solitary home / white clouds hang heavily here / pressing sorrow upon me /
462KW000462m忠岑夏草の/うへはしけれる/ぬま水の/ゆくかたのなき/我心かな@like the marsh water / pent up no outlet for its / flow thickly covered / with the tangle of summer / grass my heart has no release /
463KW000463m秋くれと/月のかつらの/みやはなる/光を花と/ちらすはかりを@autumn has come and / although the laurel tree of / the moon bears no fruit / it scatters shimmering beams / of light like falling petals /
464KW000464n読人不知花ことに/あかすちらしく/風なれは/いくそはくわか/うしとかは思@untiring wind / you have scattered the petals / of every bloom-- / oh how bitterly I must / regard your careless caprice /
465KW000465m滋春春かすみ/なかしかよひち/なかりせは/秋くるかりは/かへらさらまし@if there were no path / through the mists of spring swirling / like ink on water-- / the wild geese that arrive in / autumn could not return home /
466KW000466m良香なかれいつる/かたゝにみえぬ/涙川/をきひん時や/そこはしられん@flowing waters not / even the source is known-- / river of lonely / tears will the depths be known at / last when it has turned to dust /
467KW000467m千里のちまきの/をくれておふる/なへなれと/あたにはならぬ/たのみとそきく@sown late the seedlings / finally sprout and yet the / planting of this year / will not be fruitless for the / earth of the fields is faithful /
468KW000468m聖宝はなのなか/めにあくやとて/わけゆけは/心そ友に/ちりぬへらなる@thinking my eyes would / never tire of their beauty / I roamed amid the / blossoms and as the petals / fluttered my heart too wandered /
469KW000469n読人不知郭公/鳴やさ月の/あやめ草/あやめもしらぬ/戀もする哉@when nightingales sing / in the sweet purple iris / of the Fifth Month I / am unmindful of the warp / on which we weave love's pattern /
470KW000470m素性音にのみ/きくの白露/よるはおきて/ひるは思ひに/あへすけぬへし@the white dew settling / on the chrysanthemums and / I whose nights are made / restless by these barren tidings / will vanish in the morning sun /
471KW000471m貫之よしの川/いはなみたかく/行水の/はやくそ人を/思ひそめてし@so suddenly was / my heart dyed with passion for / you it leapt high as / the waves in the waters of / the swift Yoshino River /
472KW000472m勝臣白波の/跡なきかたに/行舟も/風そたよりの/しるへ成ける@even the ship which / sails forth over white waves which / rise and fall leaving / no trace can rely on the / winds to guide it safely home /
473KW000473m元方音羽山/をとにきゝつゝ/相坂の/関のこなたに/年をふる哉@I hear rumors of / her borne by Mount Sound of Wings / and yet here on the / far side of Meeting Hill I / pass the years in barren dreams /
474KW000474m元方立帰り/あはれとそ思ふ/よそにても/人に心を/おきつ白浪@I turn back to her / as the white waves roll to shore / from the offing no / matter the distance my heart / is held captive by her charms /
475KW000475m貫之世中は/かくこそ有けれ/吹風の/めに見ぬ人も/戀しかりけり@such are the ways of / this world my heart swells with love / for her and yet she / is invisible as the winds / which whisper of her charms /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $