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426KW000426n読人不知あなうめに/つねなるへくも/見えぬ哉/戀しかるへき/かは匂ひつゝ@such misery to / see these blossoms so fragile / they must soon be gone / hauntingly plum fragrance wafts-- / petals fall still it lingers /
427KW000427m貫之かつけとも/浪のなかには/さくられて/風吹ことに/うきしつむ玉@however deep I / dived I could not capture the / white gems in the waves / yet with each gust of wind pearls / swirl into sight then vanish /
428KW000428m貫之今いくか/春しなけれは/うくひすも/ものはなかめて/思ふへら也@how many more days / now will spring linger gazing / listlessly he too / laments the mountain thrush / cries for the faded plum boughs /
429KW000429m深養父あふからも/ものはなをこそ/かなしけれ/わかれんことを/かねて思へは@since we met beneath / the boughs of apricot my / sad thoughts have but grown-- / for already I feel the / misery of our parting /
430KW000430m滋蔭足引の/山たちはなれ/行雲の/やとりさためぬ/世にこそ有けれ@an unsettled world / this is as changeable as / the drifting clouds which / take leave from the steep mountains / where I wander homeless /
431KW000431m友則みよしのゝ/吉野の瀧に/うかひいつる/あはをかたまの/きゆとみつらん@these bubbles of pearl / foaming on the rapids of / lovely Yoshino-- / did men of old too see these / as fragile gems here and gone /
432KW000432n読人不知秋はきぬ/いまやまかきの/きり〈きり〉す/よな〈よな〉なかん/風のさむさに@autumn has arrived-- / now the cicadas will cry / their shrill complaints / night after night beneath the / bamboo fence in the chill wind /
433KW000433n読人不知かくはかり/あふひのまれに/なる人を/いかゝつらしと/思はさるへき@how can I not think / him cruel that hard-hearted / one who came when / hollyhocks bloomed for now his / visits grow painfully rare /
434KW000434n読人不知人めゆへ/のちにあふひの/はるけくは/わかつらきにや/思ひなされん@if irresolute / before those watchful eyes I / let the days go by / between our meetings will she / come to think me unfeeling /
435KW000435m遍昭散ぬれは/のちはあくたに/なる花を/思ひしらすも/まとふてふ哉@thoughtless butterfly-- / it flutters and darts nearer / infatuated-- / never realizing that this / bloom too will return to dust /
436KW000436m貫之我はけさ/うひにそみつる/花の色を/あたなる物と/いふへかりけり@early this morning / I first chanced to see their blooms-- / how the exotic / hue of the roses deserves / to be called spectacular /
437KW000437m友則白露を/玉にぬくとや/さゝかにの/花にも葉にも/いとをみなへし@small spider spinning / your delicate threads to each / petal and leaf do / you intend to link each dew-- / drop on the maiden flowers /
438KW000438m友則朝つゆを/分そほちつゝ/花みんと/今その山を/みなへしりぬる@while treading paths through / morning dew to see maiden / flowers glistening / I have come to know each and / every field and mountain /
439KW000439m貫之をくら山/みねたちならし/なく鹿の/へにけん秋を/しる人そなき@wearing down the peak / of Mount Ogura pacing / loudly belling no / one knows how many autumns / this deer has cried for his love /
440KW000440m友則あきちかう/のは成にけり/白露の/をける草はも/色かはりゆく@as autumn draws near / the fields begin to dress in / fall's brighter array-- / even leaves where white dew clings / redden beneath its cover /
441KW000441n読人不知ふりはへて/いさふるさとの/花みんと/こしをにほひそ/うつろひにける@such a distance I / have come to admire the / asters here where / once we lived but already / the blooms have passed their glory /
442KW000442m友則我やとの/*花ふみしたく/とりうたん/のはなけれはや/こゝにしもくる/*2花ふみあらすイ@I'll chastise these birds / who dare to trample the blooms / in my garden are / there no gentians in the fields-- / why must they search for them here /
443KW000443n読人不知ありとみて/たのむそかたき/うつ蝉の/よをはなしとや/思なしてん@how difficult / to trust in its existence-- / this world fragile as / a castoff cicada's shell-- / shall I believe it unreal /
444KW000444m名実うちつけに/こしとや花の/色をみん/をく白露の/そむるはかりを@suddenly their hue / seems to deepen turn darker / blue before my eyes-- / is it simply the cover / of crystal dew that tints them /
445KW000445m康秀花の木に/あらさらめとも/さきにけり/ふりにしこのみ/なる時もかな@this is not a tree / which blooms and yet here / are the flowers oh / that there might yet be a time / for ancient stalks to ripen /
446KW000446m利貞山たかみ/つねにあらしの/ふく里は/匂ひもあへす/花そ散ける@ceaselessly the chill / winter storms sweep down from / high-peaked mountains in / this village buds of longing / grass fall before they open /
447KW000447m篤行郭公/みねの雲にや/ましりにし/ありとはきけと/見るよしもなき@oh nightingale have / you become one with the clouds / on the mountain peaks / your song floats down to my ears / but you are invisible /
448KW000448n読人不知うつ蝉の/からはきことに/とゝむれと/玉の行ゑを/みぬそかなしき@within the caskets / lie the bodies still here with / us in this world and / yet how sad that we cannot / see the spirit's resting place /
449KW000449m深養父うは玉の/夢になにかは/なくさまん/うつゝにたにも/あかぬ心を@jet-black gems swirl as / in my dreams we meet comfort / still eludes me were / we to meet in daylight still / my heart would not be sated /
450KW000450m利春花の色は/たゝひとさかり/こけれとも/返ゝそ/露はそめける@only briefly do / the autumn grasses display / their beauties yet each / night the dew has come to dye / the petals deeper colors /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $