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歌番号 000449
作者 ふかやふ
作者標準 深養父
性別 m
作者英文 Kiyowara no Fukayabu
題仮名 かはなくさ
題英語 Kawanagusa(river grasses).
歌仮名 うはたまの/ゆめになにかは/なくさまむ/うつつにたにも/あかぬこころを@
歌岩波 うばたまの/ゆめになにかは/なぐさまむ/うつつにだにも/あかぬこころを@
歌品詞 うばたまの-枕@/ゆめ-名@に-格助@、なに-名@か-係助-反-係@は-係助@/なぐさま-マ四-未@む-推-体-結@/うつつ-名@に-格助@だに-副助@も-係助@/あか-カ四-未@ぬ-消-体@、こころ-名@を-間助-強@/@
歌ローマ ubatama no / yume ni nani ka wa / nagusaman / utsutsu ni dani mo / akanu kokoro o /
歌英語 jet-black gems swirl as / in my dreams we meet comfort / still eludes me were / we to meet in daylight still / my heart would not be sated /
解釈 Kawanagusa, some type of river weed, was one of the "three plants" of the secret traditions of the Kokindenju~. "Ubatama no," often interpreted as "prtch-black" or "black as leopard-flower berries," is a makurakotoba that modifies "yume" (dream).

Generated by Gromit-the-DB Time-stamp: "2007-06-17 09:47:57 yamagen"