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376KW000376fあさなけに/見へき君とし/たのまねは/思たちぬる/草枕なり@because I have not / relied on your constancy / through day and night now / I can go determinedly / to pillow my head on grass /
377KW000377f読人不知えそしらぬ/今心みよ/命あらは/我や忘るゝ/人やとはぬと@who knows the outcome-- / as long as I have life I / will put it to the / test shall I forget him first / or will he not come again /
378KW000378m深養父雲ゐにも/かよふ心の/をくれねは/わかると人に/みゆはかり也@no matter how great / a distance you may travel / my loving heart will / never lag behind though it / may seem we have been parted /
379KW000379m秀崇白雲の/こなたかなたに/立別れ/心をぬさと/くたくたひ哉@here and far away-- / parted as though by white clouds / rising between us-- / how this journey tears my heart / into tatters of prayer strips /
380KW000380m貫之白雲の/やへにかさなる/をちにても/思はん人に/心へたつな@even far off where / cloud layers pile one upon / another do not / place a barrier before / the heart of one who loves you /
381KW000381m貫之わかれてふ/ことは色にも/あらなくに/心にしみて/わひしかるらん@although the thing called / parting is devoid of all / color somehow it / tortures me by dyeing my / heart through with sorrow's hue /
382KW000382m躬恒かへる山/なにそはありて/あるかひは/きてもとまらぬ/なにこそ有けれ@why should Returning / Mountain exist although you / have come back to me / it only summons you to / travel far away once more /
383KW000383m躬恒よそにのみ/戀やわたらん/白山の/ゆきみるへくも/あらぬわか身は@shall I continue / loving from such a distance-- / I who cannot go / to see the crisp white snows of / faraway Shira Mountain /
384KW000384m貫之をとは山/こたかくなきて/郭公/君かわかれを/おしむへら也@high in the treetops / on Otowa Mountain the / nightingale's shrill cry / is echoing surely he too / drearily mourns your parting /
385KW000385m兼茂もろともに/なきてとゝめよ/蛬/秋の別は/おしくやはあらぬ@kirigirisu / join your shrill cries to ours and / delay the parting-- / are not autumn departures / a time of grief and sorrow /
386KW000386m元規秋霧の/ともに立いてゝ/わかれなは/晴ぬ思ひに/こひやわたらむ@if now you depart-- / setting off with the floating / banners of autumn / haze will love linger on in / the clouded depths of my heart /
387KW000387f白女いのちたに/心にかなふ/物ならは/何か別の/かなしからまし@if even life could / be made to suit the desires / of our frail human / hearts I would not grieve so at / a temporary parting /
388KW000388m人やりの/道ならなくに/大かたは/いきうしといひて/いさかへりなん@this journey is not / one imposed upon me and / like all travels in / this world it's hard to bear so / then let me now return home /
389KW000389m兼茂したはれて/きにし心の/身にしあれは/かへるさまには/道もしられす@because our yearning / hearts have come seeking after / you our bodies left / behind cannot discover / even the road that leads home /
390KW000390m貫之かつこえて/別れもゆくか/相坂は/人たのめなる/なにこそ有けれ@while still he crosses / over and journeys onward / leaving me behind / your title O~saka / Meeting Hill is just a name /
391KW000391m兼輔君かゆく/こしの白山/しらねとも/ゆきのまに〈まに〉/跡は尋ん@unfamiliar is / White Mountain in Koshi where / my lord goes still I'll / seek him out following his / path through the snows to his goal /
392KW000392m遍昭夕暮の/まかきは山と/みえなゝん/よるはこえしと/やとりとるへく@oh that this rough fence / might loom in evening shadows / like a mountain you / could not cross at night then you / might seek shelter here with me /
393KW000393m幽仙わかれをは/山の桜に/まかせてん/とめむとめしは/花のまに〈まに〉@let our departure / be decided by these blossoms / of mountain cherry-- / to linger here or to go-- / we'll follow the flowers' whim /
394KW000394m遍昭山風に/桜吹まき/みたれなん/花のまきれに/立とまるへく@let the mountain winds / sweep the cherry petals in / whirling confusion / that he may lose his way in / their wild dance and linger here /
395KW000395m幽仙ことならは/君とまるへく/にほはなん/かへすは花の/うきにやはあらぬ@now that you've begun / to blossom oh cherries bloom / your loveliest hold / him here for his return might / betray your uncomeliness /
396KW000396m兼芸あかすして/わかるゝ涙/たきにそふ/水まさるとや/しもはみゆらん@longing still to stay / tears flow on parting now and / mingle with the falls-- / downstream they must be wide-eyed / to see the waters swelling /
397KW000397m貫之秋はきの/花をは雨に/ぬらせとも/君をはまして/おしとこそ思へ@the blossoms of the / autumn bush clover were crushed / by the rainstorm but / my regrets are for you my / lord from whom I now must part /
398KW000398m兼覧王おしむらん/人の心を/しらぬまに/秋のしくれと/身そふりにける@you say your heart has / been filled with love's regrets but / unfathomable / has it been to one who has / grown old as autumn rains fell /
399KW000399m躬恒別るれと/嬉くもあるか/こよひより/あひみぬさきに/何を戀まし@although we part / I am filled with happiness / for now I wonder / whom I might have thought 1 Ioved / before we two met tonight /
400KW000400n読人不知あかすして/わかるゝ袖の/白玉は/君かゝたみと/つゝみてそゆく@these white jewels on / the sleeves of my robe I shall / enwrap and save as / remembrances of one from / whom I did not wish to part /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $