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351KW000351m興風徒に/すくる月日は/おもほえて/花みてくらす/春そすくなき@unthinkingly I / pass the days and months in vain / with not one regret-- / but oh how few are the spring / days spent in flower viewing /
352KW000352m貫之春くれは/やとにまつさく/梅の花/君か千とせの/かさしとそ見る@oh plum blossoms you / who first adorn the new year / gardens now trim our / hats in fine celebration / of our lord's longevity /
353KW000353m素性いにしへに/ありきあらすは/しらねとも/ちとせのためし/君にはしめむ@whether in days of / old man lived so long I do / not know but you my / lord shall set the precedent / of one thousand years of life /
354KW000354m素性ふして思ひ/おきてかそふる/万世は/神そしるらん/我君のため@the gods testify / that waking I count them and / sleeping I dream of / them for my lord I wish a / life of uncountable years /
355KW000355m滋春つるかめも/ちとせの後は/しらなくに/あかぬ心に/まかせはてゝん@even the tortoise / and crane do not know what lies / beyond their thousand / year span let me whose heart shall / never be sated judge your years /
356KW000356m素性万代を/まつにそ君を/いはひつる/ちとせのかけに/すまんと思へは@the crane beneath the / pine offered in jubilee / they tell how much I / hope to dwell eternally / in the shelter of your love /
357KW000357m素性かすか野に/わかなつみつゝ/万代を/いはふ心は/神そしるらん@gathering young herbs / on the Plain of Kasuga / we celebrate your / many years the awesome gods / surely know how I rejoice /
358KW000358m躬恒山たかみ/雲ゐにみゆる/桜花/心のゆきて/おらぬ日そなき@so high the mountains-- / interspersed among the clouds / are cherry blossoms-- / every day that passes / my heart goes out to pluck them /
359KW000359m友則めつらしき/聲ならなくに/時鳥/こゝらのとしを/あかすも有かな@often his call is / heard the sad-voiced nightingaie / year after year he / sings yet never does he tire / of singing his summer song /
360KW000360m躬恒住の江の/松を秋風/吹からに/こゑうちそふる/おきつ白波@through the ancient pines / that line Suminoe Bay / blows the autumn wind / its soughing carries the / echo of white waves off shore /
361KW000361m忠岑千鳥なく/さほの川霧/たちぬらし/山の木のはも/色まさり行@veils of mist must be / rising now over Saho / River where plovers / cry here on the mountainside / the colors of the leaves deepen /
362KW000362m是則秋くれと/色もかはらぬ/ときは山/よそのもみちを/風そかしける@though autumn comes to / evergreen Mount Tokiwa / there should be no change / in its hues the winds borrowed / brilliant leaves to carry here /
363KW000363m貫之白雪の/ふりしく時は/みよしのゝ/山した風に/花そちりける@when upon lovely / Mount Yoshino the heavy / white snows swirl to earth / the wind scatters the melting / petals down to the foothills /
364KW000364f因香峯たかき/かすかの山に/いつるひは/くもる時なく/てらすへら也@that sun which rises / now over the towering / Kasuga Mountain / heights will shed its welcome light / unclouded forevermore /
365KW000365m行平立わかれ/いなはの山の/嶺におふる/松としきかは/今かへりこん@though I must depart / I shall hurry home if l / hear you wait for me / patient as the pines that grow / on Mount Inaba where I go /
366KW000366n読人不知すかるなく/秋の萩原/朝たちて/たひゆく人を/いつとかまたん@I shall await him / always dreaming of his swift / return he who sets / out this autumn daybreak through / hagi fields where hornets drone /
367KW000367n読人不知かきりなき/雲ゐのよそに/わかるとも/人を心に/をくらさんやは@though I am going / to a place more distant than / your heavenly home / never shall I let my heart / outdistance your memory /
368KW000368f千古母たらちねの/おやのまもりと/あひそふる/心はかりは/せきなとゝめそ@oh barrier guards / do not close the gates before / this aged heart it / goes as a companion to / guide my child on distant roads /
369KW000369m利貞けふわかれ/あすはあふみと/思へとも/よやふけぬらん/袖の露けき@today we must part / although I think we may meet / again tomorrow / at O~mi my sleeves are dew- / drenched for the night has grown late /
370KW000370m利貞かへる山/ありとはきけと/春霞/立わかれなは/戀しかるへし@I have heard that there / in the land for which you leave / Returning Mountain / stands still I shall long for your / return if spring mists hide you /
371KW000371m貫之おしむから/戀しき物を/白雲の/立なん後は/なに心ちせん@how I shall miss you / after you have disappeared / like the soft white clouds / which float across the heavens-- / you for whom I yearn today /
372KW000372m滋春わかれては/ほとをへたつと/思へはや/かつみなからに/かねて戀しき@is it that I think / of the great distance that will / separate us when / you have gone already I / yearn though you are still with me /
373KW000373m淳行思へとも/身をしわけねは/めにみえぬ/心を君に/たくへてそやる@though I long to go / I must remain I cannot / divide in two instead / I'll send this heart of mine an / unseen companion for you /
374KW000374m万雄相坂の/関しまさしき/物ならは/あかすわかるゝ/君をとゝめよ@oh barrier of / O~saka if restraint / indeed you are hold / back that one who wishes to / leave before farewells are done /
375KW000375f@読人不知から衣/たつ日はきかし/朝露の/おきてしゆけは/けぬへき物を@I shall not hear that / this is the day you set out-- / cutting us apart / like scissors through Chinese cloth-- / I shall vanish like the dew /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $