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歌番号 000374
作者 なにはのよろつを
作者標準 万雄
性別 m
作者英文 Naniwa no Yorozuo
題仮名 あふさかにてひとをわかれけるときによめる
題英語 Composed while parting from someone at O~saka.
歌仮名 あふさかの/せきしまさしき/ものならは/あかすわかるる/きみをととめよ@
歌岩波 あふさかの/せきしまさしき/ものならば/あかずわかるる/きみをとどめよ@
歌品詞 あふさか-名@の-格助@/せき-名@し-副助@、まさしき-形シク-体@/もの-名@なら-断-未@ば-接助@/あか-カ四-未@ず-消-用@、わかるる-ラ下二-体@/きみ-代@を-格助@、とどめよ-マ下二-命@/@
歌ローマ o~saka no / seki shi masashiki / mono naraba / akazu wakaruru / kimi o todomeyo /
歌英語 oh barrier of / O~saka if restraint / indeed you are hold / back that one who wishes to / leave before farewells are done /
解釈 O~saka Barrier, originally established for military purposes on the road between O~mi and Yamashiro at O~tsu, had by the mid-Heian period lost its military effectiveness. However, because the name could be read as "Meeting Hill," it had attained an important place in poetry.

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