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326KW000326m興風浦ちかく/ふりくる雪は/白浪の/末の松山/こすかとそみる@the swiftly driven / snow falling into rough drifts / near the shore looks like / rows of crested waves crossing / Suenomatsu Mountain /
327KW000327m忠岑みよしのゝ/山の白雪/ふみ分て/いりにし人の/をとつれもせぬ@the one who trod this / path through the untouched snows of / fair Mount Yoshino / sent not a word of greeting / before leaving in silence /
328KW000328m忠岑白雪の/降てつもれる/山里は/すむ人さへや/思ひきゆらん@the white snow falls and / drifts heavily in the hills-- / even the dreams of / those who dwell in the mountain / villages must melt away /
329KW000329m躬恒雪降て/人もかよはぬ/道なれや/跡はかもなく/思ひきゆらん@the once traveled path / now is obscured by falling / snow no one passes-- / not a trace marks the course of / my fading aspirations /
330KW000330m深養父冬なから/空より花の/ちりくるは/雲のあなたは/春にや有らん@still winter lingers / but from the heavens fall these / blossoms of purest / white it seems that spring must wait / on the far side of those clouds /
331KW000331m貫之冬こもり/思かけぬを/このまより/花とみるまて/雪そ降ける@in winter when all's / sleeping unexpectedly / between the trees I / glimpse new flowers glistening-- / crystal white snow has fallen /
332KW000332m是則朝ほらけ/有明の月と/見るまてに/吉野の里に/ふれる白雪@in the first light of / dawn it seems a reflection / of the moon lingering / above white snow has fallen / here in Yoshino Village /
333KW000333n読人不知けぬかうへに/又もふりしけ/春霞/たちなはみ雪/まれにこそみめ@fall again blanket / all once more before you melt / and disappear for / when spring mists start to rise we'll / rarely see snowy beauty /
334KW000334m@読人不知/人麿梅の花/それともみえす/久かたの/あまきる雪の/なへてふれゝは@the plum blossoms now / are indistinguishable-- / for snow mists the broad / heavens and masks all below / in a whirling world of white /
335KW000335m花の色は/雪にましりて/みえすとも/かをたに匂へ/人の知へく@the color of the / flowers mingles with the snow / and is lost to view-- / plum trees send us your fragrance / that we may know your presence /
336KW000336m貫之梅のかの/ふりをける雪に/まかひせは/たれかこと〈こと〉/分ておらまし@were the fragrance of / the plum blossoms imparted to / the blanketing snow / who could separate them and / pluck the thick blossoming boughs /
337KW000337m友則雪ふれは/木ことに花そ/咲にける/いつれを梅と/分ておらまし@when snow has fallen / flowers appear on all the / trees clusters of white / blooms from which of them can I / pluck the fragrant plum blossoms /
338KW000338m躬恒わかまたぬ/年はきぬれと/冬草の/かれにし人は/をとつれもせす@unawaited comes / the year's end but not a word / from one who left me / for distant places my heart / withers like winter grasses /
339KW000339m元方あら玉の/年のをはりに/なることに/雪もわかみも/ふりまさりつゝ@each time the idle / year comes to another end / the snows fall ever / more deeply while the number / of my days piles still higher /
340KW000340n読人不知雪降て/年のくれぬる/時にこそ/つゐにもみちぬ/松も見えけれ@at year's end when snow / blankets all the earth in white-- / then at last the pines / who know no autumn glory / stand forth in all their splendor /
341KW000341m列樹昨日といひ/けふとくらして/あすか川/なかれてはやき/月日成けり@"yesterday" we say / and "today" we live but still / months and days slip past / as smoothly and swiftly as / Tomorrow River's waters /
342KW000342m貫之行年の/おしくもあるかな/ます鏡/みるかけさへに/くれぬとおもへは@the passing year too / leaves regrets as it departs-- / in the clear mirror / the reflection dims as I / think of the time now gone by /
343KW000343n読人不知我君は/千世にやちよに/さされ石の/いはほと成て/苔のむすまて@my lord may you live / a thousand years eight thousand / till pebbles grow to / ancient boulders and dark / green moss covers their sides /
344KW000344n読人不知わたつ海の/濱の真砂を/かそへつゝ/君かちとせの/ありかすにせん@may the number of / the grains of sand on beaches / bordering the broad / oceans be the number of / the centuries of your life /
345KW000345n読人不知しほの山/さしての磯に/すむ千鳥/君か御代をは/やちよとそなく@the plovers on the / jutting crags beneath briny / Shio Mountain cry / out "May the years of your life / number eight thousand and more" /
346KW000346n読人不知わか齢/君かやちよに/とりそへて/とゝめをきては/思ひてにせよ@from my allotted / time I'll take some years for your / life when yours are gone / please live mine in remembrance / of one who went before you /
347KW000347m光孝天皇かくしつゝ/とにも角にも/なからへて/君かやちよに/逢よしもかな@may life go on like / this flowing smoothly with no / ripple to mar it / until we meet each of us / in our eight thousandth year /
348KW000348m遍昭ちはやふる/神のきりけん/つくからに/ちとせのさかも/こえぬへら也@is this the handiwork / of one of the awesome gods-- / thrusting it before / me I shall cross even the / great hill of one thousand years /
349KW000349m業平桜花/ちりかひくもれ/おいらくの/こんといふなる/みちまかふかに@oh cherry blossoms / flutter down and cloud the path / where age it is said / approaches deceive him with / tumbling curtains of petals /
350KW000350m惟岳かめのおの/山のいはねを/とめておつる/瀧の白玉/千世のかすかも@cascading seeking / the rocky basin on Mount / Kameno-o / effervescent white jewels / in the falls number your years /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $