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276KW000276m貫之秋の菊/匂ふかきりは/かさしてん/花よりさきと/しらぬわか身を@while chrysanthemums / of autumn retain their charms / I will decorate / my hat I who may be gone / before the flowers wither /
277KW000277m躬恒心あてに/おらはやおらん/はつ霜の/おきまとはせる/白菊の花@if you want to pluck / one go ahead and try white / blossoms of autumn / chrysanthemums camouflaged / by the first coating of frost /
278KW000278n読人不知色かはる/秋の菊をは/一とせに/ふたゝひ匂ふ/花とこそみれ@dressed now in rusty / hues autumn chrysanthemums / delight the viewer / twice with the beauty of their / full bloom and their faded charms /
279KW000279m貞文秋をゝきて/時こそありけれ/菊の花/うつろふからに/色のまされは@they have a time of / glory other than fall's / peak chrysanthemums / charm us again as they wilt-- / for then their colors deepen /
280KW000280m貫之さきそめし/やとしかはれは/菊の花/色さへにこそ/うつろひにけれ@it is because I / moved it from the garden where / it began to bloom / that even the color of / this chrysanthemum is changed /
281KW000281n読人不知さほ山の/はゝその紅葉/ちりぬへみ/よるさへみよと/てらす月影@the deep red oak leaves / of Saho Mountain will soon / fall even at night / the moonlight gleams brightly to / display their autumn beauty /
282KW000282m関雄おく山の/いはかきもみち/散ぬへし/てるひの光/みる時なくて@within the sheer cliffs / autumn leaves must have fallen-- / there is no time when / the sun's light touches them so / deep these mountains where they lie /
283KW000283m@読人不知/平城天皇龍田川/紅葉みたれて/なかるめり/わたらは錦/中やたえなん@a covering of / bright scattered leaves floats on / Tatsuta River-- / were I to ford the waters / the brocade would tear in half /
284KW000284n読人不知/人麿龍田川/紅葉はなかる/神なひの/みむろの山に/時雨ふるらし@the brilliant autumn / leaves float by on Tatsuta / River freezing rains / must already be falling / on holy Mount Mimuro /
285KW000285n読人不知戀しくは/見てもしのはん/紅葉はを/吹なちらしそ/山おろしのかせ@these fallen autumn / leaves I've come to hold so dear-- / oh chill winds that blow / down from the mountains do not / sweep them from my yearning gaze /
286KW000286n読人不知秋風に/あへすちりぬる/もみちはの/行ゑさためぬ/我そ悲しき@I whose fate so much / resembles that of fallen / leaves tossed by fiercely / blowing tempests of autumn-- / how melancholy I am /
287KW000287n読人不知あきはきぬ/紅葉はやとに/ふりしきぬ/道ふみ分て/とふ人はなし@autumn has surely / come colored leaves carpet the / ground before my house-- / no visitor treads a path / through ever-deepening drifts /
288KW000288n読人不知ふみ分て/さらにやとはん/紅葉はの/ふりかくしてし/道と見なから@shall I tread a path / through them to visit again-- / even though I cannot / see the road deeply buried / beneath brilliant drifts of leaves /
289KW000289n読人不知秋の月/山へさやかに/てらせるは/おつる紅葉の/かすをみよとか@the autumn moon shines / brilliantly upon the / mountain range to show / us the very number of / the fallen colored leaves /
290KW000290n読人不知吹風の/色のちくさに/みえつるは/秋のこのはの/ちれは成けり@the colors of autumn / visible in the thousand / changing hues of the / blowing wind are swirling leaves / tossed about by passing gusts /
291KW000291m関雄霜のたて/露のぬきこそ/よはからし/山の錦の/をれはかつちる@no sooner woven / than it tears and falls to shreds-- / fragile brocade of / the mountains a weft of dew / on a warp of autumn frost /
292KW000292m遍昭わひ人の/分て立よる/このもとは/たのむかけなく/紅葉散けり@there is no shelter / here beneath these trees where one / who fled the world has / finally made his way the / leaves of autumn have fallen /
293KW000293m素性紅葉はの/なかれてとまる/みなとには/紅ふかき/*浪やたつらん/*5浪そたちけるイ@there in the harbor / where the waters come to rest / deep red must be the / waves that rise as the floating / autumn leaves swirl and eddy /
294KW000294m業平ちはやふる/神代もきかす/立田川/から紅に/水くゝるとは@unheard of even / in the stories of the age / of the awesome gods-- / the waters of Tatsuta / stream dyed a Chinese red /
295KW000295m敏行我きつる/かたもしられす/くらふ山/木ゝのこのはの/散とまかふに@the way I came is / indistinguishable now-- / for Mount Kurabu / conceals my path with curtains / of colorful autumn leaves /
296KW000296m忠岑神なひの/みむろの山を/秋行は/錦たちきる/心ちこそすれ@in the autumn when / I go to Mount Mimuro / the holy place I / feel as though I wear a rich / brocade cut from autumn hues /
297KW000297m貫之みる人も/なくて散ぬる/おく山の/紅葉はよるの/錦成けり@deep in the mountains / they have fallen with no one / to see their splendor-- / these autumn leaves are a rich / brocade spread in the dark night /
298KW000298m兼覧王立田姫/たむくる神の/あれはこそ/秋のこのはの/ぬさとちるらめ@Tatsuta princess / of autumn spreads offerings for / a safe journey as / she goes like prayer strips scattering / to the ground colored leaves fall /
299KW000299m貫之秋の山/紅葉をぬさと/たむくれは/すむ我さへそ/たひ心ちする@imagining these / colored leaves of autumn are / prayer strips offered / to the gods even I who / live here feel I'm traveling /
300KW000300m深養父神なひの/山を過行/秋なれは/龍田川にそ/ぬさはたむくる@because autumn is / returning crossing over / Kannabi Mountain / she offers crimson prayer / strips at Tatsuta River /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $