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251KW000251m淑望もみちせぬ/ときはの山は/吹風の/音にや秋を/きゝわたるらん@no autumn colors / appear on Mount Tokiwa / its green is constant-- / is it the sound of the wind / that carries fall to my ears /
252KW000252n読人不知霧立て/かりそ鳴なる/かた岡の/朝の原は/もみちしぬらむ@autumu haze rises / while the wild geese cry over / Ashita Meadow / in Kataoka surely / the leaves have turned to scarlet /
253KW000253n読人不知神な月/時雨もいまた/ふらなくに/かねてうつろふ/神なひのもり@the early winter / rains of the godless tenth month / have yet to fall but / already the leaves turn bright / in the consecrated grove /
254KW000254n読人不知ちはやふる/神なひ山の/紅葉はに/思ひはかけし/うつろふものを@oh awesome sacred / mountain I will not lose my / heart to your brightly / colored leaves for the loveliest / things are doomed to fade and fall /
255KW000255m勝臣おなしえを/わきて木のはの/うつろふは/西こそ秋の/はしめ成けれ@though these branches / spring from a single trunk bright / hues adorn only / one side surely it is true / that autumn rises in the west /
256KW000256m貫之秋風の/吹にし日より/をとは山/みねの梢も/色付にけり@since that day when we / first heard this soughing of the / wind on Otowa / Mountain even the treetops / on the peak have changed color /
257KW000257m敏行白露の/色はひとつを/いかにして/秋の木のはを/ちゝにそむらん@the color of dew / is but an unblemished white-- / how is it that this / one hue can dye the leaves of / autumn trees a thousand shades /
258KW000258m忠岑秋の夜の/露をはつゆと/をきなから/かりの涙や/のへをそむらむ@is this merely the / dew of an autumn night or / have the red tears of / the wild geese dyed the fields with / the myriad hues of fall /
259KW000259n読人不知秋の露/色〈々〉ことに/をけはこそ/山の木のはの/ちくさなるらめ@it must be because / the autumn dew settles in / various colors-- / the leaves of trees on distant / mountains show a thousand hues /
260KW000260m貫之しら露も/時雨もいたく/もる山は/下葉残らす/色付にけり@on Moru Mountain / the white drops of dew and the / cold rains have seeped through / to the leaves of the lowest / boughs and dyed them all fall hues /
261KW000261m元方雨ふれと/露ももらしを/かさとりの/山はいかてか/もみちそめ劔@neither rain nor dew / could pass through Kasatori / Mountain's sheltering / parasol how can those leaves / be dyed in bright autumn hues /
262KW000262m貫之ちはやふる/神のいかきに/はふくすも/秋にはあへす/うつろひにけり@even the arrowroot / climbing the sacred fences / of the awesome gods / cannot hold back autumn it / too has donned its bright array /
263KW000263m忠岑雨ふれは/かさとり山の/紅葉はゝ/行かふ人の/袖さへそてる@the rain-glossed leaves of / Mount Kasatori are so / brilliant that their hues / reflect even from the sleeves / of all the passersby /
264KW000264n読人不知ちらねとも/かねてそおしき/紅葉はゝ/今は限の/色とみつれは@they have not yet / begun to fall but already / I regret their passing / when I see the colors of / the autumn leaves at their peak /
265KW000265m友則たかための/錦なれはか/秋霧の/さほの山へを/たちかくすらん@for whose pleasure is / this freshly woven pattern / of brocade hidden-- / autumn mists slowly rise to / cover Mount Saho's bright slopes /
266KW000266n読人不知秋霧は/けさはなたちそ/さほ山の/はゝその紅葉/よそにてもみん@oh mists of autumn / please just this one morning let / me see from afar / the brilliant autumn-tinged leaves / of the oaks on Mount Saho /
267KW000267m是則さほ山の/はゝその色は/うすけれと/秋はふかくも/成にける哉@although the colors / of the oaks on Mount Saho / are still shallow and / faint already we have reached / the mournful depths of autumn /
268KW000268m業平うへしうへは/秋なき時や/さかさらん/花こそちらめ/ねさへかれめや@if it has been well / planted it will fail to bloom / only if autumn / should not come though the petals / scatter the roots will not die /
269KW000269m敏行久かたの/雲の上にて/みる菊は/あまつほしとそ/あやまたれける@the chrysanthemums / seen in the clouds far above / the common people / seemed to be clusters of / stars in the distant heavens /
270KW000270m友則露なから/おりてかさゝん/菊の花/おいせぬ秋の/ひさしかるへく@to wear in my hair / I plucked a chrysanthemum / with dew still clinging / to it oh may this present / autumn's youth last forever /
271KW000271m千里うへし時/花まちとをに/ありし菊/うつろふ秋に/あはんとや見し@how impatiently / I planted and awaited / you chrysanthemum / did I ever imagine / we would meet in fading fall /
272KW000272m道真秋風の/吹上にたてる/白菊は/花かあらぬか/波のよす〔るか〕@white chrysanthemums / standing in the rushing winds / on autumn beaches / at Fukiage are they / blossoms or are they breaking waves /
273KW000273m素性ぬれてほす/山路の菊の/露のまに/いつか千年を/我はへにけん@on the mountain road / dew from the chrysanthemums / drenched my hem in the / instant it took to dry can / a thousand years have flashed by /
274KW000274m友則花見つゝ/人まつ時は/白妙の/袖かとのみそ/あやまたれける@awaiting him I / view the blossoms and then am / startled to mistake / them for the white hempen sleeves / of the robe I long to see /
275KW000275m友則ひともとゝ/思ひし花を/おほさはの/池のそこにも/たれかうへけむ@I had thought there was / but a single blossom here-- / who could have planted / that other one there in the / depths of Osawa Pond /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $