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226KW000226m遍昭なにめてゝ/おれるはかりそ/女郎花/われおちにきと/人にかたるな@I plucked you only / because your name entranced me / oh maiden flower / please do not tell all the world / that I have broken my vows /
227KW000227m今道女郎花/うしと見つゝそ/ゆきすくる/おとこ山にし/たてりと思へは@I passed by the sweet / maiden flowers wretchedly / I but looked at them / thinking that they grow in gay / array on slopes of Mount Man /
228KW000228m敏行秋のゝに/やとりはすへし/女郎花/なをむつましみ/たひならなくに@let's sleep tonight in / fields of autumn's abundance-- / oh maiden flowers / your name holds us here though we've / not set out on a journey /
229KW000229m美材女郎花/おほかる野邊に/やとりせは/あやなくあたの/名をやたちなん@if we sleep tonight / here in the meadow filled with / sweet maiden flowers / gossips will call us fickle / inconstant and all for nought /
230KW000230m時平女郎花/秋のゝ風に/うちなひき/心ひとつを/たれによすらん@oh maiden flowers / you who so delicately / bend and sway before / the autumn wind to whom have / you surrendered your light hearts /
231KW000231m定方秋ならて/あふことかたき/女郎花/あまのかはらに/おひぬ物ゆへ@we never see you / but in autunm sweet maiden / flowers yet it is / not along the banks ef that / river of heaven that you grow /
232KW000232m貫之たか秋に/あらぬ物ゆへ/女郎花/なそ色に出て/またきうつろふ@maiden flowers why / fade so openly before / your time it's not that / autumn comes to you alone / or that we have tired of you /
233KW000233m躬恒妻こふる/鹿そ鳴なる/をみなへし/をのかすむのゝ/花としらすや@that buck crying out / for his love mate does he not / recognize you oh / maiden flower swaying here / in the meadow where he lives /
234KW000234m躬恒をみなへし/吹過てくる/秋風は/めにはみえねと/かこそしるけれ@oh maiden flowers / the autumn wind which blows through / rustling fields carries / your tantalizing fragrance / though it is invisible /
235KW000235m忠岑人のみる/ことやくるしき/女郎花/秋霧にのみ/立かくるらん@does it pain you to / be on display oh maiden / flowers is that why / you hide your charms in meadows / enveloped in autumn mists /
236KW000236m忠岑ひとりのみ/なかむるよりは/をみなへし/わかすむやとに/うへてみましを@rather than suffer / solitary reveries / oh maiden flowers-- / how I wish I could transplant / you to the place where I live /
237KW000237m兼覧王女郎花/うしろめたくも/みゆるかな/あれたる宿に/ひとりたてれは@oh maiden flower / how pitiful you seem to / me standing there / all alone and abandoned at / that dilapidated house /
238KW000238m貞文花にあかて/なにかへるらん/女郎花/おほかるのへに/ねなましものを@oh maiden flowers / why should we return to our / home when we would still / admire you oh that we could / sleep in your thick bed of bloom /
239KW000239m敏行なに人か/きてぬきかけし/ふちはかま/くる秋ことに/のへをにほはす@who was it who wore / them here and then hung them up-- / these purple trousers / each autumn when I come to / these fields I smell their fragrance /
240KW000240m貫之やとりせし/人の形見か/藤はかま/忘られかたき/かにゝほひつゝ@a remembrance / of someone who once slept here ? / these purple trousers / perfumed with a lasting and / unforgettable fragrance /
241KW000241m素性ぬししらぬ/かこそにほへれ/秋のゝに/たかぬきかけし/藤はかまそも@a sweet perfume / blended by an unknown hand blows / across autumn fields-- / who removed and hung them here-- / purple trousers of the meadows /
242KW000242m貞文今よりは/うへてたに見し/花薄/ほにいつる秋は/わひしかりけり@never again will / I plant it in my garden-- / flowering plume grass-- / for autumn when it opens / is unbearably lonesome /
243KW000243m棟梁秋のゝの/草のたもとか/花すゝき/ほにいてゝまねく/袖とみゆらん@are they the flowing / sleeves of the autumn grasses / in the ripening fields / the waving tassels appear / to be beckoning to us now /
244KW000244m素性われのみや/哀と思はん/蛬/なくゆふかけの/やまとなてしこ@am I alone in / being moved in the light of / the setting sun / kirigirisu cry as / fragile carnations nod /
245KW000245n読人不知みとりなる/ひとつ草とそ/春は見し/秋は色ゝの/花にそ有ける@In spring when all the / grasses wore green I thought them / all the same autumn / is the season when nature / clothes herself in many hues /
246KW000246n読人不知もゝ草の/花のひもとく/秋のゝに/思ひたはれん/人なとかめそ@in the autumn fields / where myriad blooms loosen / the sashes of their buds / how I would disport myself-- / onlookers please cast no blame /
247KW000247n読人不知月草に/衣はすらん/あさ露に/ぬれての後は/うつろひぬとも@I will print my robe / with fleeting moongrass flowers-- / what care I if it / quickly fades when dampened by / the heavy dew of morning /
248KW000248m遍昭里はあれて/人はふりにし/やとなれや/庭も籬も/あきののらなる@perhaps because this / village is desolate / its inhabitant / grown old both garden and fence / have become autumnal fields /
249KW000249m康秀吹からに/秋の草木の/しほるれは/むへ山かせを/あらしといふらん@as soon as the gales / begin to rage autumn trees / and grass bend before / them no wonder they call this / wind from the mountains Tempest /
250KW000250m康秀草も木も/色かはれとも/わたつ海の/波の花にそ/秋なかりける@although the grasses / and trees have all been transformed / the white-capped blooms of / the sea-crossing waves show no / sign of impending autumn /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $