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176KW000176n読人不知戀々て/あふよはこよひ/天川/霧たち渡り/あけすもあらなん@fmally it is / our long-awaited meeting night-- / may the autumn mists / spread across the river of / heaven that dawn may never come /
177KW000177m友則天川/あさせしら浪/たとりつゝ/わたりはてねは/あけそしにける@frantically I / wandered the shallow shoals of / the great river of / heaven still lost amidst the / white waves when dawn lit the sky /
178KW000178m興風契りけん/心そつらき/七夕の/年に一たひ/逢はあふかは@our one promised night / of the year will it come to / pass Tanabata / oh too cruel is the young / heart that would deny me this /
179KW000179m躬恒年毎に/逢とはすれと/七夕の/ぬるよのかすそ/すくなかりける@although it is true / they meet each year for the night / of Tanabata / how few the nights they have shared / meetings of embracing arms /
180KW000180m躬恒七夕に/かしつるいとの/うちはへて/年のをなかく/こひやわたらん@can I sustain my / love a long-spun year a time / that stretches far as / the threads offered up for love's / success on Tanabata /
181KW000181m素性こよひこん/人にはあはし/七夕の/久しき程に/まちもこそすれ@I shall not meet the / one who will come tonight for / ever after I / will wait for the widely spaced / meetings of Tanabata /
182KW000182m宗于今はとて/わかるゝ時は/天川/わたらぬさきに/袖そひちぬる@the time to depart / has come I have yet to cross / the great river of / heaven but already my / sleeves are drenched and will not dry /
183KW000183m忠岑けふよりは/いまこん年の/昨日をそ/いつしかとのみ/待わたるへき@from today I must / await so impatiently / so anxiously the / coming year's celebration / of yesterday's Tanabata /
184KW000184n読人不知このまより/もりくる月の/影みれは/心つくしの/秋はきにけり@when I see the moon's / light seep down through now-barren / trees I realize / how truly autumn has come / to vanquish my strength of heart /
185KW000185n読人不知大かたの/秋くるからに/我身こそ/悲しき物と/思ひしりぬれ@when autumn has come / to everyone and to / everything then / I understand that it is / my own self which is mournful /
186KW000186n読人不知わかために/くる秋にしも/あらなくに/虫のねきけは/まつそかなしき@although autumn does / not come for my sake alone-- / I am saddened / first when I hear the lonely / piping of the insects' calls /
187KW000187n読人不知物ことに/秋そかなしき/もみちつゝ/うつろひ行を/限と思へは@autumn is mournful / in all its aspects even / the coloring and / fading of the leaves makes me / understand this is the end /
188KW000188n読人不知ひとりぬる/とこは草葉に/あらねとも/秋くるよひは/露けかりけり@although this bed on / which I sleep alone tonight / is not made of grass / the mournful autumn evening / covers it with chilly dew /
189KW000189n読人不知いつはとは/時はわかねと/秋のよそ/物思ふことの/限成けり@though any season / may bring a spell of sadness / the autumn night weights / us with the most difficult / burden of melancholy /
190KW000190m躬恒かくはかり/おしと思ふよを/いたつらに/ねてあかすらん/人さへそうき@how deplorable / those who would simply pass the / night in sleep idly / greeting the dawn when it is / this very night that I love /
191KW000191n読人不知白雲に/はねうちかはし/とふ鴈の/かすさへみゆる/秋の夜の月@flying wing in wing / across the white clouds of the / night sky the wild geese / go their very number / vivid beneath the autumn moon /
192KW000192n読人不知さよなかと/夜はふけぬらし/鴈かねの/きこゆる空に/月わたるみゆ@as night deepens it / seems midnight must be near for / only the cries of the / wild geese are heard and the moon / has climbed high in the dark sky /
193KW000193m千里月みれは/ちゝに物こそ/悲しけれ/我身ひとつの/秋にはあらねと@when I gaze upon / that brilliant moon a thousand / things burden me with / sadness though surely autumn / does not come for me alone /
194KW000194m忠岑久かたの/月のかつらも/秋は猶/もみちすれはや/てりまさるらん@does the broad autumn / moon shine so much more brightly / because it wants to / cover the moon laurel too / in radiant fall leaves /
195KW000195m元方秋のよの/月の光し/あかけれは/くらふの山も/こえぬへら也@is it because of / the brilliance of the glowing / autumn moon that one / can cross even the awesome / Dark Mountain this magic night /
196KW000196m忠房蛬/いたくななきそ/秋の夜の/なかき思ひは/我そまされる@kirigirisu-- / do not grieve so chirping / crickets my prolonged / sorrows this long autumn night / are greater even than yours /
197KW000197m敏行 秋のよの/あくるもしらす/なく虫は/わかこと物や/悲しかるらん@on this long autumn / night oh crying insects not / even noticing / the gathering light of dawn-- / can you be as sad as I /
198KW000198n読人不知秋はきも/色つきぬれは/蛬/わかねぬことや/よるはかなしき@is it the autumn-- / tinged bush clover whose leaves will / soon wither that keeps / you too chirping cricket / from sleep the night is so sad /
199KW000199n読人不知秋のよは/露こそことに/さむからし/草むらことに/虫のわふれは@on autumn nights the / dew seems especially cold-- / for in each brown tuft / of grass dying insects are / murmuring their sad complaints /
200KW000200n読人不知きみ忍ふ/草にやつるゝ/故郷は/まつ虫のねそ/かなしかりける@in this decaying / house where I grow pale and thin / under the grasses / of longing how sadly sounds / the cry of the pine cricket /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $